Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Agreed, but back to my question. If a real war were to kick off, do you believe we would have the support of other countries?
If it were to happen I believe we would get support and a few of the countries might surprise people.

Do they support freedom/liberty?
Do they support people who want peace & prosperity?
Do they support free speech?
Do they support rule of law?
Do they support sovereignty?

Or do they support the radical left communists?
Do they support a One World government?
Do they support open borders?
Do they support blatant, biased censorship?
Do they support openly corrupted courts?
Do they support the Cabal?

The UN would do the bidding of the Cabal automatically but American patriots would have plenty of like minded countries willing to offer support.

While I think this country still has some additional chaos to endure, it won't reach the level of a full blown civil war. The Cabal is losing bigly right now IMO and the more they panic, the more they will try to bait and frame America First patriots.

The want us thinking and reacting emotionally, instead of logically. Hold the line, I know witnessing all this bullshit and stupidity on a daily basis is hard but the democrats/rino's/cabal are losing this war - we should understand this because of how they are acting and reacting to certain situations. The hourglass of their doomed fate has been tipped over and we are witnessing in real time the cabal in a frenszy panic as they begin to understand they are living on borrowed time. No 4-5 year pandemic, no economic collapse, no great reset. I believe they are starting to understand they're trapped - as certain events begin to unfold it will start a rapid chain reaction that they know they can't stop. As more "leaks" drip out almost daily, the more they are exposed and the more they lash out. Their planned false flags will only boomerang back and speed up their demise.

America First vs America Last.

I know where I stand. I Hope everyone enjoys this weekend and the celebration of America's independence - now more than ever in our lifetimes.

Cheers 🍺🍺🍺🔔🔔🔔
Survived the morning hike. It was only 15 miles. They take you up to 7500 elevation and hike downhill to 5000 feet. Piece of cake. It actually hit 95 degrees in the mountains today which is very rare.

Get home in time to see Trump rally tomorrow night. OAN and Newsmax both covering it.

?…has anyone had success in signing up for Trumps new social media. I get as far as they will email me a verification code and never get the email.
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Didn’t see a thread so I will share here. A few stories about Rumsfeld.

During the first days of OEF we had mullah Omar in his car targeted with a predator just west of Kandahar. Had to go through all the authorities to shoot a hell fire at the car. A Lt Commander female JAG denied the request because we couldn’t confirm confirm Omar was in the car so the request was denied (further intel verified he was in the car. Rumsfeld upon learning that a female JAG denied the request to enable stated “No god damn c@,t is going to tell me how to run a war.” She was eventually removed.

Godfather of my son was Mattie’ G2 in Fallujah and flew back to DC to personally brief Rumsfeld. Guy had been blown up 10 days prior but stayed on the battlefield till summoned for the one on one. Godfather gets back to the states, puts on a clean uniform and briefs Rumsfeld. Rumsfeld thanks him for the brief and then tells him on the way out that he needs to clean his boots.

Rumsfeld was a true megalomaniac asshole.

Didn’t see a thread so I will share here. A few stories about Rumsfeld.

During the first days of OEF we had mullah Omar in his car targeted with a predator just west of Kandahar. Had to go through all the authorities to shoot a hell fire at the car. A Lt Commander female JAG denied the request because we couldn’t confirm confirm Omar was in the car so the request was denied (further intel verified he was in the car. Rumsfeld upon learning that a female JAG denied the request to enable stated “No god damn c@,t is going to tell me how to run a war.” She was eventually removed.

Godfather of my son was Mattie’ G2 in Fallujah and flew back to DC to personally brief Rumsfeld. Guy had been blown up 10 days prior but stayed on the battlefield till summoned for the one on one. Godfather gets back to the states, puts on a clean uniform and briefs Rumsfeld. Rumsfeld thanks him for the brief and then tells him on the way out that he needs to clean his boots.

Rumsfeld was a true megalomaniac asshole.
Love how funny that sounds. Sounds ridiculous when I read it aloud.
You Are Allowed to Spend Your Own Money on a Campaign - Just Buy a Network Instead and Do This:

Hire Away Talent From Fox - Hello Maria! And All the Other Hotties
Have a Platform on TV for Guys Like Bannon, Praeger, Levine, Wilcow
Broadcast Christian Values, American History, Educational Programs for Kids
Regular Appearances From DJT, Jr, Eric, Etc
You Have a 24/7 Political Campaign Machine
Use Commercials to Raise Money For Conservative Candidates
Allow Conservative Senators & Congressmen a Place to Have a Voice
Save Campaign Donations for Other Areas Would Not Need to Buy as Many Commercials

***BONUS***LAC Would Have a Time Slot With @MortgageHorn @Jayhox and Who Ever Else Wants to Join***

Profits Would Be Flowing
Bookmarked! 😍
Didn’t see a thread so I will share here. A few stories about Rumsfeld.

During the first days of OEF we had mullah Omar in his car targeted with a predator just west of Kandahar. Had to go through all the authorities to shoot a hell fire at the car. A Lt Commander female JAG denied the request because we couldn’t confirm confirm Omar was in the car so the request was denied (further intel verified he was in the car. Rumsfeld upon learning that a female JAG denied the request to enable stated “No god damn c@,t is going to tell me how to run a war.” She was eventually removed.

Godfather of my son was Mattie’ G2 in Fallujah and flew back to DC to personally brief Rumsfeld. Guy had been blown up 10 days prior but stayed on the battlefield till summoned for the one on one. Godfather gets back to the states, puts on a clean uniform and briefs Rumsfeld. Rumsfeld thanks him for the brief and then tells him on the way out that he needs to clean his boots.

Rumsfeld was a true megalomaniac asshole.

Well he is in hell so it worked out

Guy Looks Like a Grocery Store Sacker - Not a Reporter - Did His Mom Dress Him?


Not sure that is a woman above can I get a ruling

Karma. Fvck her. She knew the rules and broke them. If you saw a single interview with her leading up to that race you wouldn’t have a single sympa/empathetic care for her. Her selfish arrogance bit her in the ass . . . and she had complete control of that, but couldn’t help herself. Why she can still run the relay is beyond me. Bullshit.
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