Big Ballz looks great!! Always working the room

He lives in beautiful Palm Beach. Those fvckers live to 105. Screw Camp David. That dump is for poors.

Actually, this pic was taken the other day at Mar-A-Lago.

Funny story, my cousin is an old school Dem. He has a place right down the street on the ocean. His neighbors belong to the club and arw big donors. They all went there to eat as they routinely do "in season" and were graced by Big Ballz' presence.
Is your cousin Micheal J Fox?
Lick a dick, which I know you will greatly enjoy.

Yeah, NJ has been overtaken by the Libs, but there are still plenty of Conservatives. In addition, the PerCapita income shits on you and almost every other state.
11% state income tax there so I hope you’re among the wealthiest. At least you get terrible weather there too and a bunch of lib losers, so there’s that.....
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