2020 Election Fraud, Republicans in Name Only (RINOS), and Political Shenanigans Past and Present


Fix the 2020 election steal or show us how 2022 and 2024 matter

On November 3, 2020, after Donald Trump won the presidential election (likely by popular vote and the Electoral College count), some of us simply could not believe what transpired later. The fiasco beginning on November 4 and continuing to this day will go down in history as the time America began its nosedive into oblivion.

What boggles my mind is that some folks are still trudging along as though nothing of any import has happened. Those of us who think this is insanity are criticized for making the rational decision not to take part in the insanity.

Some are saying of the 2020 election, "we lost that one, so we must move on." My question to these folks is move on to what? Election fraud in perpetuity?

More at source...


10 Reasons to Question the Election​

It's frustrating to hear people on the Right, including some who should know better, claim there's "no evidence" of significant, possibly outcome-changing fraud in the last presidential election — even as the forensic audit in Arizona uncovers multiple discrepancies.

Clearly, they're confusing "evidence" with "proof."

No, there may not be absolute, incontrovertible proof of election fraud — yet. But there is plenty of evidence, good reasons a rational person might question the outcome. Here are ten that come to mind, in no particular order:

See link for 10 reasons...


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