Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Too fucking late. Pedocentric Disney made a fucking movie about that sick bastard. He's engrained in the psyche of even the dullest bulbs on the planet.
Fuck those pedos. That movie had 1k dislikes for every like. Yiu tube cut that shit off too. Stay faithful. We are beating them. Go listen to Mark Taylor prophecy 2016. Oddly enough he kinda nailed this shit so far. We just gotta slay the dragons and snakes.
Reminds me of another story.

My Dad sold houses in the early 60's. They had an old night watchman working for them. This codger drove an old 40ish car of some type. He was driving on one of the highways in Irving, Texas, going about 20-25. Some dude forced him off of the road and got out to come tell the old man off. The old man rolled down his window and the dude put both hand on the window sill and started going off on the oldster threatening to take him out of his car and whip his ass. The old man reached under his seat and grabbed a ball peen hammer. Bam! Bam! on each hand. My Dad asked, "What did you do then?" The old man said, "Nothing. I just drove away." "What did the other guy do?" "I don't know. The last I saw him he was jumping up and down holding his hands."
You ol GOAT lmfao
True story....I had a friend who was an Irish Immigrant. He was telling us a story of his youth in Dublin.
He used to go to week end dances all the time as a teenager. He was not real big physically.
He used to sew fish hooks under the lapels of his suit jacket.
He said the local tough guys would always grab him first by his lapels and get snagged in the fish hooks, then he would reach to his inside coat pocket and bring out a small ball peen hammer and hit them between the eyes.
He said it was always messy getting his suit coat back. Because they would be out cold and hanging off the coat.

That is a great story. Happy St Patrick's Day
True story....I had a friend who was an Irish Immigrant. He was telling us a story of his youth in Dublin.
He used to go to week end dances all the time as a teenager. He was not real big physically.
He used to sew fish hooks under the lapels of his suit jacket.
He said the local tough guys would always grab him first by his lapels and get snagged in the fish hooks, then he would reach to his inside coat pocket and bring out a small ball peen hammer and hit them between the eyes.
He said it was always messy getting his suit coat back. Because they would be out cold and hanging off the coat.

I have a client whose son kept climbing the fence to get out of their yard when he was a youngster. They couldn't find any way to keep him from going up and over the fence...until...he nailed carpet tack strips to both sides of the horizontal 2x4s.
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What did she say won't load for me.
Pretty much everything - fake news, ukraine corruption, puppet govt, media lies, globalist propaganda, nazi history of ukraine, deep state, named the whistleblower as a non whistleblower, worked for Schiff, traitor, Vindman traitor. She did about as thorough a rundown in just under 10 min as I've ever seen.
I just shake my head at this crap. Disney, looks like New Zealand,……… Why the fk haven’t we set up shop in CA and DC and just start arresting those pedos. Law Enforcement know who they are.
Anyone that would/could arrest a pedo in DC would be arrested by crooked DC cops on BS charges, locked up without bail, tried before a corrupt judge in DC, and serve time in a DC jail until the day he is suicided.

Or, many times they just cut straight to the suicided part. How many DC or Capital cops suicided just after Jan 6?
Anyone that would/could arrest a pedo in DC would be arrested by crooked DC cops on BS charges, locked up without bail, tried before a corrupt judge in DC, and serve time in a DC jail until the day he is suicided.

Or, many times they just cut straight to the suicided part. How many DC or Capital cops suicided just after Jan 6?
I agree w you. This is gonna take a minute or so. China is fucking w Xiden openly now. All those dirty rats are bought and paid for by Chyna and the Russians.
Edit it
Shitty link here is pic ninjasScreenshot_20220316-184735_DuckDuckGo.jpg
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