LACs - I could use any help or thoughts from anyone who may have insights, known any similar situations, etc. This is a personal situation but very relevant to our cause ITT, apologies for the length.
It goes w/o saying that we're well ahead of where most of the country is in terms of realizing how big, connected and evil ALL of what we're living through currently is, and how long it's been in the making. What I'm about to say may surprise you, as it did me, as this is larger than I realized.
I realize this is a little unusual but thought some of you may have some good input.
@Dawg88 I'm also tagging you just because you know people here in Georgia and some of those people in your circles may want to know this (if they don't already) in terms of what's going on in top private schools.
So here goes:
We live in a nice pocket just outside metro-Atlanta limits and our kids go to St. Martin's Episcopal private school in our neighborhood that costs nearly as much per year as my two kids in college. While it's nice, it's reputation isn't quite as well known as PACE Academy or Westminister, two of the "top" private schools. We just found out this week that our Head of School, who happens to be a person of color, has been implementing a full CRT curriculum...AS WELL AS - get this - gender neutrality teachings. This apparently began in 2019...about a year and a half after he came to St. Martin's. My kids just finished Pre-K and 1st grade, so nothing they brought home looked unusual.
Worth noting, he was born and raised in Panama and came here in 2017 from what is clearly a very woke school out in CA - so how he was selected to run a private school with a largely centric (if not conservative) base is a whole other question. But he clearly has a different view of America from his own perspective e.g. Obama.
Needless to say, we were shocked to find this out, and that it had been going on without any parental input or discussion. While we just found a group of parents who learned about all this a few months ago, a majority of people have no idea. We're joining this group and meeting later this month to come up with a game plan to hit this hard and head on. What we've heard as recent as today is even more concerning:
- This is not just being pushed by the Head of School, but also by the Episcopal Diocese
- It is also coordinated with PACE Academy and Westminster - meaning they have either already incorporated into their curriculum or they're all in different stages of implementation but working together
- Teachers at St. Martin's who aren't fully on board are made to feel uncomfortable to the point of the Head of School allegedly telling them "if you're not with me you're against me"
- As a result, good teachers are leaving at an alarming rate and being replaced by CRT believers
- Lastly, the only references to some of the new curriculum were buried in some very vague correspondence sent out AFTER the deadline to make non-refundable payment for next school year
If I haven't lost you yet, my point is that while I sent my kids to private school specifically to avoid the more liberal agendas of public, it appears many of our private schools may have already been infiltrated. Further, while GA, FL and some other states are now trying to ban CRT, it doesn't apply to private schools.
Initially, my thoughts are to try and get some sort of news outlet to get the word out in whatever media we can, as so many of the school parents as well as parishioners are unaware of the diocese's support of these theories. I'm also trying to find any people of influence here in Atlanta, whether politicians who oppose CRT/gender education like gov candidate Vernon Jones who would be more credible as a black man...whoever might have interest, it's fvcking crazy. But as we've begun to dig into this, the size/scale is a major concern.
Again, sorry for the length but this is one dysfunctional family and this stuff is germane to our daily discussions - appreciate any thoughts. As we're well aware, this plan by the global leftists began looong ago and it's easy to see Schiff, Swalwell, Nads and the gang as just stupid etc but they're merely the useful idiots...the plan itself is brilliant and evil.
If we don't want to clog the thread, feel free to DM me.