This is also a good point — timely-filed indictments can be under seal.Just curious. Are things made public on the exact date things are filed?
This is also a good point — timely-filed indictments can be under seal.Just curious. Are things made public on the exact date things are filed?
Correct. also,No statute of limitations on treason. Also, if I recall correctly, in a RICO situation the statute of limitations doesn’t start to run on anyone until the last act by anyone is completed.
And he's right in that post. I tried it and got generally the same results as he posted.
Ukraine. That's the false flag.
*speculating on the flag.
Right. I think this was the “reported” false flag all along — that Russia would manufacture a “Ukrainian attack” on Mother Russia to which Russia would use to March across the border in retaliation.Reverse false-flag operation in effect.
Seriously....????Fox News just reported that Hillary is going to give a “comeback speech” tonight and showed back to back images of Hillary and Fake Hillary. They looked like two different people.
That is the strength of the execution brigade we faceAmerica is worse than Canada. America needs a big dose of FREEDOM TOO.
Whether he wanted to or not that was intimidation to suppress her God given inalienable right to free speech. These ridiculous three minute mandates and constant interruptions by petulant children are tactics to do the exact same thing. Diminish our rights! I am tired of dealing with these fuckers.That is the strength of the execution brigade we face
A fat, disgusting, neurotic pig who cannot operate when confronted with her own hypocrisy
Very interesting action by the could tell he wanted no part of it though followed orders and then did nothing
At this point we don't have to do anything spectacular, just stand and have some self respect
With those still imprisoned by their ego and fidelity to this charade, hopefully we can provide them a bridge to exit out. For some, they are in way too deep but assume people want a way put and hopefully we can help
One never knows how an ally is born
They're practically begging for violence.You don't fuck with people's dogs. IMO
Ottawa Police Department threatening to steal truckers dogs
She scared
They need to fry that bitch...I dont need any cliffs but I cant bring myself to hit play. I would probably stroke out! haha SKOL!
Nah just abort it. I'd be for that one.