Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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This is Saigon all over again. Except these people don’t have an ocean to be evacuated to like some of the Vietnamese did

I was born in 1979 and I believe this is the lowest point the United States of America has been at during my lifetime at home and abroad
The lowest point since probably the middle to end of Vietnam.
I’m disgusted
I pray to God brighter days are ahead for my children for my family and for all of you patriots and all of the other patriots in our country
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This will make you cry

Holy shit not one decent human on the list.
I could very well be wrong but I see a pattern in the Biden WH.

Biden puts Kamala over the Southern border and gives her a major role and voice in the Afgan withdrawal both of which have been complete disasters.

These failures will be on him as no one blames the VP ever.
This maybe is a plot/coup for her to take Biden out. Did Kamala call a Code Red on Joey?

A sign will be how the MSM reports these failures next week.
about the 800 people on the flight

I saw somewhere that it took off with very light fuel and they refueled in the air.
From another thread which claimed this is an actual pic. Looks like what would have to happen to max out the airlift.


If one counts like rows and columns of heads you can get to 400 ( I got 35 x 10 first go, maybe 35 x11 or 12).

Still not 800, maybe 400.

Give it a try and see.

The payload of the C-17 can handle the weight (good estimate with nearly half being small children is 75-100klb, including some backpacks - max payload is like 170klb) but would likely need aerial refuel after taking off at the high elevation of AFG and the sheer weight of all these passengers.
From another thread which claimed this is an actual pic. Looks like what would have to happen to max out the airlift.


If one counts like rows and columns of heads you can get to 400 ( I got 35 x 10 first go, maybe 35 x11 or 12).

Still not 800, maybe 400.

Give it a try and see.

The payload of the C-17 can handle the weight (good estimate with nearly half being small children is 75-100klb, including some backpacks - max payload is like 170klb) but would likely need aerial refuel after taking off at the high elevation of AFG and the sheer weight of all these passengers.
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From another thread which claimed this is an actual pic. Looks like what would have to happen to max out the airlift.


If one counts like rows and columns of heads you can get to 400 ( I got 35 x 10 first go, maybe 35 x11 or 12).

Still not 800, maybe 400.

Give it a try and see.

The payload of the C-17 can handle the weight (good estimate with nearly half being small children is 75-100klb, including some backpacks - max payload is like 170klb) but would likely need aerial refuel after taking off at the high elevation of AFG and the sheer weight of all these passengers.
The air force article with the pic said it was 670.

Of course, nothing military brass says can be trusted, but then they really gain nothing by lying about the above.
Take a look at both photos (download them to your desktop) and zoom in. Look at the tassles on the flags. Look at the drapes. IDENTICAL. These photos had to have been taken the same day. No way that those tassles don't move. Look at the Air Return above the flags. You mean to tell me that this room sees so little use that the flags aren't moved? Everything on the table is in the same place. The only thing that is different are the sunglasses on the table. This is worse than we thought.....

Flipped over to CNN just to see what they were covering on this and they were showing an interview with a fuckin Taliban spokesman and the CNN correspondent who was going on about including non-Taliban in the government and letting women continue education past their teens. Of course the spokesman was giving them all they wanted to hear about being “progressive” and the interviewer was just eating it up.

It’s disgusting, though not at all surprising, that CNN would be legitimizing the Taliban takeover while there are reports of mass murder and beheadings. Really living up to their enemy of the people title.
From Another Site

From NPR in March Of this year

“The Trump White House agreed to a May 1 troop withdrawal. New Yorker writer Dexter Filkins says Biden must now decide whether to honor a deal that included the Taliban but not the Afghan government.

The deal itself is simple, but it kind of sets off this cascade of other things which are not so simple. But the deal basically says the Taliban won't kill any Americans, and we won't attack the Taliban. And if all goes well and the Taliban agree not to support any kind of terrorism against the United States or not to allow terrorists in the country or any kind of bases, the United States will leave and go to zero and take out all of its forces by May 1.

And so the whole thing was kind of unconventional, but there's an agreement. It was signed in February of last year, February 2020. And it says that the United States will pull out all of its forces by May 1. And what's remarkable about it is that since February 2020, no American soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan. So the Taliban have, in fact, held to their word.”

…it's difficult not to conclude, when you stand back and look at it, that the real purpose of this agreement, and I think President Trump even said this, was just get out. The U.S. is going to get out and leave the Afghan government and the Taliban to each other, which I think almost certainly means a lot more violence and probably something like civil war.”

…I was in a room with an intelligence officer that was briefing some American soldiers. And she said, look; if we're still here after May 1, and we might be, it's game on. You know, the - you can expect the Taliban to start coming after Americans again. So the war goes back. The war comes back on May 1 if we're still there.”

End of NPR Below is From OP On Other Site

Trumps deal was over on May 1. No reason for me to think Trump would not have met his deadline. The GOP can in fact support withdrawal of troops while wanting all Americans to be kept safe until the deadline. Biden allowed the deadline to come and go.
From another board.

Breaking: Texas Supreme Court rules Abbott's EO overrules local mask mandates.

Dallas ISD and Dallas' Clay Jenkins can go get fucked. All others like Houston, San Antonio, et al, too.

Just announced on local news on CBS11.
Dallas and Bexar (San Antonio) Counties say they will ignore this ruling. It's time someone steps up and hauls people off to jail.
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