Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Let's pull this apart a bit. The video was excellent -- and I'd encourage everyone in the thread to watch it -- but based on other comments Jovan made, it's not the slam dunk quote you want to be.

In the video, Jovan was also effusive in his praise for General Flynn. As everyone in this thread is likely aware, Flynn has very openly supported 'Q'. He is on video taking that digital oath that 'Q' posted. He is on video administering the same oath to his family. He even got is lawyers to say the same oath on camera. I remember Sydney Powell doing it and I think one of his other lawyers did as well. Flynn has also regularly supported Q in other venues. Flynn also seems to have credibility with many other non-Q supporting figures, such as Jovan, and, recently mentioned in this thread, Vernon Jones was looking forward to campaigning with Flynn.

Given the lack of any type of tangible results of the good guys appearing to be "in control", the current credibility of 'Q' would be tied to those public figures, in this case Flynn, knowing what they are talking about. This leads us to a few possibilities,
  1. Flynn is credible due to his high-level intelligence background and 'Q' is real, the goods guys are "in control", and we are watching the deep state destroy itself.
  2. Someone (or a group) convinced Flynn it is real and he is unknowingly duping others into believing it and thusly perpetuating the Psyop
  3. Flynn is a bad guy and is doing what he can to deliberately perpetuate the 'Q' Psyop by giving it credibility.
Regardless of which scenario Flynn falls into, it calls into credibility of either Jovan's trust of Flynn or belief in the validity of 'Q'. Either both have to be trusted or both have to be dismissed. I'll leave you to decide which that is. I am hoping for #1, but would not be shocked by it being either of the other options at this point. And since Jovan is picking both supporting Flynn, while dismissing 'Q', it ultimately shows he doesn't know either.

A couple other thoughts:
  1. If you wanted to get information out, and you know many people wouldn't trust something like 'Q', and the world-view altering information overload that comes with it, you would give a lot of the same information the other channels, like Jovan, while simultaneously telling them 'Q' is fake. That way they maintain their credibility, while still disseminating the required information, but in smaller, easier to digest doses, to the broader population over a longer timeframe.
  2. At the same time if you running a Psyop, you would tell people that would otherwise revolt against this totalitarianism, that everything will change, but only at the precipice of everything truly going to Hell, which is essentially what 'Q' has done. This would leave no time to truly fix things before implementing the totalitarian society. Additionally, you would have spent four years ID'ing dissidents who are not likely to comply. And then you can take the appropriate actions to remove or mitigate them.
Essentially this 'Q' stuff best be real, or there is a decent chance we are too far down the road to meaningfully fix things. The Arizona audit information going to the Arizona Senate this week is the last real chance of bringing meaningful change in the near future. If that isn't successful, things could get dicey.

The timing of the Afghanistan shit show lining up to take the news cycle away from Arizona helps give Arizona more credibility. Timing the Cyber Symposium for the week prior to Arizona appears to help set the table for bringing this all top of mind, so that would likely explain why the held until last week for that, as much (most?) of that information was not new, although it was good information (however disorganized the actual event seemed to be).

So I don't know, you don't know, Jovan doesn't know. Hopefully good things happen soon, -- like this week -- if not get involved as you are able, but if the bad guys truly control everything... well fuck us.
Well done.
Just dropping in real quick to let you all know that dad passed away just before 2:00 am this morning. Appreciate all the prayers and support from you all. He’s in a much better place now and for that, I’m grateful. Thanks again fam.

With that said, how about our Retard in Chief? What a complete dildo.
Hate to hear that man, if you need anything just give us a shout.
Ole Miss. (One of her best friends is going to SMU. )

She has plenty of heels. She's my girl, after all. I taught her well.

But not for move in.

This one is 5'8". She can flat out rock some heels.... (and slides or tennies).

She's looking down in that pic. Those curls actually go halfway to her waist. Waist length when straightened.

100% natural blonde and 100% natural curls.

And she has a shirt. 😊
My older boy is in his Jr. year of HS. May have to arrange a date for them in 4-5 years ;)

I hope he ultimately find a girl that was raised by good people like your family!

At this point the score is:

Deep State: 999,999 (they rolled the score)
Patriots: -144

Nobody is working behind the scenes for us. We had one shot and it was Donald and see how hostile all the pubs are to him now that he's out of office and all of his policies have been overturned. Don was hesitant to wield his power to remove the DS as where the DS is shameless and will consider every option including treason to retain power. They hold the reigns of every major agency, cabinet and apparently the Supreme Court considering the shitbag rulings they've been producing lately.

If you can read the following and think for a heartbeat that John Durham is on your side then I don't know what the fvck to say to you.

WASHINGTON, DC] – U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, applauded Judiciary Committee approval of John H. Durham’s nomination to serve as U.S. Attorney for the District of Connecticut. Durham’s nomination was approved by the Judiciary Committee today by voice vote, and now proceeds to the full Senate for consideration. Blumenthal and U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) recommended Durham’s nomination to President Trump last year.

“I know John Durham well, having known and worked with him over many years,” said Blumenthal. “He is a no-nonsense, fierce, fair career prosecutor. He knows what it means to try some of the toughest cases against career criminals. He knows what it means to try to stop the opioid crisis in this country. He knows what organized crime does to the fabric of our society. He is exactly the kind of person we should have in this position.”


Approval of Durham puts your right there with one o the most vile members of the Democrat party.

no one had time to read all that
At this point the score is:

Deep State: 999,999 (they rolled the score)
Patriots: -144

Nobody is working behind the scenes for us. We had one shot and it was Donald and see how hostile all the pubs are to him now that he's out of office and all of his policies have been overturned. Don was hesitant to wield his power to remove the DS as where the DS is shameless and will consider every option including treason to retain power. They hold the reigns of every major agency, cabinet and apparently the Supreme Court considering the shitbag rulings they've been producing lately.

If you can read the following and think for a heartbeat that John Durham is on your side then I don't know what the fvck to say to you.

WASHINGTON, DC] – U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, applauded Judiciary Committee approval of John H. Durham’s nomination to serve as U.S. Attorney for the District of Connecticut. Durham’s nomination was approved by the Judiciary Committee today by voice vote, and now proceeds to the full Senate for consideration. Blumenthal and U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) recommended Durham’s nomination to President Trump last year.

“I know John Durham well, having known and worked with him over many years,” said Blumenthal. “He is a no-nonsense, fierce, fair career prosecutor. He knows what it means to try some of the toughest cases against career criminals. He knows what it means to try to stop the opioid crisis in this country. He knows what organized crime does to the fabric of our society. He is exactly the kind of person we should have in this position.”


Approval of Durham puts your right there with one o the most vile members of the Democrat party.

Was It Over When The Germans Bombed Pearl Harbor?
Here's the cliffs. Blumenthal aka Danang Dick recommended Durham to Trump and sang his praises. For fvcks sake do some research on these characters before tying your hopes to them.

Lol why do you even post here ? No one needs you and your girlfriend etnvol negativity in here. It’s exhausting and no one wants to read your crap. At least be a man and start your own thread that says “America is defeated” then y’all can go suck one another off in that thread
Just dropping in real quick to let you all know that dad passed away just before 2:00 am this morning. Appreciate all the prayers and support from you all. He’s in a much better place now and for that, I’m grateful. Thanks again fam.

With that said, how about our Retard in Chief? What a complete dildo.
Prayers..........stay strong.
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