Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Just curious how everyone else will feel if the inauguration goes off without Trump being elected to a second term, will anyone else lose faith?
He won’t be serving his second term. Not now at least. It’s over for the next four years. Trump won’t go away though. I think he’ll be back. We will need help from lawsuits at the state level to fix the rigged voting. We also need to hope the Demorats don’t pack the court.
I'm not saying Parkes is legit, at all. he's already been proven wrong a couple times. but he has been banned off youtube and it didn't take that long, saying that youtube was pimping his numbers is just plain false. he got about 4 or 5 videos before the mods figured him out and started removing his videos, most of the videos he posted are gone.
Psy-ops go where the people go

The people are no longer on YouTube
I just don't think he can be president now legally. Even if they give verified proof the states have sent their electors and Pence counted them. Now, can we get a bombshell that destroys Biden/harris before they get up and running... or up off her knees in Kamalas case... absolutely. We would need to re-vote to get a change though. They aren't overturning the election at this point.
We're into uncharted waters when Trump invaded their corrupt world wide network. All bets are off on what goes down. Libs don't play by constitutional law so why should Trump. If the voter fraud was as bad as it sounds, Trump won in embarrassing fashion.
I certain hope this happens. However, it's unrealistic that sealed indictments to arrest 200,000 could be kept secret in the DOJ or anywhere else. Too many rats in DC to not leak. Any Grand Jury/s that return this many indictments has to have a couple of leakers on them especially formed from DC area residents. Unless the fear of God was put into them. Of course, Grand Juries could be empaneled elsewhere where there are only mice and not rats.

NONE of those 200K indictments would have been for any of the major Deep State players, they would all be for the smaller fishes...I mean look at how many of the child and sex trafficking people have been arrested all around the US these past few years. Gotta think some of those were part of the 200K.

Come on guys, dont think like a lib, think like a rational, logical, non emotional, red blooded patriot and conservative here.

This isnt a Tom Cruise movie with Pre Cogs Minority report here, and they dont know and cant charge the crimes ahead of time...they got to charge them AFTER they commit the crimes to all those big fish bastards. the GA SOS, the GOV, Obammer, Hill, ETC Biden..Soros. The Pope etc..

Those biggie indictments for the biggie players those charges are from a few weeks ago.Nove 3rd ring a bell for anyone? lol ..election interference etc.. oh yeah the treason Sh&t...they wouldnt have had indictments on the big players BEFORE they actually committed the LIke Tom Cruise movie.

And why would they have sealed indictments for them anyway if this is being handled by the MIL? Wouldnt those be tribunals anyway? MIL arrests?
If you were going to arrest Deep State players, why would you have that info anywhere except for a few key players that have that info, like maybe an Ezra Cohen, Cash, and Pompeo? And a few others?

So do I find it odd that no one has leaked those 200K indictments? Fact checker says NO, I dont find it odd at all since none of the big players would have been in those 200K indictments anyway cause they had not committed the election treason yet, and they wouldnt have been charged for crimes they had not committed yet...;)
NONE of those 200K indictments would have been for any of the major Deep State players, they would all be for the smaller fishes...I mean look at how many of the child and sex trafficking people have been arrested all around the US these past few years. Gotta think some of those were part of the 200K.

Come on guys, dont think like a lib, think like a rational, logical, non emotional, red blooded patriot and conservative here.

This isnt a Tom Cruise movie with Pre Cogs Minority report here, and they dont know and cant charge the crimes ahead of time...they got to charge them AFTER they commit the crimes to all those big fish bastards. the GA SOS, the GOV, Obammer, Hill, ETC Biden..Soros. The Pope etc..

Those biggie indictments for the biggie players those charges are from a few weeks ago.Nove 3rd ring a bell for anyone? lol ..election interference etc.. oh yeah the treason Sh&t...they wouldnt have had indictments on the big players BEFORE they actually committed the LIke Tom Cruise movie.

And why would they have sealed indictments for them anyway if this is being handled by the MIL? Wouldnt those be tribunals anyway? MIL arrests?
If you were going to arrest Deep State players, why would you have that info anywhere except for a few key players that have that info, like maybe an Ezra Cohen, Cash, and Pompeo? And a few others?

So do I find it odd that no one has leaked those 200K indictments? Fact checker says NO, I dont find it odd at all since none of the big players would have been in those 200K indictments anyway cause they had not committed the election treason yet, and they wouldnt have been charged for crimes they had not committed yet...;)
If we've learned anything these last 4 years is nothing can be presented to the DOJ until the swamp is cleared out. The tribunals are the only option we have and charges of treason will be in the 1000's.

Yes I saw a larger picture of this that showed the child's whole body or most of it. That is where I tapped out, as far as I go. This is why I was telling folks they didn't want to have videos freely online for people to see this sort of stuff.. one it would be illegal to view most of those anyway, but two..u can't unsee this sh^t..and thank u for only posting a small portion of this photo.
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I've been here 3 years. I can hang for another week. My gut tells me good things are going to happen. If not, I'll focus more on God and helping humanity the best way I can.
I think people are going to be massively disappointed that they believed all this when none of it plays out. I do not mean to come across upset, angry, or bitter or anything like that. But I think people on a massive scale have been played. But it’s cool I guess cause people are still “holding the line” right here. (You get what I mean)

Trump would have lost with or without Q because the left cheated so bad. But I can’t help but wonder if so many folks hadn’t fallen for the “watch this play out like a movie” line or “trust the plan” line. Would we have stepped in and stopped the cheating somehow? Instead of waiting and relying on the kracken to be released? Maybe people actually do something instead? I don’t know. Just spit ballin.

y’all may like him or not, but he’s grown on me. Jack Posobiek, “there’s no plan. There’s no one coming in to save us all” I’m about 99% of that line of thinking now.

hell, if Alex Jones thinks q movement is crazy......hmmmm.

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