Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Last Inauguration was anything but normal and there weren't close to this many troops.
I was there and can tell you, they insulated the attendees very well. We were funneled by ticket color and the walls protecting the perimeter were 6 blocks away. The shits that we’re trashing starbucks and burning shit were so far away we didn’t see any of it. It’s almost like the police said fuck it, do what you want over there but you’re not getting anywhere close.
The medal detectors were lined up by the 100’s in an open field and everyone was scanned before getting in a 5 block line. I wore Kevlar underneath and was told, “you’re a smart man”. I had a great time. Btw, I’m sure everyone knows but just in case, the pics the fake MSM showed of the crowd size was taken hours before the event started. I have pics and the proof.
I’m out of town for my birthday, so I haven’t contributed much. The troop levels in DC certainly indicate something big is going to happen. We have invaded countries with far fewer troops. The Whitehouse staff leaving really worries me. That would lend one to believe that the USSS has told them they cannot guarantee their safety.

If you added up all of the Antifa spread across the country last summer, you wouldn’t need more than 300 troops to kick their asses. One of my officers is in the guard. He was just deployed to DC for 32 days. Said a 2* general briefed them and told them they were just there as a deterrent. A deterrent to what? North Korea? China? Russia?

Well guys and gal(s) this is what we have been waiting on. Hold the line and pray.
We can guarantee their safety.. but as in a snow day.. nonessential employees need not come in..
My Lady Guinness Bassale...

How it started (5.5 weeks old)
View attachment 2239

How it's going (she'll be 11 on the 26th)

On another note, do not fuck with my sister. These are just her handguns.

View attachment 2249

Edit: I have no idea why my second picture won't embed.

Fixed it.
Your sister single? I dont even need a picture of her I'd date her just based off her armory.
Who dis?
.....would be curious who OP thinks would lend “credibility” in this circus of a media we have.....John Solomon seems to be a one-trick pony on Russiagate, same with Catherine Herridge, think Sara Carter too, all come and gone in my book....anyone that reports this stuff like Simon does would get run out of this country, so what if they give the intel to a British guy to report that has ZFG....
The three names you mentioned have been dealing in facts for the duration of this ordeal. Those facts have been referenced or subsequently proven.
This new set of people have been on the scene for only a month or two that I’m aware of and have been pitching very fanciful stories that I would love to see play out. I’m just wondering where they were the past 4 years and how their intel is so good now. Is there any reason to believe they are credible or connected?
it feels to me they are pandering hope to those who desperately need it. I guess we’ll find out over the next few days...
From another board, good listen.

I still believe it will happen, Trump remains Presiden! Take a listen to this podcast..

Trump will remain President. Over 200+ thousand will be arrested related to sealed indictments at the DOJ. Trump was selected to make this all happen. He was the chosen one by the military intelligence. He said 911 was an inside job (I never initially believed this but considering what I know now, I am not so sure anymore). The corporation of the United States will be taken down and out of the hands of the banks. A new age is upon us and America will once again prosper.

Or maybe this is one of the Globalists being arrested?
Maybe but remember Hillary/Obama was giving Putin everything he wanted. Bill got almost $1million for a speaking engagement and Russia gave hundreds of millions to the clinton foundation. We wouldn't help Ukraine with Russia. We gave them the uranium. We let them take back territory from other eastern bloc countries. We let them build nordstream 2. We funded Skolkovo. There is zero reason Putin wouldn't want to keep that relationship static unless he realized he was about to be outbid by China and knew he was going to be cast out in favor of Xi.

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