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Threats are a LAST RESORT measure

Jan 2, 2024

Haven't these nuthead proper authorities ever learned the phrase "if all else fails"? I'm starting to see a possible pattern emerge here: these kids are resorting to escalating the situation or taking more drastic measures IF ALL ELSE FAILS. Because what else can they resort to? I highly doubt their "old school" parents can be of any assistance - especially if they're orphans (born without a parent).

They were also running out of options for a peaceful approach to their conflicts.
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May 7, 2024
I have no clue what your point is, but the officer in the video is a dweeb, and threats are an expression of ultimate frustration towards others.

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
They got what they had coming to them. Free speech does not include making threats to kill people who disagree with you.

Someone threatening to kill just to get their way, should be taken seriously.


May 7, 2024
They got what they had coming to them. Free speech does not include making threats to kill people who disagree with you.

Someone threatening to kill just to get their way, should be taken seriously.

Depends on if the threats are from mentally unstable cray crays like me, and in the UK there are mitigations - it is legal to make a threat if the person making the threat believes it to be to reinforce a reasonable demand.

The number of 'malicious communication' accusations stacked against me are sky high, all nullified as 'no crime committed' once I assert my reasons for having made them.

I even had the police tell me when I phoned them blind drunk on my 40th bday and explained my whole shitty life to them - 'If it happens because you can't control your speech for medical reasons then we wont press charges'.

I'm just a crazy fucker that shouts at and abuses anyone when I'm in my rage mode, but its controlled now thanks to the speech therapy I did, until someone hurts me first.


May 7, 2024
I'm was trying to find a certain art piece that shows me, the type where you have a normal person, then around them are multiple 'shadow selves' in various states of extreme emotions. I couldn't find it, but instead this popped up, and this is basically my brain and me 24/7:


Boo. The sheer willpower it takes to hold it back all the time irl is beyond draining.

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
Depends on if the threats are from mentally unstable cray crays like me,
Shouldn't matter. Even the quiet ones can become uber dangerous given the right circumstances.

and in the UK there are mitigations - it is legal to make a threat if the person making the threat believes it to be to reinforce a reasonable demand.
Pretty sure in most discussions here that US legalities apply. Unless stated otherwise, of course.

my whole shitty life
About your shitty life, have you ever taken an honest and in-depth look at how your own past decisions and actions could have contributed to said shitty life?

We are all, where we each find ourselves today, the resultant product of ALL of our past choices and experiences combined.

While others can cause us to have negative experiences in life, how we choose to react to those experiences along with our own willful choices, created who we each are today.

What could YOU have done differently that might have led to a less shitty life today?

Or are you one who mistakenly sees themselves as a helpless victim of everyone and every thing?

I'm just a crazy fucker that shouts at and abuses anyone when I'm in my rage mode, but its controlled now thanks to the speech therapy I did, until someone hurts me first.
Realizing one has a problem is the first step in fixing it.

Boo. The sheer willpower it takes to hold it back all the time irl is beyond draining.
Controlling ones emotions is a hallmark of civility.


May 7, 2024
While others can cause us to have negative experiences in life, how we choose to react to those experiences along with our own willful choices, created who we each are today.

Meltdowns as it turns out are not a willful choice and a hallmark of misunderstanding of autistic people, more so in higher functioning ones that appear normal.

A low functioning spastic having a yell, people can just laugh at or realise its a special head.

Me, boyo do I just fully and entirely destroy the other person and have them crying for their mommy or the police ... And it can go on for hours on end.

They are uncontrollable outbursts of emotional dysregulation, nothing can be done by the individual to prevent them.

Currently, I clearly assert my limits and boundaries - I make it clear when people are triggering me and to stop. I give plenty of patience and warnings. If it continues - 'Believe me you do not want me shouting at you'. If the behaviour continues and I end up snapping into a rage, this leaves me fully mitigated for any such future outbursts.

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
They are uncontrollable outbursts of emotional dysregulation, nothing can be done by the individual to prevent them.
You obviously did, you said as much in your previous post.

I'm just a crazy fucker that shouts at and abuses anyone when I'm in my rage mode, but its controlled now thanks to the speech therapy I did,
That proves that it can be controlled. If it truly couldn't be, you would not have had any success in your attempt TO control it.

You recognized a negative behavior in yourself and made a willful choice to address it, and had a positive outcome.

That's a result of a choice you made in order to gain control of your base human emotions. In other words, you helped yourself to become more civilized.

Me, boyo do I just fully and entirely destroy the other person and have them crying for their mommy or the police ... And it can go on for hours on end.
Apparently no one has ever coldcocked ya for it yet?

That's a way people can also learn to control their behavior. I'm not saying it's right, but it does happen sometimes.
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May 7, 2024
You obviously did, you said as much in your previous post.

That proves that it can be controlled. If it truly couldn't be, you would have had any success in your attempt TO control it.

You recognized a negative behavior in yourself and made a willful choice to address it, and had a positive outcome.

That's a result of a choice you made in order to gain control of your base human emotions. In other words, you helped yourself to become more civilized.

Apparently no one has ever coldcocked ya for it yet?

That's a way people can also learn to control their behavior. I'm not saying it's right, but it does happen sometimes.

Its not full control, its extending the limit before I snap. The rage mode when it happens, just happens.

My diagnosis literally says what you mentioned - 'Im a danger to myself for my outbursts, as others could attack me'.

But so far the rage only happened with my narc family, and more recently barely 10 seconds of shouting at a dweeb running a cripples group that kept calling me nicknames.

Oh wait, and with the pathetic NHS never being capable of understanding my issues because they use the stupid ICD-11 and not DSM-5.

The assertiveness keeps it in check, but I end up speaking a lot as a cope, controlling conversations to match my need for respect and equal satisfaction, and keeping people on my level through a heightened empathetic approach.

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