Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
From another board, good listen.

I still believe it will happen, Trump remains Presiden! Take a listen to this podcast..

Trump will remain President. Over 200+ thousand will be arrested related to sealed indictments at the DOJ. Trump was selected to make this all happen. He was the chosen one by the military intelligence. He said 911 was an inside job (I never initially believed this but considering what I know now, I am not so sure anymore). The corporation of the United States will be taken down and out of the hands of the banks. A new age is upon us and America will once again prosper.

I certain hope this happens. However, it's unrealistic that sealed indictments to arrest 200,000 could be kept secret in the DOJ or anywhere else. Too many rats in DC to not leak. Any Grand Jury/s that return this many indictments has to have a couple of leakers on them especially formed from DC area residents. Unless the fear of God was put into them. Of course, Grand Juries could be empaneled elsewhere where there are only mice and not rats.
Heart warming dialog is a great reason.
I have been clogging up this thread for 4 years and will continue to do so. A lot of these guys I’d go to war with and I love hearing about what they got going on. We pray for each other and support each other. After 4 years of taking endless heaps of shit from normies we learned to count on one another. It’s the LAC! JMHO AS ALWAYS SKOL!
Alright! Now that we have the forum running better I have a couple requests:

-Now is a good time to let any friends and family members know about our site as a haven for free speech

-Please help contribute content on the main forum. Funny things, interesting things, food things (@NapervilleBuck thanks), anything you can think of.

We are going to keep this site being run by donations and will have some merchandise in a month or so once we get our branding in place. Everyone enjoy and know that no matter what happens in the coming weeks, we are here for you.
Looking forward to the merch sir! I have a request if you can swing it...

1) if there is anyway you can partner with Columbia PFG, that would be amazing.

2) also if you could do something with “Top of the World” hats that would also be amazing.

From a friend's facespace:
I’ve always hated politics, but I hate liars and deceivers even more. On both sides. What has been happening to our country over the past year has revealed in more ways than one who the liars and deceivers are. True colors are always revealed when things get hairy. It’s time to choose a side. What we are on the precipice of right now is like nothing we have ever seen before. This isn’t about Right or Left, Republican or Democrat. This is Good versus evil. You are either on God’s side, or you are not. There is no walking the fence on this one. There are going to be things happening this week that will be difficult for people to wrap their heads around. And once the smoke has cleared and the information is finally released to the American public, it’s going to rock everyone’s belief systems to the very core. Make sure you’re on the right side of this. May God be bless those fighting for Him, and may God bless America.
I certain hope this happens. However, it's unrealistic that sealed indictments to arrest 200,000 could be kept secret in the DOJ or anywhere else. Too many rats in DC to not leak. Any Grand Jury/s that return this many indictments has to have a couple of leakers on them especially formed from DC area residents. Unless the fear of God was put into them. Of course, Grand Juries could be empaneled elsewhere where there are only mice and not rats.

I've thought the same thing. Cue says the that these people will not be able to walk the streets and GOD wins.

So IF, and I mean IF, these indictments/arrests do not come- I like to think that these corrupt Godless people will live the rest of their lives in fear, and then their true Judgement Day will come.
Pbslow? 😎😎😎😎😎 For some crazy reason I have been on Sessions side, I tend to trust southern good low boys
Well here is the update. Sounds almost too good to be true.
ARE YOU READY?!?!?! I said, ARE YOU READY?!?!?! No, SERIOUSLY !!!!!! You may want to listen to some things while reading this. I listened to this, this and this. Here's what you need right now. 15,000 gallons of popcorn, a few hundred 50 gallon drums to collect all the liberal tears, a 100 terabyte hard drive to record all the AWESOME about to come, maybe do some stretching to be ready to do your "We just kicked major ass" dance, and a general sense of eager anticipation. You probably need to get about a 12 hour playlist to be looped in the background. Maybe a few dozen American flags to be planted in your front yard. I already bought my "Gitmo Joe" T-shirt (100% serious), and when I went to link it, Amazon has removed the link entirely. Usually they just say out of stock, but the whole link is gone.

Why am I so excited? Because IT IS HERE, and it is even BETTER than I thought, and I thought it was going to be AWESOME! I have a WHOLE list of songs I am going to link when this happens. Listening to them right now. I can't type fast enough. No teasing, getting straight to the point. Let's start with the one that will give us all relief. Pedo Joe will NOT be sworn in. NEVER! In fact, he cancelled his inauguration rehearsal, then cancelled the rescheduled rehearsal too. Here is what MIGHT happen, and the white hats are trying to prevent it. The Pedo Joe deep state crew MIGHT run a CGI video of him being inaugurated, and then a separate video of him driving up to the White House and being denied entry. It would be done to TRY to turn public opinion and world opinion against Trump. Thank goodness, they see the same problems with this as I do, and are trying to prevent it, but they DID say if the deep state DID manage to somehow get this to air, they would let it play out to the end, and then within twelve hours take over every single media outlet that ran it.

The media is ALREADY going to come down, but this adds criminal charges including treason to the list. So in the UNLIKELY event we see him being sworn in, think of it as watching a new episode of "Stranger Things". It isn't real. We have been told to expect serious action before the 20th, and to expect anything from Sunday onward. The insider sources were reminded again about the generalized anxiety Trump supporters were feeling, and they said they cannot let their operation and time line be influenced by millions wanting reassurances now. They are fully aware and sympathetic. They are out and about among people feeling like many of you. For the record, the only emotion I have felt for the past two months is overwhelming excitement.

Anyone who has met me knows I am telling you the 100% truth. Trump got 75% of the general vote, and flipped Mexifornia. Truly a GIGANTIC landslide. We got MANY more details about what the operations are going to look like. Pretty much everyone is saying there WILL be GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS TAKEN DOWN. Be prepared! TV will have ONE channel. It sounds like phone calls and texts will go down. Power outages can be expected in areas where operations take place. What will be on that one channel? Live court martials and looped confessions. This is why you need the 100 terabyte drive. I might not sleep the entire week just to watch these EVIL bastards be taken down again and again. Expect travel restrictions, especially air travel.

European clean operations will be the last phase. Supposedly, there are 1 million troops organized into small groups with 300,000 leaders having an envelope in hand that is to be opened when the signal is given, and within that envelope is the name of the person their squad is to arrest along with directions. The borders between the US and Canada and the US and Mexico are closed until February 21. Here is why I feel so confident that this is the REAL plan. The people who I trust actually reached out to about a dozen OTHER people they trust who have different contacts, and the message across the board is the SAME with minor variations in details. They say that comms will be down at LEAST a week. This is the single best summation from Simon Parkes. We are ALREADY seeing actions taking place. Merkel is about to resign. Police action took place in Frankfurt.

There were nearly a dozen bomb threats across the country yesterday right after Trump announced he declass'd ObamaGate and RussiaGate, Pompeo tweeted a picture of six bottles of red wine. That means RED6. A 58 year old Rothschild just died. Remember when I said terms of negotiation were taking place? Is that related? The timing is WAY too coincidental. There is another possibility. This is the time to watch for mass suicides. It also the time to be aware of false flags. I know as a Christian I am supposed to feel forgiveness, but the crimes against humanity these people have committed are literally the worst in human history and are, at least for me, unforgiveable. Robert Steele said a third of the generals are reluctant to carry out ops as they are trying to protect cushy post military careers. When they see things go down, and people being placed into two categories, traitor and patriot, they will get on board. By the way, the deep state is also using a quantum supercomputer to analyze outcomes. There is no outcome which turns out well for them. Trump has ALL the ACE cards between the military, being Commander in Chief, the NSA, ALL facts, recorded evidence of their treasonous criminality, the EO's. I mean EVERYTHING.

They are absolutely desperate too. Nazi Pelosi approached a Marine General and told him she didn't think security was "adequate enough" despite 30,000 National Guard sitting in her yard, and actually asked the guy for 5,000 troops for HER to command! Read what she did, but even better is the General's response in which he said "I suggest you listen really hard to the words that are escaping your cracked poisonous lips; they're tantamount to treason. We don't work for you". I have no idea how accurate that is, but she is DEAD. The media is also dead. New video was released showing a CNN reporter as part of the group "storming" the capitol saying with over abundant joy "We did it, we really did it". That is insurrection and treason, and yes, you reserved a spot for yourself in Gitmo. GRATZ! As AWESOME as this is, what they are saying will happen AFTER the deep state is completely destroyed is even MORE awesome.

Trump is going to go down as the greatest ruler in the history of ALL humanity, and YOU get to see it first hand! Do you UNDERSTAND how AMAZING this is?!?!? Anyway, it involves NESARA/GESARA which gets better and better the more they describe it. BUT, Simon Parkes was told they seized, and get this, 34 QUINTRILLION from the Vatican, and it was probably electronically backed against physical assets meaning it is real currency. Do you understand now how they can say ALL debt will be wiped out? By the way, we don't know what currency that is be it US dollars, Euros, whatever, but it is more than enough.

Simon Parkes has ALSO heard about JFK Jr. He was less definitive about it than Charlie Ward but what he said would happen with Jr "if he is alive" was the SAME thing. He said Flynn, now FOUR star American hero and patriot, would be offered the VP position. JFK Jr would spend the next four years travelling across the country helping brain dead hate filled treasonous bitter condescending liberals come to terms with the new reality, and there is no one better than the "resurrected" American royalty. He would then take over after Trump. So much awesome.
Thanks for narrating these, 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻✌️😎👍
Alright! Now that we have the forum running better I have a couple requests:

-Now is a good time to let any friends and family members know about our site as a haven for free speech

-Please help contribute content on the main forum. Funny things, interesting things, food things (@NapervilleBuck thanks), anything you can think of.

We are going to keep this site being run by donations and will have some merchandise in a month or so once we get our branding in place. Everyone enjoy and know that no matter what happens in the coming weeks, we are here for you.

You and the staff are true Patriots! Love it here and glad you're smarter and more creative than me.

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