Cancer vaccines coming

“Get the COVID vax and will tell you about this tasty treat behind door #2”

I'll take the
Did NOBODY watch I Am Legend?????

Seriously, how would a vaccine protecting against a myriad of cell mutations work? And I'll be the first person to cheer if a safe, effective vaccine could be developed. But I just don't see it.
I think it would be certain vaccines for certain cancers.

One of the drugs they are going to give my wife allows her white blood cells to fight whatever cells they deem fit. They 'reprogram' the drug for different cancers in my layman's understanding.

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Meet the Carousing, Harmonica-Playing Texan Who Won a Nobel for his Cancer Breakthrough​

Jim Allison is an iconoclastic scientist who toiled in obscurity for years. Then he helped crack a mystery that may save millions of lives: Why doesn’t the immune system attack cancer?
Image may contain Human Person Clothing Apparel Coat Lab Coat Glasses Accessories Accessory Face and Scientist
Jim Allison is an iconoclastic scientist who toiled in obscurity for years. Then he helped crack a mystery that may

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