I’m currently reading Jeremiah as part of my daily time in Gods Word.
i came across the kingdom of Media today in Jeremiah 25: 25. Etymological origin is something I’ve really taken an interest so I looked into more about Media
This part from the analysis jumped out:
They became powerful, cultivated, and wealthy,
Isaiah 13:17,18 21:2-3, and continued an independent kingdom until under Cyrus, Media became united with Persia. In this way arose the Medro-Persian kingdom; and the "laws of the Medes and Persians" are always mentioned by the sacred writers together,
Esther 1:19, etc.;
Daniel 6:8,12, etc. So also the "Chronicles" of the Medes and Persians are mentioned together,
Esther 10:2. Indeed, from this time inward, the manners, customs, religion, and civilization of the Medes and Persians seem ever to have become more and more amalgamated. And in general it would seem, as we may gather from the ancient Zend writings, that the Medes, Persians, and Bactraians were originally the same people, having in
common one language, the Zend, and one religion, the worship of Ormuzd, the highest being, under the symbol of fire. They also worshipped the stars, particularly the planets; and still more, the sun and moon. The priests of this religion, the Magi, were a Median race, to whom were intrusted the cultivation of the sciences, and
the ancient but degenerated religion of light, whose disciples have maintained
Names (words) always mean something