Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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What’s the best thing to do when you get older and start to lose a bit of flexibility? I’m 61 and slowly getting there...still exercise and stretch, but it happens.
Solid question and something all of us want as we get older. The other pro at my club is a former touring pro and he has been after more yardage for a few years. He is currently 65 years old. About a year ago he started working with a product called Superspeed. He has gained 15-20 yards off the tee and a full club on his irons. He shot his age twice last year on a 7200 yard course as a 65 year old. I would recommend you keep stretching and exercising because, well, it is good for your health and combined with using other golf centric exercises, you will pick up speed. (core exercises are very important if you want more speed)

CIPS vs SWIFT. The five eyes and its cabal allies use SWIFT. China, Russia, India and a whole host of other countries have gone with CIPS as the attack on the cabal continues. They, CIPS vs SWIFT, have split and these sanctions on Russia don't mean didly squat. I think its back to the gold standard but I could be wrong. Rough seas ahead but I believe 'The Plan' is playing out. JMHO SKOL!
I recall Trump traveling to India and China and receiving a very warm welcome from both. I also recall Trump and Putin exchanging a soccer ball. Now these three are supposedly aligned against us. Not the American people per se. but the demons who control us and our 5-eye allies. JMHO, but quite an interesting time as the mouth breathers brace for a nuclear war that will never come. JMHO and as always SKOL to you radical free thinkers of the LAC!
Solid question and something all of us want as we get older. The other pro at my club is a former touring pro and he has been after more yardage for a few years. He is currently 65 years old. About a year ago he started working with a product called Superspeed. He has gained 15-20 yards off the tee and a full club on his irons. He shot his age twice last year on a 7200 yard course as a 65 year old. I would recommend you keep stretching and exercising because, well, it is good for your health and combined with using other golf centric exercises, you will pick up speed. (core exercises are very important if you want more speed)

I played a nice little fade for most of my golf life but I started playing a little draw for the past 4-5 years. I’ve found it gives me more roll.( It sucks playing with my 24 year old son now...he hits it way past me) The thing I’ve found with the draw is that I really have to be careful and stay within myself as a little “extra” is disastrous. My irons are still solid but I’ve lost a little distance...I’d like to have that back.
Solid question and something all of us want as we get older. The other pro at my club is a former touring pro and he has been after more yardage for a few years. He is currently 65 years old. About a year ago he started working with a product called Superspeed. He has gained 15-20 yards off the tee and a full club on his irons. He shot his age twice last year on a 7200 yard course as a 65 year old. I would recommend you keep stretching and exercising because, well, it is good for your health and combined with using other golf centric exercises, you will pick up speed. (core exercises are very important if you want more speed)

Interesting...I coached baseball for 30 plus years and the relationship with the ground is so real...everything really starts there...
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