So What The Hell Happens In Ezikiel 38 & 39?
All You Keep Quoting It
Are We All @died ?
BTW I'm Not Ready Yet - Living My Best Life - Tennis Game is Growing Scronger by the Day and Lots of Latinas and Asians Yet Left to Sleigh
And Besides That Haven't Had the Pleasure of Meeting All You Misfits & Deplorables in Vegas
Can We At Least Have The Bash Before The End-Times?
Asking for a Friend
All You Keep Quoting It
Are We All @died ?
BTW I'm Not Ready Yet - Living My Best Life - Tennis Game is Growing Scronger by the Day and Lots of Latinas and Asians Yet Left to Sleigh
And Besides That Haven't Had the Pleasure of Meeting All You Misfits & Deplorables in Vegas
Can We At Least Have The Bash Before The End-Times?
Asking for a Friend