Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
I’m just saying maybe people on this side would have been more apt to be more involved if they weren’t so comfortable “trusting the plan” and “we have it all”.

I keep thinking we will know for sure in a few weeks. Then a few weeks goes by and it’s another few weeks. Then it’s after the inauguration. At some point people have to own that there was never a plan and this was all a sham. I get it. Some will wait until after the inauguration. Heck I’m curious myself just because I’m like WTF is happening in DC lol. But the day will come and go and no boom and Biden will be sworn in.

there is no plan. We need to stop relying on someone to save us and we need to figure out how to stop the voter fraud, and we need to figure out how to elect true conservative fighters. How can do those things? We need to figure out the long game cause that’s how the libs roll. Grassroots, local elections, schools, colleges, etc. get in there and truly educate and change hearts and minds. It’s tough. It’s not magic. That’s the real red pill to swallow.

This Post is reads like a weak ass patriot that has let go of the line... What we “need to do” is fight now. There is no tomorrow bro. With all due respect there is no “long game”... the long game is we are all fucked. Kindly grab your sack, attend a gun show or two, maybe buy something nice, stop being a pussy, and realize we are at war NOW! Not tomorrow. Fuck man you maybe have no idea how many fencers ITT you have demoralized... Millions of us are not where you are. MILLIONS. You do you. Give up. But don’t try to gain affirmation by netting others to give up with you.... That’s a cowardly act. Be a patriot...
This Post is reads like a weak ass patriot that has let go of the line... What we “need to do” is fight now. There is no tomorrow bro. With all due respect there is no “long game”... the long game is we are all fucked. Kindly grab your sack, attend a gun show or two, maybe buy something nice, stop being a pussy, and realize we are at war NOW! Not tomorrow. Fuck man you maybe have no idea how many fencers ITT you have demoralized... Millions of us are not where you are. MILLIONS. You do you. Give up. But don’t try to gain affirmation by netting others to give up with you.... That’s a cowardly act. Be a patriot...
Yeah even if things deviate from the expectation I'd still fight like a Flynn.

The enemy is licking their chops with one camp ready to move on like always and another camp declaring an end to the US.
No shit. I had no idea that was you.

Good people from all over on here.
It was a struggle tryna do my grind while those guys were smoothing things out.

Once we were humming today I got back to the grind. Hasn't been much to post about lately either. Just speculate, small chat, and keep everyone in file.
So the inauguration is Wednesday.

- Kamala submitted paperwork to retire from the Senate
- 40k military personnel patrolling the streets of DC
- Trump et al are gone from the White House
- Biden transition team already making moves

Is it possible that nothing happens and we just have a transition of power?
What are we expecting to happen? Why are we expecting something to happen?

Not to go full teddy jack eddie or whatever his name is but what if there was a plan but it was thwarted and we lost? I'm not quitting and not giving up - but to be successful you have to consider all options. Expectation management has gotten a little out of control with regard to a lot of the cue stuff, and we don't need people panicking or losing their shit if Biden takes over this week and Trump says, "Sorry, we tried our best"
Nobody knows when anything is going to happen. Get in line. Uncertainty is driving everyone crazy. With all due respect, nobody needs hand-wringing panty waists ratcheting up the tension with all the caterwauling about all this shit.

The problem is all the people saying when anything is going to happen don't know diddly squat. The only thing legit in this thread is speculation by people admitting it's speculation.

It all boils down to whether you trust Trump, or not. If Trump was a fraud, we've been screwed for decades and this is just the end game. I do not believe that to be the case. Let's see what happens over the next few days and go from there.

I did mean to ask you about something you said earlier this month, which was (paraphrase) “if this stuff isn’t real, Trump goes down as the biggest traitor ever”

You want to expound on that?
If 'nothing' happens (which again I've said it is happening all around us) then I intend to push for 45 to take Rubio's seat.

That will buy him time, cover, and legitimacy so that everyone, and likely more, come back to the movement. It also eliminates a swamp creatures, processes a globalist / GOP member, and opens up the seat for big dick Desantis to install an America First senator.
It would be easier to start a grassroots movement in Mexico and to beat back the cartels then to try to fight the US military. I'm definitely not a fan of that idea.
I saw a couple people post about what’s next if the Q plan doesn’t follow through on the 20th.

IMO is a REYNOLDs WRAP. If Biden assumes power and the Dems take all 3 levers of power its over. We will be on the fast track to 1 world government. It’s a perfect scenario considering Biden’s supposed health.

i saw someone mention they would get some land and dig in. Let me say, save yourself the effort. If they assume power let me give u just a small taste of what is coming...

Global economic reset means every countries currency would equal the same amount. Basic resources like WATER and Food would be rationed across the globe. Citizenship would be a thing of the past and open borders and movement would be the new way. They will transition all food and resources into population centers(big cities) this will be for control.

This game is win now at all costs. LOL at anyone saying 2024 or even 2022
Sad, but I am afraid you are right. That’s why I am ALL IN, and can’t let my brain go there. For my kids and my Gkids, Trump getting this done (through the military) is paramount. Now.....let’s see something start happening!😬
Here is today's email. For those skeptical as I am about a lot of it, I post all of it so there isn't any need to respond to me in a negative way. There are a lot of people who want a recap of the many hours this guy puts in to arrive at his letter

As we get closer to the "deadline" that ISN'T, the tensions on our side keep rising, and for the life of me, I don't understand why.

Look at this OBJECTIVELY. Do not let negative emotion control you. I absolutely cannot stress that enough. WHO has the power right now? OBJECTIVELY, who has the power? What does Pedo Joe have as GENUINE power? He has a fraudulent election blessed by a Congress that literally IGNORED the law and ALL procedures as written in the Constitution. As soon as there was an objection presented in Congress, it is by law supposed to be resolved at the state level, and it wasn't. There are a dozen other violations that happened just on the 6th. EVERYTHING they have is a FRAUD. No due justice has been allowed at any point. There are literally three VOLUMES of evidence of recorded voter fraud. ALL the facts are on our side. ALL of them.

They have the fraudulent blessing of their crime by the treasonous criminals. That is IT! Well, I guess they have the CIA, but that pales to the US military. What do WE have? Recordings of ALL their wrong doings from emails, texts, conversations, bank transactions, testimonials, video footage, etc. I mean we have EVERYTHING! We took Nazi Pelosi's own laptop for goodness sake. We have the MILITARY, the single greatest armed force in the history of the world closing in and getting in place. This isn't just speculation. One of our fellow readers has a son at an airport in tiny Smyrna and told me that a few C-17's came in at 2am with FOUR AC-130's. These are the top level (on the book) weapons we have at our disposal. Why are there 30,000 troops in DC? The most popular president in US history, and he needs five TIMES more troops than we have in Afghanistan for the swearing in? Why has he had ZERO rehearsals?

The media is saying they haven't actually SEEN him in a week or more. Where is he? The military guys keep pointing out that a released video is not proof. How about this. Why is DC under full martial law right now, and why isn't this reported? We are talking zones set up and patrolled by the military, armed guards everywhere, bridges closed and armed checkpoints through out the city. The EAS for the city was tested, and recorded. Drones and helicopters are all over the city. That is martial law, and these are REAL events. This isn't speculation. If you think ANY of this is normal, and if you think ANY of this is for the good of Pedo Joe, then you are delusional beyond my ability to reason with you. Suicides of high level people are already happening. Don't forget Jack Ma is still missing. The CEO of Sweet 'N Low tossed himself out of a window. A woman who was friends with Hillarnazi got undressed, grabbed her infant, and threw her naked self and baby out a window. That is what we are told to believe. Anyone here dumb enough to fall for that? That was the murder of someone with inside info and a message was being sent to others like her.

We also have GENUINE written proof from the top source in the land, the White House, about martial law and the Insurrection Act. Mike Liddell was spotted leaving the White House holding folded papers in one hand and coffee in the other. Someone used a high power telescopic lens to zoom in on the papers, and what we could see on a half folded over SINLGE piece of paper was mention of martial law, the Insurrection Act, and Kash Patel, who Q mentioned YEARS ago, being named the head of the CIA. Again, ask yourself WHY! Not only did Mike Liddell NOT share that info with us, I am SURE he didn't want ANYONE outside of the WH to see it. Why would he have a stack of papers discussing martial law, the Insurrection Act and a new chain of command, papers clearly given to him from someone INSIDE the WH? Just for s**** and giggles? Someone took the time to type that all up, handed it to him inside the WH, and it means nothing, none of that is going to happen? Does that make ANY LOGICAL SENSE to ANYONE?

I have NEVER asked anyone to believe my interpretation of events. I keep asking YOU to ask WHY. How many times have I said lets go down the logic trail? THAT is where your comfort should lie. LOGIC says we are winning. I have an unshakeable belief that events are going to play out as I said based on exhaustive research and analysis. What has become difficult is figuring out who is reliable and who isn't. Yet again, perpetual doomsayer Mike Adams put out some gloom and doom prediction because he is a negative reactionary. He banned me from his web site for telling him he was going to lose all credibility for telling us 40 million Americans would die from covid in the early days when I did the math for him.

Do you all recall I said the fatality rate was at most 0.1% when the rest of the world was acting like this was Ebola's cousin? Who ended up being right in retrospect? It's not because I am some super genius. It's because I didn't let others think for me, and I let logic and reason dictate my thoughts over negative emotion. I cannot stress enough how terrible and miserable things will seem to you if you let them control you. Plus, the media is COMPLICIT in this, and they WILL NOT show you events as they are taking place. There have been a few missing puzzle pieces like why are four AC-130's coming through Smyrna in the dark of night? Why do we need 30,000 troops to arrest a few hundred geriatric traitors? ALL of you should be asking yourself the same question, because IF they didn't need that level of force, they WOULDN'T use it or get it into place. In other words, they think they NEED that level of force.

That should prompt you to ask why. Thus far the best answer I have seen is to safeguard us from foreign enemy invasion when comms go down and events unfold. Scott McKay added another puzzle piece this morning. He said there are 10,000 (!!) Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMPs), and that is where the deep state has retreated to and will retreat to along with the CIA. Furthermore, there are rescue ops taking place as that is where the millions of missing kids and women are taken to . These are not small facilities. These are small cities with rail systems connecting them, and are even rumored to be powered by small nuclear power plants. I have mentioned these for a decade or more. When they are embedded there, they need the top level weaponry to root them out to minimize life loss among our troops.

The "booms" are happening all across the country right now, and most military guys agree this is the good guys taking out the DUMPs. 200 square MILES was reported as shaking in FL this morning. Some of the trolls sent me an email of doom and gloom because supposedly Sidney Powell put out a telegram saying Trump has given up. Frankly, the intellectual capacity of these trolls is limited at best . First of all, the entire thing looks suspicious, and I highly question its veracity. Let's assume it is real, she says in the telegram that Trump has given up on all LEGAL options. Did anyone here not know this already? He tried the legal route. They ignored the law and betrayed him. OF COURSE he gave up on legal options. Now it is in the hands of the military, and as Q said YEARS ago, the military is the ONLY way. They knew this YEARS ago. Some interesting side comments from my research. Pretty much all the military guys say that a bunch of the people we are seeing on video are one of two things. CGI or body doubles. They are 100% certain of this. The military guys have been embedded in this stuff for decades so I put faith in their analysis. All of them say we have tech and weapons that are the stuff of science fiction. Are they all wrong?

Is there some grand behind the scenes group of former spec ops guys who met clandestinely to spread false hope? I cannot think of anyone more loyal to the country than the spec ops guys. I have absolute faith in them. We can question their conclusions of events based on the same set of facts we see, but I don't doubt that they truly believe what they are telling us is true. As always, YOU are welcome to doubt. One thing I have to keep reminding everyone. EVERY single source be it on the military or intel side has said the same thing over and over again. In fact, some have dedicated 20 minutes of a 45 minute video to just this point. NO ONE can predict the timing of when events take place. I have stressed and stressed and stressed this ad nauseum. I realize you all read the message, but many have not FULLY ACCEPTED it.

Because you haven't truly accepted this fact, when another day of no OBVIOUS actions takes place, you assume nothing is happening, and even worse, assume nothing will happen. How can you arrive at that conclusion? Like I said, I am UNSHAKEABLE in my faith that we are going to absolutely DESTROY the deep state and all their players. NO ONE will be more devastated than me if everything I have been saying is completely wrong. I view this as a test of faith. Remember, we were told to expect the real action to happen on the 18th and 19th, but even though dates are subject to change as events unfold. I don't doubt the destination, the only thing unclear to me when we get there.
I live in “tiny” Smyrna and will see if this is true.
So the inauguration is Wednesday.

- Kamala submitted paperwork to retire from the Senate
- 40k military personnel patrolling the streets of DC
- Trump et al are gone from the White House
- Biden transition team already making moves

Is it possible that nothing happens and we just have a transition of power?
What are we expecting to happen? Why are we expecting something to happen?

Not to go full teddy jack eddie or whatever his name is but what if there was a plan but it was thwarted and we lost? I'm not quitting and not giving up - but to be successful you have to consider all options. Expectation management has gotten a little out of control with regard to a lot of the cue stuff, and we don't need people panicking or losing their shit if Biden takes over this week and Trump says, "Sorry, we tried our best"

The only glimmer of hope I have is the number of troops, Biden’s concern over them and the fact trump never fired Wray or Gina and made moves at DoD.

Other than that literally every indication is that we are transitioning to a Biden presidency. These pardons on Tuesday further cement that. A lot of things are being done that you would only do on your way out of the door.

We can sit here and say yeah it’s to lull the deep state in but also many itt need to be ready to accept that come 1/20:

-Biden is unfortunately the president.
-there was no plan
-Q was a larp
-we need to figure out a real way forward and no longer just hey trust the plan.

Noon on Wednesday should be the hard cut off time for people on Q. If nothing happens before that it’s insane to think it will after that when the military shifts to control under Biden.

My concern is that so many patriots have been told to “trust the plan” that we haven’t been putting our energy towards actual solutions for the future. I don’t know what the solutions are but I know come Wednesday at noon it is not hoping for some miracle in which every single person in the line of succession to the presidency is a dem or deep state.

I say all of that to say god I hope something happens the next 52 hours. We need it. Badly.
MortgageHorn and myself met over breakfast last month. Brought my wife. We have 2 small girls and I'm fucking in. Houston, Tx checking in but UT grad and house on Lake LBJ so I'm in Austin a lot-at least I used to be. Over the last 9 months or so we choose small businesses for almost all our needs by litmus testing their reaction to our no-masko appearance. Unfortunately I have come to dislike most Austinites.

His wife is a smoke-show and a Patriot Level 1

@Mordain is the second patriot I have now met from this GOAT Thread.

Both are stand-up guys with which you would go into battle.

I have plans already to meet others.

It is imperative IMO that you meet as many like-minded patriots ITT in person as possible - we're going to need each other in the coming times.

BTW luckily for @Mordain his girls take after their mother ;)

In all seriousness you could tell the girls loved & adored their dad and vice-versa just as it should be!
He got spied on and played. That's about it. He obviously knows how the system works to a certain degree but he definitely doesn't have anything to offer the America1st movement if the C_A chose him as their target.
You should look into your Greek history.

George P. Has a role and has played it beautifully. String family background
The only glimmer of hope I have is the number of troops, Biden’s concern over them and the fact trump never fired Wray or Gina and made moves at DoD.

Other than that literally every indication is that we are transitioning to a Biden presidency. These pardons on Tuesday further cement that. A lot of things are being done that you would only do on your way out of the door.

We can sit here and say yeah it’s to lull the deep state in but also many itt need to be ready to accept that come 1/20:

-Biden is unfortunately the president.
-there was no plan
-Q was a larp
-we need to figure out a real way forward and no longer just hey trust the plan.

Noon on Wednesday should be the hard cut off time for people on Q. If nothing happens before that it’s insane to think it will after that when the military shifts to control under Biden.

My concern is that so many patriots have been told to “trust the plan” that we haven’t been putting our energy towards actual solutions for the future. I don’t know what the solutions are but I know come Wednesday at noon it is not hoping for some miracle in which every single person in the line of succession to the presidency is a dem or deep state.

I say all of that to say god I hope something happens the next 52 hours. We need it. Badly.

Stop with the "there was no plan; cue is a larp" bullshit. It's not at all helpful to anything and frankly you have no idea if it's true or not. Do you even know what "larping" is?

If anything, cue has helped wake a lot more people up to what's going on in our world - a lot of those people wouldn't have any idea without it. So whether it's someone essentially "trolling" or is actually a legit group behind Trump trying to "save the Republic" isn't fully relevant. If "the plan" was to get people to think, discuss the swamp, conduct independent research, share information, and become "digital soldiers" then I would say it has been a pretty successful plan, personally.
You should look into your Greek history.

George P. Has a role and has played it beautifully. String family background
I know the family line and he might have played his roll well (whatever that might be) but I certainly don't need or trust him in the America 1st movement.

At the minimum he is a globalist just based on the history you're highlighting. Then you look at his life's work and well...
Joining Cheney in support of impeachment were GOP Reps. Dan Newhouse of Washington, Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, Fred Upton of Michigan, Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington, John Katko of New York, Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio, Tom Rice of South Carolina, David Valadao of California and Peter Meijer of Michigan.

At least Kate lives in The GOAT now - hopefully she abandons her family.

PRIMARY his ass
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