Bloodborne and Dark Souls fans -New vidya game: Elden Ring

It’s really easy to respec a little bit later so I wouldn’t worry to much of advancing all your characters. Once you beat the raya Lucria academy you can respec (mostly) whenever you want. Original base stats don’t really matter and you can find all the starting gear of the other starting classes

What are the main spells you are using? And where are you in that character?

Here’s what I’ve been switching between since switching to strength. They are all pretty fun's+Wheel
I love my alts, in fact wouldn't have it any other way. In Dark Souls 3 I ran 5 builds though NG+7 over 5 years. I won't play Elden Ring - or anything else for that matter - anywhere near that much again but I love having multiple toons.

I mainly use Glintstone Cometshard and Glintstone Arc for spells although I mix in some Loretta's Greatbow for sniping and the backstab spell for turtle shields. SL 120 with 80 int 35 vigor and str/dex/endurance to equip my sword, staff and a brass shield and still medium roll - rest in mind. I ran a Lordsworn Straight Sword until I got the Dark Moon Greatsword .

My strength guy is running Greataxe and a great shield don't remember which one, really tanky build - night and day different from my sorcerer. Also like my dexer running uchigatana + wakizashi. My eye hand coordination has really fallen off the last 3 or 4 years so I struggle greatly with him but he is fun.
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I love my alts, in fact wouldn't have it any other way. In Dark Souls 3 I ran 5 builds though NG+7 over 5 years. I won't play Elden Ring - or anything else for that matter - anywhere near that much again but I love having multiple toons.
Ahhh ok I didn’t realize you had that much From experience. You know what you are doing then.
haha frinally got her, but she killed me at the same time but gave me credit. Now she is offering me some kind of reset does that mean I can reset all my attributes?
Yeah you can respec whenever now if you want to. You need to track down a larval tear to do it. Those tears are limited but there are about 20.

I’ve respected several times
I respected back to rivers of blood to finish off the game. Strongest build. You might not be far enough for those weapons though. Any build that can use rotten breath helps a ton. It’s kind of clunky to use, but if you can get scarlet rot in an enemy it will just eat them up
I will do some searching for it, moonveil is the only katana I have. Think I am gonna go Samurai just have some equipment to get.
You can get the uchigatana pretty easy and the Naga wherever. Put some blood ashes of war on them and go to town. I’d try to get enough faith and arcane to get rotten breath. I would do arcane heave and less so dex. You can get the dragon communion seal that scales your incantations with arcane as well.
Just beat it with these stats. Rivers of blood katana. Spam the weapon skill. Mimic tear +10 as summon. Talismans: Shard of Alexander, Erdtree Favor +2. I used radagons sore seal and blood lords exhalation as my other two seals most of the end game, but switched to pearldrake talisman +2 for final boss.

White mask is the only piece of armor that helped my damage, everything else I just tried to get something that looked cool with best damage mitigation

Leading up to the very end I used the dragon communion seal and rotten breath for lots of cheap kills. Dragon communion seal scaled with arcane so you can just pump points into arcane. Make sure to get enough faith for the incantation (15) but the damage from the spell will be related to your arcane. At the very very end of the game I switched off my faith points and traded them in for dex. Arcane is more important than dex with this build because it increases bleed damage

A lot of that stuff is mostly toward the end of the game, but the only thing that really matters is rivers of blood. It’s basically easy mode (easy mode for a very hard game though)
Just beat godrick and explored around the lake some. Taking my time with it and at this pace I’ll finish it in a year or two.
I spent prob 20 hours just going around collecting stuff before I started new game plus. I kicked that off this morning thinking I would just screw around a bit and be done for the day. I think I spent 8 hours playing. New game plus is fun as hell because it’s like a victory parade. Just go beat the shit out of everything that have you trouble.

And I came up with a couple insane builds today. But I’m level 170 now so o got a lot to work with

Once you beat the final boss, you don’t have to interact with the thing to end the game. You can get this sword from the final bosses rememberance with an insane AoE attack. There is a spot you can go grind and basically get 30,000 runes every minute. I spent some time doing that and getting jacked before I switched over. That sword isn’t really functional in real fights, but for rune farming it’s crazy

I started new game plus with my first int build and steamrolled all the way through the academy. I just switched over to a peak strength build because I have enough stats I can get a ton of endurance to where really heavy armor, great shield and heavy weapon, and still medium roll

Right before I logged off I was just stabling in front of a giant with my shield up and he was smashing me but my guy wouldn’t even budge
I think I reached burnout this afternoon fortunately. I got 2/3 through the story in NG+

Will go down as a top 5 game all time for me. FF7, Ocarina of Time, Diablo 2, Fallout 3/ New Vegas, Elden Ring

Tough to rank that group for me
I just hit 44 and am about to rape an undead moose after lighting all the candles underground.

Dragonkin Soldier was a bitch but I took him out after about 40 tries
That boss did suck. One of the ones a struggled the most with. From what I remember, seems like you did pretty good to take him down at level 44.

I keep thinking I’m burned out but I’m looking forward to trying a new build when I get home. I’ve never done the new game+ in any game before but it’s fun as hell on this one. The game still has enough of a challenge, and the enemies are a bit stronger than the first time though, but you can just try out any build you want and beat the shit out of stuff that used to give you trouble.

I think I’m level 175 or something now lol, but once you beat the final boss you get this weapon you can use to farm the shit out of runes before you go to the next play through
Don’t miss this shield. It takes a ton of strength but you can block anything. Event the giants swing their telephone poles just hold the shield up and no damage.

It’s a challenge in itself to get it

Just an all around great strength weapon that’s easy to find from the very beginning

Put this ash of war on it (tough to get until a bit later)

Make sure to get these to open a couple secret areas with a ton of good stuff


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