Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
I took one for the team this morning and watched 20 minutes of Morning Joe. Ho-Lee-Shit those people are in full-on PANIC mode. They were doxing people who appeared on the Trump rally permit application, shitting their pants about the bogus “plot” to assassinate Biden on Inauguration Day, screaming about how none of this would have happened if the intel before the Capitol incident would have been carried out by black people, and promoting the Right Think background checks into each of the National Guardsmen in D.C.

They know the MSM seditious cooperation will be part of the indictments and are doing everything they can to prevent it.

I'm glad you are still not wavering- allows a lot of us to remain hopeful, even if I am skeptical.
From Absolute Conviction 1776 on Telegram :

A week to remember is upon us. A few suggestions, if I may;

1. Put on The Armor Of God. Pray. Ask for His Divine strength and courage to surround you, and it will be so.

2. Ease up on yourself. Have trust. All of us have been through hell. Nothing we can say, or do, will change the outcome at this point. It is truly in POTUS, and God’s hands now.

3. Stop believing every bit of fear porn and clickbait that comes down the line. The fog of war is VERY real. And 80% of information you see right now is more than likely purposeful disinformation.

Remember WWII? Remember D-Day? For weeks leading up to the invasion, the Allies played it off like they were defeated. They made it look like the invasion had been cancelled and that they were an organized hot mess. And then, BOOM. Again - fog of war.

4. If you REALLY want to calm yourself, go read The Art Of War by Sun Tzu. It isn’t a terribly long read, and it will legitimately give you insight as to what is happening.

5. Be water. Just let things flow. Stay in your center. Take time to yourself to ground, pray, meditate, spend time with loved ones. Do things that nurture your soul. It’s okay to unplug for a bit and steady yourself.

6. Be not afraid. We weren’t brought this far, and we haven’t fought this hard just to give up now. Patriots aren’t built that way.

God Bless you all. Be easy. Be blessed, and allow His peace to wash over you. We will win, Patriots. Oh yes, we will win.

Now pick your head up, hold the line, and KNOW that GOD WINS! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Great advice here!
Just downloaded 'The Art Of War' on Audible. It's free btw!
This Post is reads like a weak ass patriot that has let go of the line... What we “need to do” is fight now. There is no tomorrow bro. With all due respect there is no “long game”... the long game is we are all fucked. Kindly grab your sack, attend a gun show or two, maybe buy something nice, stop being a pussy, and realize we are at war NOW! Not tomorrow. Fuck man you maybe have no idea how many fencers ITT you have demoralized... Millions of us are not where you are. MILLIONS. You do you. Give up. But don’t try to gain affirmation by netting others to give up with you.... That’s a cowardly act. Be a patriot...
You’re an idiot. I did not say to give up. Quite the opposite. We need to stop waiting on a miracle to save us. We need to figure out how to fight this and win. No, you don’t screw the long game. You plan for it as well as for the short game. We need to figure it out though.
Well ladies and gents it has a been a hell of a ride with you fine people. As we enter the homestretch I pray that things go the way of the righteous. I appreciate all of you and the information you strive to bring us on a daily basis. I never served in the military but both of my grandfathers did and they are the reason I’m the man I am today. They were both great men and I refuse to believe that the sacrifices they made could lead to Biden being commander in chief. Today I hold the line in their honor and trust that God will sort this out the way he sees fit. Thanks to the guys that put this forum together and their dedication to the truth! Let’s get ready for a glorious finish!!!
I’m just saying - Q would be a perfect way for us to be pacified thinking some greater human power is going to handle this for us.

We will know soon enough - either way I believe prayer & the Holy Spirit are our most powerful tools.
I agree to an extent, but if not for Q, half of Trump voters would have remained asleep because of MSM. So you have to question why they’d create a psy-op designed to wake people. But it’s clear that there are communication comms on many levels. And many things are happening according to Q drops. Why keep it up after they stole the election? Hard to see anyone in the fbi or cîa ever coming to his rescue. Treason and sedition, who handles that? Hell, the letter agencies are part of that sedition and treason. Why all the moves with people with military backgrounds? Draining the swamp is Trump’s only unfinished work.

All the military and NG buildup makes sense in the context of massive rioting if Biden doesn’t take office, and there is an extended period before anything like a re-vote happens. Leftists always burn and pillage. Conservatives generally don’t. There would be cognitive dissonance from the left for a while. Perhaps Pompeo has been updating his Twitter accomplishments to prepare him for a spokesman role for a while.

What I do know for certain is that I haven’t been able to sleep or focus since the election. Also I know I want Mayor deBlasio to be the very last high profile arrest. Would be great for him to be cowering in the closet at the mayor’s mansion for a week or more until the NG kicks in the door. That fucker is ruining the greatest city on earth.
The only glimmer of hope I have is the number of troops, Biden’s concern over them and the fact trump never fired Wray or Gina and made moves at DoD.

Other than that literally every indication is that we are transitioning to a Biden presidency. These pardons on Tuesday further cement that. A lot of things are being done that you would only do on your way out of the door.

We can sit here and say yeah it’s to lull the deep state in but also many itt need to be ready to accept that come 1/20:

-Biden is unfortunately the president.
-there was no plan
-Q was a larp
-we need to figure out a real way forward and no longer just hey trust the plan.

Noon on Wednesday should be the hard cut off time for people on Q. If nothing happens before that it’s insane to think it will after that when the military shifts to control under Biden.

My concern is that so many patriots have been told to “trust the plan” that we haven’t been putting our energy towards actual solutions for the future. I don’t know what the solutions are but I know come Wednesday at noon it is not hoping for some miracle in which every single person in the line of succession to the presidency is a dem or deep state.

I say all of that to say god I hope something happens the next 52 hours. We need it. Badly.
The other scenario could be is that the swamp is too deep and the Q plan was not enough to overcome it.
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Hell of a way for the CiC to kick off. Insult his military who we are told are there to protect him upon their injury or death.

That'll win the reluctant troops over. I just know it. 🙄
There will be a False Flag and blamed on Trump. This is the type of War were in. ITs called the information war. The more false information they can put out the more discord they can sow and blame. Look at whats being pushed now.
Setting up with mass troops bc they are afraid of something big happening. They keep saying theyre afraid of an inside attack. Biden not going to be there. They are painting a picture. Mass Troops, Inside attack, Biden being virtual bc they are afraid. Painting a picture, planting seeds then boom mass destruction and its Trumps fault and "Trumps followers" fault. They are controlling the information thus winning the information war.
I fully expect something to happen and if it doesnt happen they will find something that they stopped from happening and it'll be our fault.
what if they do actually shoot him and pin on MAGA?
That is always a possibility. I don't think he will last much longer than 18 months but it will likely be health that will force him aside when the timing most benefits the chosen replacement.

I'm not naive... there are folks on both the right and left that would take a shot at their enemy of choice if given the opportunity. It is the unequal application of media narrative and the people that lap it up with zero critical thinking that just blows my mind. We all know the Media should pursue truth...but instead all main stream outlets just pursue their preferred angles and reinforce narratives.
To add to the link of FL US Coast Guard guy saying we are at war officially with China.....I can confirm last night Desantis cancelled a scheduled event of his in Naples FL that my brother was supposed to attend
I think people are going to be massively disappointed that they believed all this when none of it plays out. I do not mean to come across upset, angry, or bitter or anything like that. But I think people on a massive scale have been played. But it’s cool I guess cause people are still “holding the line” right here. (You get what I mean)

Trump would have lost with or without Q because the left cheated so bad. But I can’t help but wonder if so many folks hadn’t fallen for the “watch this play out like a movie” line or “trust the plan” line. Would we have stepped in and stopped the cheating somehow? Instead of waiting and relying on the kracken to be released? Maybe people actually do something instead? I don’t know. Just spit ballin.

y’all may like him or not, but he’s grown on me. Jack Posobiek, “there’s no plan. There’s no one coming in to save us all” I’m about 99% of that line of thinking now.

hell, if Alex Jones thinks q movement is crazy......hmmmm.

broken record
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We got this on our alert system around DC

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We got this on our alert system around DC
In looking at the Whitehouse Continuity guidelines, note we're at COGCON 2, similar to DEFCON 2 in Wargames. Capn Obvious reporting for duty, something is definitely happening.

COGCON 2: Deployment of 50-75% of Emergency Relocation Group continuity staff to alternate locations. Establish their ability to conduct operations and prepare to perform their organization’s essential functions in the event of a catastrophic emergency.

Edit: Dammit @Jayhox beat me to it
There will be a False Flag and blamed on Trump. This is the type of War were in. ITs called the information war. The more false information they can put out the more discord they can sow and blame. Look at whats being pushed now.
Setting up with mass troops bc they are afraid of something big happening. They keep saying theyre afraid of an inside attack. Biden not going to be there. They are painting a picture. Mass Troops, Inside attack, Biden being virtual bc they are afraid. Painting a picture, planting seeds then boom mass destruction and its Trumps fault and "Trumps followers" fault. They are controlling the information thus winning the information war.
I fully expect something to happen and if it doesnt happen they will find something that they stopped from happening and it'll be our fault.
Hopefully part of the big reveal under the EAS are the comms showing the Swamp/Deep State/MSM coordinating all of that.
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