If I were them, I would hire a bunch of strippers because I’d open the door if I saw some cleavage.Yep, if some morons come to my door like Mormon vaxxers they can stare at me through the windows if they want. No way I'm answering, ever.
Or if it's a good looking well built woman tell her you'll show your card if she shows you her tits...she goes first.If I were them, I would hire a bunch of strippers because I’d open the door if I saw some cleavage.
…and you have a moat. Awesome!
They may try with just 2 of the 3.
Well, natural blond jokes.So now we're doing blonde jokes???
Pew, pew, pew...They may try with just 2 of the 3.
At least she financed the computer and the boots on a 7 year note.
Non-competes are actually a creation of the free market, not a hindrance to it. Holy hell. They are there for very good reasons most of the time and if you don’t want to sign one, don’t go work there.Saw on another forum that OBiden is issuing an EO to ban non-compete agreements.
What say you @Jayhox
Ninja I'm working on it. You see the pile of dirt. I need two more dump truckloads. I relocated to the swamp.…and you have a moat. Awesome!
Animals …
Animals …
She's pissed they wouldn't accept food stamps.I Guess the big "Queso Blanco" Sign aka in English "White Cheese" Sign Triggered Her