Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
My father voted for Perot too. Not sure Clinton did any worse than Bush would have. Sadly it was many years later before I fully understood and woke up to the realities of what is going on.
I voted for Perot. Won’t vote for a third party again. This is the reason why Clinton got in. Bush had already turned the economy around although the results weren’t evident and momentum was building.
On the flip side Clinton gave us Lewinsky, the murdering, and pure entertainment.
Perot also paved the way for trump since Perot showed the way for a third party to get elected was to takeover one of the main parties.
Somebody is scared of child porn scrutiny.

This pairs well with the corrupt singing “death threats” every time they are accused of doing exactly what they did. “Trying to get people killed” is the new cry to silence speakers of truth.
Are we ready for some hangings? Not lynchings, those be banned now. As lynchings are racist but hangings are fine. Firing squads are ok but nothing like a good hanging. In the public square of course and after a quick but fair military trial. Otherwise that be lynching and those are racist. Hangings are not and therefore totally legal. Hang them from their necks till dead. All of’em!! Lynch, errr, hang’em high, till dead. Then give me my nesara/gesara for being lying thieving cunts and then we can go about installing a true Republic. But hang’em all first! SKOL!
I played a draw for a very long time off the tee for the purpose of more distance. It got to the point that I had to stop competing because I couldn't keep the ball on the course. I changed everything to a fade and I have been trying to improve on that for the last couple years. I have become a great driver of the golf ball because of it. I have also picked up yardage from where I originally started when hitting the fade. I still draw my irons mostly though.
I Have a slice so bad it needs a turn signal.
My father voted for Perot too. Not sure Clinton did any worse than Bush would have. Sadly it was many years later before I fully understood and woke up to the realities of what is going on.
Hindsight’s 20/20, but everyone who voted for Perot gave us the Clintons. Just sayin’. We already had the Bushes, but that also ushered in the Clintons.
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