So guys, I’m not bought into the plan and everything coming to fruition this week. I just don’t see it. But I’m not gonna get into all that, I just have a question or two
Where do we go from here? If I felt like we had the option to stay and fight for the country, I absolutely would. But it’s obvious what is about to happen. Any signs of organization or threat of upheaval will be swiftly met with the feds taking you away in cuffs. You will immediately be labeled a terrorist by the media. Basically if you don’t submit and tow the leftist line, you’re done.
The only option I see is leaving for a remote locale and living off the land and hoping for the best. Maybe find some place so out of the way that nobody will care to come looking for you.
I know how this is all coming across, but I just don’t see things working out in our favor. Best case is I think the corrupt govt goes back to the status quo, is happy living their normal swampy lives, starts back up the Middle East war machine and stays fat and happy. China is content doing their thing harvesting organs and pillaging Africa for resources.
In reality, my gut is telling me we’re in the beginning of a quickening where the US and our way of life are in the beginning stages of death. I’m just not feeling good about things at all