Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Who is this guy and is he credible at all?

You really think that story sounds realistic? Good guys are going around to nerdy qanon dudes giving them inside info and running background checks? Also does that moron seem like his best friend is one of main VPs at wells Fargo?

I hope it's all true, but this shit repeats itself a lot. Hopium is good way for grifters to get more subs and there are a lot of them.
According to this boards theologians this book is rubbish.
I got blasted for saying this was left out of the Bible..

btw there’s other books on mysticism that were purposely left out because the church didn’t want the commoners to know.

Enoch was left out of the bible, because it was never in the bible.

That many Hebrews and many early church fathers had this book doesn't mean there was some conspiracy to omit it. There are many books in this vein, such as the book of Jasher, that were widely held but omitted for simple reasons: they contradicted the rest of what was recognized as scripture by the Apostles, Christ himself, and early church fathers, and they were never recognized as inspired.

The book of Enoch says, among other things:

Enoch and Noah were contemporaries. Scripture tells us that Enoch was translated 69 years before Noah was born.
The book makes Enoch into an intermediary between angels and God, there is no such relationship in scripture.
Enoch says a being named Gadreel was the deceiver of mankind, the Bible tells us it was the great Dragon, that old serpent, the Devil, Satan.
Enoch has what it claims are righteous people praying to angels, something scripture forbids.
Enoch says angels built the ark, scripture makes it plain that Noah did.
Enoch claims it rained before the flood, scripture says it did not.
Enoch enters the Garden, in spite of scripture saying God placed an angel there to guard it that men might not enter ever again.

Jasher is just as bad. It calls Enoch the ruler of the Angels as opposed to Christ, claims Abraham's call was at age 50 instead of 75, claims it was 3 angels that visited Abraham rather than 2 angels and the preincarnate Christ, etc.

It's not a 4th century conspiracy that kept Enoch and other books out of canon. It was what was written in those books. Inconsistencies and errors.
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You really think that story sounds realistic? Good guys are going around to nerdy qanon dudes giving them inside info and running background checks? Also does that moron seem like his best friend is one of main VPs at wells Fargo?

I hope it's all true, but this shit repeats itself a lot. Hopium is good way for grifters to get more subs and there are a lot of them.
None of it made sense and I'm not on any sort of SM....had no idea who this guy is. If, it in fact did happen he would've been told to keep his mouth shut and not broadcast a word about it. Since it was posted on here I was simply wondering if anyone was familiar with him and if they thought even a portion of it held water.
I try to live by the old saying revised...from believe nothing you hear and half of what you see to believing nothing I hear especially from the MSM and a small percentage of what I see.


According to this boards theologians this book is rubbish.
I got blasted for saying this was left out of the Bible..

btw there’s other books on mysticism that were purposely left out because the church didn’t want the commoners to know.
It isn’t some conspiracy. The book doesn’t hold the the same standard, wasn’t written during the period it claims to have been dated, and actually doesn’t say anything new.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the Book of Enoch isn’t something a serious biblical scholar can objectively look at having any more authority than a power rangers show.
You really think that story sounds realistic? Good guys are going around to nerdy qanon dudes giving them inside info and running background checks? Also does that moron seem like his best friend is one of main VPs at wells Fargo?

I hope it's all true, but this shit repeats itself a lot. Hopium is good way for grifters to get more subs and there are a lot of them.
I see your point about the vp at Wells Fargo but remember camelluh is the vp. All morons know people.
Was talking to a guy who’s company imposed vaccine mandates. He refused and so did many others. His boss, a company executive vouched for him and the others. The boss told the company heads that if they force this, then they will lose 90% of their field crews. The company folded and let the field crews off the hook. Still required the design Engineers to vax because the designers are pussies.
More blood clots with young athletes

Good and bad here. The bad is people are having all sorts of problems after taking the Jabs. The good is that, with most, their minds are changing regarding the Jabs after having consequences. I suspect many of their friends, relatives and associates are also aware and reevaluating their prospective. Not everyone. Some still believe their MDs and the govt.

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