Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Michael Knowles had a video today where he said he knows why the media, dnc and even some pubs are going so hard at Madison Cawthorne.... Apparently Cawthorne gave an interview where he said he was invited to a party with a bunch of politicians when he was 16. He said they had a huge pile of coke and tons of teens were there partying. Cawthorne said in the interview that they'll probably come after him for mentioning it... fast forward one weel... LOL.
Is that a separate incident then the one he is catching hell for now? The one about orgies and cocaine?
Here in WV we are the butt of every joke. But let me tell you that the good people that live here that are not on drugs are the salt of the earth. We voted more pro Trump than any other state but we also have a democratic senator that we vote back in every time and he has imo saved us temporarily from total destruction.

The founding fathers built the greatest system of government in the history of the world. City people shouldnt decide all the issues. Libs can't understand it but I am so proud of all the country people in every state that believe a baby needs a chance and abortion isn't a contraceptive.

I have doubts about Trump. His support of the vax is such a red flag and then Dr oz.

I feel like Desantis is the future if we have one. I loved Trump so much but he is either a pawn or a stupid bastard. And he isn't stupid if you know what I mean. Read the writing on the wall, Trump played us and it was part of the plan but smart people didn't believe him when they sprung covid on us. It is time that more of you realize Trump might not be on the good team.

No, Oklahoma had zero blue counties. I’d support you saying WV was second at best.
My theory for the lockdowns in China. They had been stockpiling food for a few years. They have been buying up raw resources for years. They might be willing to just shit on the whole system and they figure they can rebuild out of the aftermath faster than anyone else and win without ever having to fight.... Sun would agree with that plan.

The lockdowns are to get rid of a sizeable portion of their population so that they have enough food and raw materials to make it through the hard times until 2025 for their rebuild. If a communist country runs a math problem and a few hundred million people need to die for the cause.... history has shown they will kill the shit out of them.

Found the Cawthorne interview. The guy interviewing is a retired ranger that served 6ish combat tours in the sand. He is a weapons trainer and has been doing some life stuff lately.... not really sure how much or how long but he used to just do weapons and tactics. He's a GA guy and is pretty conservative and family oriented.
Please Make Your Case

I've Heard Many Lectures From the Rice University Center for Nanotechnology

That Shit Will Blow Your Mind and They Just Talked About Some of the Declassified Items

I Have No Reason Not To Believe That Video
Folks just dropping dead? Stop it. I’m all for facts that people want to deny being topics. This is one is just comical imo.


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