Interesting thought.
The global reset was supposed to begin with hillary in the WH. Trump fucked up those plans in a big way thanks to the people (military) who persuaded him to run. Rudy, Powell...... were all a distraction to keep the voter fraud in a public eye and to piss off the msm. This has been aThere is no more normal. They mean to have a global "reset" in 2021, which is why they were so hell-bent on getting Trump out, no matter how obvious the fraud. All the media coalesced to the fraud, many republican senators were compromised, they bought off foxnews, and according to a # of people, Trump's own lawyers have been there every step of the way, making sure Trump doesn't fight. Keep in mind, the only reason the investigations into dem fraud died on the vine was because senate and house republican leadership refused to fight. If they were united with Trump, the fight would have eventually unveiled the theft.
The chinese communists and european globalists will own our government the moment Biden gets those codes. They already own our generals, they own the media, our universities, they own big tech. Just look at the fools in the NBA calling their own country racist, while bending their knee to slave state China and its concentration camps.
And people can rally to vote until the day they turn to dust, Trump rallied more people to vote than anyone in history, and they cast him aside with hardly a fight.
I believe that if the coming of Jesus Christ is near, then the most likely scenario for the prophetic pieces of the bible fitting together is that Biden would win, and he (or rather, the billionaires who control his puppet strings) would help usher in a global government. If we are at that time, then there is nothing we could do or could have done to change the outcome. I had hoped God would give us a 4 year respite from what is to come, but God has a calendar, and there is nothing man can do to change it. And if you are a believer, you had best hope that I'm right, that the coming of Christ is near, because this world is about to become a much less hospitable place for us.
If you really want to fuck up the economy start putting people in-charge of large corporations that have to make billion dollar decisions that don't know what they are doing. The pressure to put women, gays, blacks, hispanics, muslims as CEO or on the board will be are a racist bigot and a white supremacist
Here's to hoping you are right.The global reset was supposed to begin with hillary in the WH. Trump fucked up those plans in a big way thanks to the people (military) who persuaded him to run. Rudy, Powell...... were all a distraction to keep the voter fraud in a public eye and to piss off the msm. This has been a
military op from the get go and they've had 4 extra years to expose these treasonous fucks.
...and I’ll add, don’t believe anything the government says unless it says it’s going to kill you.Some of the best advice I ever received seems relevant right now for those of us who have been in this thread for a minute
Nothing is ever as good as it seems or as bad as it seems.
Calling AZ is peanuts compared to everything else they did. They're largely anti-Trump movement, and refused to report on the theft of the election.
RSBN's twitter has been banned for 12 hours on twitter. You can watch Trump's speech below.
When up is down and left is right, adjust your site. If nothing makes sense and nothing seems real, maybe it isn't. Maybe the movie is that good. He said nothing today to lesson my belief that the military and Patriots are in control. I'll fight alone! ZFG as the life of a non-conforming free thinker. Hold the fucking line!!! SKOL!!
You’re a cot damm idiot kys
I will tell you this right now brother I don’t see it. But I pray that I am wrong. I think the deep state and China colluding together was too powerful for Trump and Q and all of the patriots in this country. If I’m wrong like I said I will buy everybody drinks and I will swim the Potomac with you my friend
Remind me again what's happening in an hour?
Don’t think they were each 17 seconds long. Counted one and it was like 8-10 seconds tops.
Same...Just a thought, but maybe the release which was supposed to happen on Monday was pushed back because inauguration rehearsal was canceled. They can’t possibly release the info without having Biden where they need him to arrest him. Originally it may have been planned for earlier because they would have been able to secure the criminals prior to releasing.
Had they released the info before they have the criminals they could easily try and hide them. Also, why is Biden taking a private jet. He obviously doesn’t want to take any chances as long as it appears Trump is in charge. I didn’t think this farewell address would be anything but what it was regardless of whether there is a plan or not.
Maybe I’m grasping at straws but at this point it’s all we have. We’ve waited this long and we’ve held the line as best we could up to this point without going full on rebellion. What’s another 24 hours or less?
My stomach is in knots but I’m going to continue to hold the line until tomorrow at noon. After that, just as others have said, if nothing happens, I’m logging off of everything for a long time. At that point I’ll go back to living my boring life and I’m going to try and enjoy what freedoms we have left for as long as I can with my family. There’s nothing else we can do at that point.
Two words: voting machines.Somewhere in Arkansas a stripper is telling her child "your grandpa is going to be President tomorrow"
What a clown world we are living in now! I think enough people have woken up and 2 years we can flip the house and senate but not with Swamp rats
I’m looking forward to the Trump news network
With 26,000 troops protecting him, or nah?Biden in New CASTLE, Delaware, right now.![]()