Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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According to data from over 5,000 Walgreens stores, the unvaccinated have the lowest incidence of COVID.

Those with three doses, with their last dose taken over five months ago have the highest COVID rate at 31.3%.
I think this is hard to rely on because the multijabbers are much more likely to go seek out a test if they have a sniffle. The only test I’m getting is for travel out of the country.
Folks just dropping dead? Stop it. I’m all for facts that people want to deny being topics. This is one is just comical imo.
Saying the jabbed are property and not human and can therefore be killed (not murdered) is even more ridiculous. I also don’t buy for a second that the vaccine is some Trojan horse into people’s bodies. If somebody wants to spread a virus they could just release it the old fashioned way like in rainbow six. I also don’t believe there is some frequency on ventilators killing people. Drugs? Sure. Some magical waves? Nah.

I believe the rest of it though.
Saying the jabbed are property and not human and can therefore be killed (not murdered) is even more ridiculous. I also don’t buy for a second that the vaccine is some Trojan horse into people’s bodies. If somebody wants to spread a virus they could just release it the old fashioned way like in rainbow six. I also don’t believe there is some frequency on ventilators killing people. Drugs? Sure. Some magical waves? Nah.

I believe the rest of it though.
Who was that crazy fuck on tMB that blamed 5g for everything? He was fucking crazy.

Take a Break and Get In Here We Need You On This One

Decent thread. To me, this is Durham’s real purpose for this entire indictment and briefing fight:

[Wherenotedinthepatterninstruction,theSpecialCounselproposesreading or summarizing the Indictment. If summarizing, the Special Counsel proposes the following: “The Indictment in this case alleges that, on or about September 19, 2016, Mr. Sussmann, did willfully and knowingly make a materially false, fictitious, and fraudulent statement or representation in a matter before the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1001(a)(2), namely, that Mr. Sussmann stated to the General Counsel of the FBI that he was not acting on behalf of any client in conveying particular allegations.”

Mr. Sussmann proposes summarizing, rather than reading, the Indictment and adding the following clause to the summary, as indicated with underlining: “. . . on behalf of any client in conveying particular allegations concerning Donald Trump, when, in fact, he was acting on behalf of specific clients, namely, Rodney Joffe and the Clinton Campaign.”]

Durham has boxed him in. Either Sussman is found guilty of lying to the FBI about the RICO conspiracy, or he has admitted to being paid to advance the RICO conspiracy against Trump (which was set up in this case and briefing but will be prosecuted in future unsealed indictments). They tried to flip Sussman and he refused (for various reasons) so he was the first to go to trial and start exposing the RICO case.
Folks just dropping dead? Stop it. I’m all for facts that people want to deny being topics. This is one is just comical imo.
But if you remember and think back to January-ish of 2020...This thread was dropping bombs with videos out of China. In those videos, people were dropping dead. they were also bleeding out of their mouths and nose. Now, we all agree we can't just run to trust and believe any or all the videos coming out of China, but at that time, we hadn't seen anything like that.

If we're going to believe the lockdown videos coming out of Shanghai right now, then those videos we saw in January of 2020 are also more believable.

To be clear, I don't know what to believe. I have days where I think we're gaining ground and I have days where I feel like we're dying a death of 1000 cuts. However, at this point, I cannot dismiss anything we're breaking down here as 'comical'.
But if you remember and think back to January-ish of 2020...This thread was dropping bombs with videos out of China. In those videos, people were dropping dead. they were also bleeding out of their mouths and nose. Now, we all agree we can't just run to trust and believe any or all the videos coming out of China, but at that time, we hadn't seen anything like that.

If we're going to believe the lockdown videos coming out of Shanghai right now, then those videos we saw in January of 2020 are also more believable.

To be clear, I don't know what to believe. I have days where I think we're gaining ground and I have days where I feel like we're dying a death of 1000 cuts. However, at this point, I cannot dismiss anything we're breaking down here as 'comical'.
I don't recall any of us in these threads believing that bullshit back then, and sure don't believe it now. Most of us new this is an information war, and this is all just propaganda.

Anyhow, in the good news department, our idiot NYC Mayor finally relented and my unvaxxed kid can now go to her prom. Thank God I have raised a smart and patient kid that respects her parents. Now we just have to get rid of the college mandates and the employer mandates here in NYC and NYS. Although, I may end up coming South to find a doctor that will say in writing that this is not medically necessary and risky.

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