They should be sued until the heirs of the Pfizer executives 5 generations from now have gotten exactly zero money.
And his parents were prison guards. He still drank from the liberal establishment cauldron.A
lot of tarded repubs I know think he’s the cats pajamas.
Explain this to me as if I’m an bammer fan
Explain this to me as if I’m an bammer fan
lot of tarded repubs I know think he’s the cats pajamas.
Yah how do you constitutionally remove a SCOTUS Priest.How in the fuck do we get Thomas to take over as Chief? Fuck you Roberts
Netenyahu promised Hernandez the He would stop DOJ from prosecuting, if Hernandez kept the flow going.
Some of you will take any ridiculous tweet and run with it regardless of how there's no apparent news or truth in a word of it.Israel Saved For Last
A Fucking Brain Stem Hair Lipped Fucking Moron.As Jack Handey reminds us, “If you think a weaknesses can be turned into strengths, I hate to tell you this, but that's just another weakness.”
Old-Man Grassley's Kicking Your Old-Man Ass Today
Tearing Up That Hilton "Resort"
We Expect More Out of a LACer
Get Cracking!
don't go near a schoolIs rhat
Damn Bud im eaten up with Chiggers right now. Last day of Turkey hunting Season here in SC, got me good. Had pink nail polish on my sacto rid them
What's Up on Twatter Tuesday
First Brittney and Now Hillary
And Would
Edit She's Mine Don't Even Think About It @FreeMiner
Old-Man Grassley's Kicking Your Old-Man Ass Today
Tearing Up That Hilton "Resort"
We Expect More Out of a LACer
Get Cracking!
Old-Man Grassley's Kicking Your Old-Man Ass Today
Tearing Up That Hilton "Resort"
We Expect More Out of a LACer
Get Cracking!
What's Up on Twatter Tuesday
First Brittney and Now Hillary
And Would
Edit She's Mine Don't Even Think About It @FreeMiner