I guess not exactly dox but I posted fagg fagg son’s picture and details about his shitty life over and over.Which libs did you dox?
I guess not exactly dox but I posted fagg fagg son’s picture and details about his shitty life over and over.Which libs did you dox?
This is what I'm trying to understand. Think either way we have a team built to be successful in the tourneyBama is pretty damn good. I don’t know if this is just a temporary stretch where they are hot and playing way above their heads or this can be the long-term norm for this team. But regardless today they are probably a top five team the way they are playing.
Same issue. Time to go mobileYes. WiFi won’t pull up the site, but mobile data will
It said "Suck Less" -DJTTrump left a note for Biden at the White House.
They'll be barking like a pack of wild dogs come this evening.Im pissed that Hollywood and celebs all the sudden get a voice again. It was so nice having them burried away the past 4 years
Yeah I don’t like doing dovetails. When I make a drawer, I just use a pocket hole jig. It may be the most valuable woodworking tool I own. Definitely has had a great ROI.This is the shit I build. Anything with easy angles, simple layout, no problem. I enjoy painting as well which most people hate.
But sitting for hours making dove tails or lathing a piece of wood ? Fvck that.
Out of curiosity, which is preferable, an AR or AK?I have an AR and now getting an AK. I have a Mossberg 500 Tactical. I have a an HnK VP 9.
I have a 16 and 20 gauge with 1000s upon 1000s of rounds of Ammo. O yea just bought my wife her own carry (the nations most popular gun) Im ok buddy. Plus Id just beat your ass so there's that
You are both blind and an idiot.I don’t see the Quote button anywhere, but everyone else is using it, so I must be blind or just an idiot.
There is QPlausible deniability.
She really does have a nice ass, the pics won’t let me post to here for some reason#NoAssitol
Out of curiosity, which is preferable, an AR or AK?
Interesting.Same issue. Time to go mobile
I’m just going to write in vote DJT for the rest of my life.I am going back to my old voting style that I went away from this election to vote straight R. I will vote the against the incumbent in every election, if the only choice is a socialist I will write in somebody. I will never again vote for someone that is currently in power.
go to duckduck go. google took it offI’m on my phone since the site isn’t loading on my laptop.
anyone else having g this issue?
Dude I like you but seriously knock it off. I know how you feel. Youre the guy who is done at half time if your team is losing pissed and Shit talking
knowing in your heart you hope it helps. this is different we know and Im lost for words as well. But Chill Brah
I misspoke...They stole the judiciary?
I find myself in disbelief and sadness as to how this was allowed to happen in the USA. And actually it’s pretty simple. Cancel culture won this war. We were all made to believe that if we fought back, we got doxxed and ultimately fired from our jobs. That’s where we all got scared. We didn’t want to lose our stuff. Most of the gents in this thread do pretty well for ourselves. I know I’ve built a nice life for my family. I don’t protest or fight too loudly because I don’t want to lose my job that provides this lifestyle. Once the libs figured that out, we were doomed. We LET them take our country from us. Now do any of us really have the stomach to risk that now that it is about to be taken anyway? That’s the real question. I’m not calling anyone out, I am 1000% guilty of this.
Hence why my stomach has been in knots for at least the last week or two. Realizing nothing may happen to these fucks and at the same time wanting to do something but can’t out of fear of losing everything.I find myself in disbelief and sadness as to how this was allowed to happen in the USA. And actually it’s pretty simple. Cancel culture won this war. We were all made to believe that if we fought back, we got doxxed and ultimately fired from our jobs. That’s where we all got scared. We didn’t want to lose our stuff. Most of the gents in this thread do pretty well for ourselves. I know I’ve built a nice life for my family. I don’t protest or fight too loudly because I don’t want to lose my job that provides this lifestyle. Once the libs figured that out, we were doomed. We LET them take our country from us. Now do any of us really have the stomach to risk that now that it is about to be taken anyway? That’s the real question. I’m not calling anyone out, I am 1000% guilty of this.
So the guy many thought was Q and who Q pushed had this to say about Q.
If this site gets deplatformed temporarily, you guys should know that I will be working
Could be just increased traffic. HopefullyIP block? Who blew the whistle?
Please let this be a classic case of "necessary disinformation"
That's what she said.Could be just increased traffic. Hopefully
Was hoping we could stay under the radar a bit longer.
We are making some back end changes right now
looooong but worth the watch/listen.I have heard this discussed before. Care to elaborate?
Ok- good luck to you.
Even if the Military arrests all of Congress in an hour, I’m done with politics. It has taken way too much of my time recently, especially given that it’s nothing I can do anything about. It’s now time to get back in touch with what is really important to me in life.