Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Absolutely one example is Chris Cristie convinced him to choose Wray at the FBI. Wray's firm had just got him acquitted in Bridge Gate.
Not to say he didn't make bad choices but to get positions filled or anything done in DC involves making deals. The Rino senators dictated a lot of the choices due to threats of not passing the things he wanted to get accomplished the most.
Plus Wray was Andrew Weissmann's boss when he destroyed Arthur Anderson and 86,000 jobs.
Absolutely one example is Chris Cristie convinced him to choose Wray at the FBI. Wray's firm had just got him acquitted in Bridge Gate.
Not to say he didn't make bad choices but to get positions filled or anything done in DC involves making deals. The Rino senators dictated a lot of the choices due to threats of not passing the things he wanted to get accomplished the most.

He should have made even more controversial interim appointments until they gave him who he wanted. Trump caving and appointing people like Wray wrecked his presidency.

Problem is, the entrenched republicans are just as guilty as the democrats, they'll never go along with a list of appointments who will out the truth. It's why Trump running in '24 is meaningless, just as the upcoming mid-terms are nothing but for show (if they actually happen).
He should have made even more controversial interim appointments until they gave him who he wanted. Trump caving and appointing people like Wray wrecked his presidency.

Problem is, the entrenched republicans are just as guilty as the democrats, they'll never go along with a list of appointments who will out the truth. It's why Trump running in '24 is meaningless, just as the upcoming mid-terms are nothing but for show (if they actually happen).

I like you & respect you. I think you bring much to this board.
If truly believe that Pubs as bad as some winning and blocking Biden's ship of fools for two years and Trump getting the Presidency for 4 more years after that is meaningless then I don't know what to say.
You appear to be in an all Government problems will not be corrected mindset when I am in a let's save our country for at least 6 more years mindset.
What am I missing?
Hindsight’s 20/20, but everyone who voted for Perot gave us the Clintons. Just sayin’. We already had the Bushes, but that also ushered in the Clintons.
My father who is in my picture, career command sergeant major, left me some things after he passed to talk about how everything that we believe is not really meant to be believed and to really question everything our government does. Although he was dealing with some pain and on some meds, he wasn’t that far gone to believe that I don’t I believe he knew that they were something awry with but we all think to be true. He bought it for pro as well and I questioned him like what do you mean you’re just giving it to the left and he said pretty much what we say is that it’s a uni party system anyway it really doesn’t matter but I didn’t believe them at the time.

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