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Anyone here cursed with a giant cock?


Jan 9, 2021


Shaping the Future of Reality
Jan 12, 2021
I was having problems up until the age of 14. Then my dad worked out a two week apprenticeship with a snake handler that specialized in boa constrictors and pythons. Once I learned how to pack that monstrous fucker in-between my thighs I had it made. I dress to the left by the way...how about you?

You probably won't know what that means unless you have a custom pair of trousers made by an expert tailor. When you have a cock as large as mine, you need custom made trousers to keep from causing a stir.


Jan 8, 2021
Mines only 7.5”, but I used to date this Thai girl and would bottom out on. I guess she had a shallow vagina??

can’t imagine having a porn hawg

7.5” is actually porn star size. They just use skinny dudes that are like 5’5” because it’s all about proportions. Many of the girls are spinners around 5’

I’m a little above average at 6.5” but sitting pretty with a girth of 6” and I bottom out the ole lady all the time.


B2B Champ/ Feels Great to be King!
Jan 9, 2021
You mean....LIKE THIS?


NO.....But wife swears IT THE LAGEST thing to be seen or used with her magnifying glass/tweezer combo. (She really does love me.....🥰)


Shaping the Future of Reality
Jan 12, 2021
A MD I worked with in the Navy called this Throckmorton's Sign. He said that in general ones unit falls toward the side of the body, right or left, where the "issue" is causing discomfort. Or he could have been pulling my middle leg.
A MD I worked with in the Navy called this Throckmorton's Sign. He said that in general ones unit falls toward the side of the body, right or left, where the "issue" is causing discomfort. Or he could have been pulling my middle leg.
Nope, it's true. You're either a lefty or a righty and it makes a difference in the way the tailor cuts the inseam just below the zipper. Otherwise your salami shows. That's OK on Saturday night in a bar, but not OK in a Friday afternoon in a conference meeting.
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Jan 8, 2021
Since I can't find the thread Croot posted months ago about stories from military days, I will tell it here.

I was in charge of the Aviation Physical Dept while stationed in Corpus Christi at the Naval Air Station. My duties were to do all the testing, blood drawing, EKG's, etc on everyone taking a flight physical on base. Once we had tested hearing, vision, bp, drawn blood, and all else we called the MDs down to the department to do the hernia testing, prostate testing and all the stuff doctors do. When doing this, the MD would ask one of us to be his "scribe" and record what he said on the exam papers.

One day a Chief Petty Officer was complaining outside the exam room saying, "they always get the doctors with the biggest fingers to do the prostate exams". Ironically, this MD had some large fingers. Anyway, the CPO walks in and gives me his paperwork. He and the MD began talking. Then the MD tells him to drop trou and bend over for the rectal exam. This MD had a habit of placing one hand on the person's shoulder while he inserted the index finger off his other hand into the person's ass. Since the MD heard the complaints from the CPO while standing outside, the MD placed his left hand on the CPO's shoulder and began to insert his index finger into this guy's ass. The MD motioned for me to place my hand on the CPO's other shoulder. I did. The CPO got very quiet and remained that way until he left the building. Dr. Stephenson and I laughed about that for months.


Shaping the Future of Reality
Jan 12, 2021
Since I can't find the thread Croot posted months ago about stories from military days, I will tell it here.

I was in charge of the Aviation Physical Dept while stationed in Corpus Christi at the Naval Air Station. My duties were to do all the testing, blood drawing, EKG's, etc on everyone taking a flight physical on base. Once we had tested hearing, vision, bp, drawn blood, and all else we called the MDs down to the department to do the hernia testing, prostate testing and all the stuff doctors do. When doing this, the MD would ask one of us to be his "scribe" and record what he said on the exam papers.

One day a Chief Petty Officer was complaining outside the exam room saying, "they always get the doctors with the biggest fingers to do the prostate exams". Ironically, this MD had some large fingers. Anyway, the CPO walks in and gives me his paperwork. He and the MD began talking. Then the MD tells him to drop trou and bend over for the rectal exam. This MD had a habit of placing one hand on the person's shoulder while he inserted the index finger off his other hand into the person's ass. Since the MD heard the complaints from the CPO while standing outside, the MD placed his left hand on the CPO's shoulder and began to insert his index finger into this guy's ass. The MD motioned for me to place my hand on the CPO's other shoulder. I did. The CPO got very quiet and remained that way until he left the building. Dr. Stephenson and I laughed about that for months.
That's funny as hell! What a great story! I hope to god that is true - it's epic!Unknown-3.jpeg


Shaping the Future of Reality
Jan 12, 2021
Mines only 7.5”, but I used to date this Thai girl and would bottom out on. I guess she had a shallow vagina??

can’t imagine having a porn hawg
I forgot to comment on one word you used in your headline that tells me you have a small cock, and that was the word "cursed." My large cock is a blessing to me. Size matterS my man, this is the US of A.

Never ever had a girl say to me "is it in yet?" I have heard this often - "OHHH MY GOD!"


Jan 8, 2021
Mine is too long. Can’t use it all and that’s a pain in the ass. Could definitely use more girth. I’d trade 2 inches in length for an inch in girth any day.


Jan 9, 2021
I forgot to comment on one word you used in your headline that tells me you have a small cock, and that was the word "cursed." My large cock is a blessing to me. Size matterS my man, this is the US of A.

Never ever had a girl say to me "is it in yet?" I have heard this often - "OHHH MY GOD!"
Yeah and as a bonus, now your balls hang halfway down to your knees.


Jan 8, 2021
Knew a dude in the Army that was constantly pulling his dick out and flopping it around. Dude was huge.

There was a point in my life I would have been just as obscene, if not worse, if I was blessed with a hawgleg
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