2020 Election Fraud, Republicans in Name Only (RINOS), and Political Shenanigans Past and Present

After five years of hysteria over Donald Trump, the media have hyped so many radical liberal causes to the point where many conservative Americans feel they are an endangered minority. If we speak up, we feel we will be ridiculed or ostracized by our friends and co-workers or even lose our jobs. People with conservative bumper stickers have had their cars vandalized, and those wearing patriotic clothing have been harassed and physically assaulted.

There are so many issues that face us that we can easily be overwhelmed and simply give up on political discourse, which furthers the idea that liberals rule the day.

But the silent majority in the United States is waking up — not in a uniform manner, but on an issue-by-issue basis. They know what their eyes are seeing on the nightly news, and they aren't fooled one bit by blatant liberal spin.

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Remember all the videos on youtube that show Trump totals going down and Biden going up?

Don't be fooled into thinking they were subtracted from Trump and added to Biden directly per se. I believe it was the decimalization of the vote.

I think it is more accurate to say the formula was changed live because it wasn't enough and that changed the totals. Let me give you an example below:

To keep it simple, let's go with a total of 1,000,000 votes in a state.

So let's say Trump won by a margin of 53.8% to 46.2%. That gives Trump 538,000 votes and Biden 462,000 in real votes.

Introduce decimilation and the "alghorithm", and each vote is weighted 53.1% Biden and 46.9% percent Trump. That does NOT flip the vote to 531,000 for Biden and 469,000 for Trump. In reality that sets the total to:

Trump: 504,664 votes
Bident: 490,644 votes

... with 4,692 missing votes that become phantom, or simply ignored or get "abjudicated."

Those numbers are what get released to the media and you see scrolling at the bottom of your screen.

Now take a scenario where you have perpetrated a fraud, but it isn't enough (like in the scenario above). What do you do? You adjust the formula right? So let's tweak it live. Biden now goes 54.1% and Trump gets 45.9% in the ballot decimalization weight. The end result?

Biden: 499,884
Trump: 493,884

...with 6,232 hanging out in the wind.

However, what you see on your TV is an update that shows the following:

Trump: -10,780 votes
Biden: +9,240 votes

Things that make you go hmmmm...
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Remember all the videos on youtube that show Trump totals going down and Biden going up?

Don't be fooled into thinking they were subtracted from Trump and added to Biden directly per se. I believe it was the decimalization of the vote.

I think it is more accurate to say the formula was changed live because it wasn't enough and that changed the totals. Let me give you an example below:

To keep it simple, let's go with a total of 1,000,000 votes in a state.

So let's say Trump won by a margin of 53.8% to 46.2%. That gives Trump 538,000 votes and Biden 462,000 in real votes.

Introduce decimilation and the "alghorithm", and each vote is weighted 53.1% Biden and 46.9% percent Trump. That does NOT flip the vote to 531,000 for Biden and 469,000 for Trump. In reality that sets the total to:

Trump: 504,664 votes
Bident: 490,644 votes

... with 4,692 missing votes that become phantom, or simply ignored or get "abjudicated."

Those numbers are what get released to the media and you see scrolling at the bottom of your screen.

Now take a scenario where you have perpetrated a fraud, but it isn't enough (like in the scenario above). What do you do? You adjust the formula right? So let's tweak it live. Biden now goes 54.1% and Trump gets 45.9% in the ballot decimalization weight. The end result?

Biden: 499,884
Trump: 493,884

...with 6,232 hanging out in the wind.

However, what you see on your TV is an update that shows the following:

Trump: -10,780 votes
Biden: +9,240 votes

Things that make you go hmmmm...
Also, don't sleep on the guys posting videos that are ex-military intelligence. These are the guys that are going to put Trump back in the WH.

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