Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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OMG Loren Walensky, Dr Walensky's husband, received a $16.5 MILLION grant from HHS for a company he cofounded; it has received no other grants two year sin; HHS is the same agency where his wife worked, and she did not disclose this on her disclosure form. I was a WH spouse and you MUST DISCLOSE conflicts of interest such as this by law.

^^ that bitch needs jail time or worse^^

Maria Bartiromo yesterday, "Some people have told me over the weekend that they feel that, at the end of the day, this administration does not see Putin as the enemy, they see him as a partner, on many issues, they see him as a partner on climate change, they see him as a partner on Iran deal."

Bottom Line Central Banks Don't Have the Gold and Silver They Say They Do

LAC Has Known That Since Day 1

Most Every Ounce Has Been Rehypothicated +/- 7 Times

If You Want to Hold Precious Metals - Pay the Premium and Hold the Physical


If You Post An Article More Than a Few Paragraphs or a Video More Than 5 Minutes




Interesting theory:

Interesting theory. I will say to this line though;

"And if they’ll just wait until they’ve spent all their ammunition, been fully exposed , it can all just happen at once like taking candy from a baby;"

I doubt the bad guys, whoever they are, will run out of "ammunition." I am assuming that ammunition is not being used in the literal way and more of how they use diversion tactics. It seems like they always roll out something new every time a narrative breaks down.
Owning chickens might be the easiest pet I've ever had. Literally no effort. Feed and water them, clean the coop once every two weeks (takes like 15 minutes). They also cost nothing to feed, plus they love food scraps.

It's shocking how many eggs those bastards produce.

The only downside is that everything is trying to kill them and they are fucking stupid.
I forgot the best part of the chicken killing day.

So the director also had egg birds, a dozen or so that would run around the yard/hatchery grounds. So we're processing the meat birds, washing blood and guts and stuff off of them before packaging and sometimes the /stuff went to an overflow pipe off the sink which just fed to the driveway drain. The egg birds would sit at the end of this pipe and eat all of the guts/organs/whatever else came from their fallen comrades.
Owning chickens might be the easiest pet I've ever had. Literally no effort. Feed and water them, clean the coop once every two weeks (takes like 15 minutes). They also cost nothing to feed, plus they love food scraps.

It's shocking how many eggs those bastards produce.

The only downside is that everything is trying to kill them and they are fucking stupid.
Nothing like having chickenshit squeeze up between your toes as you run around barefooted.

I saw my grandfather shoot many an animal getting into his chicken coops and a couple of snakes. Also saw him lop the heads off chickens and watched them run around the yard squirting before keeling over.

Those were the days in rural Texas in the 50s-60s.
Good. I hope that bitch Hidalgo, sausage jockey Turner and Shithead Jackass Lee all go down too....I know they were involved as well.
Reminds me when True The Vote did an investigation into Houston voting and found numerous people registered at vacant lots in SJLee's district. When they were about to examine the voting machines the warehouse housing them mysteriously burned up and what didn't was damaged by water.
I forgot the best part of the chicken killing day.

So the director also had egg birds, a dozen or so that would run around the yard/hatchery grounds. So we're processing the meat birds, washing blood and guts and stuff off of them before packaging and sometimes the /stuff went to an overflow pipe off the sink which just fed to the driveway drain. The egg birds would sit at the end of this pipe and eat all of the guts/organs/whatever else came from their fallen comrades.
Once when I worked at another firm, we were talking about the worst jobs we'd heard of. One guy had worked at a chicken processing plant. He said that they would hang chickens on a wire, which ran like a assembly line that dipped them in water and then shocked them before dropping them off at the end.

He said one guys job was to stay at the end of the line and kill any chickens that had survived. He had a pole with a big blade on the end. At least he got to wear a raincoat.

Re: ABC poll article. New China virus, rising gas prices and everything else, lockdowns returning and mail-in balloting coming for November. The theft will be as blatant and open as any elections we've seen in Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, China, ...

Illnesses and deaths will be blamed on the new virus but in actuality will be caused by the Jabs.

My tale of the primary election 2 weeks ago.

I go to the site to vote. We vote in a huge church (converted grocery store). The line to vote is long as the voting area is in the rear of the building. There is a special place for handicapped voters in the entry and they allowed curbside voting too. Paper ballots given which are put in the touch screen voting machine. Touch screen machine wheeled out to the curbside for voters. Make you selections and press PRINT. Votes printed on paper ballot to be scanned through a scanner and put directly into a locked box by the voter. That's how it should be...

At the handicap and curbside voting sites there were no scanners. Only one in the entire church is in the back. Completed ballots at both these places were placed in an envelop and voters were told they would be taken to the rear and scanned when the envelop was full. I never saw them take the ballots to the rear. No clue if they were recorded or trashed. Chain of custody nonexistent.

Since it's a heavily democratic district with 10-15 candidates running to replace retiring 40-year Congresswoman, I'm guessing they were scanned.

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