You win $100 million playing the lotto


and you had to invest it for the next 20-25 years (Can't blow it on cocaine and hookers). How would you asset allocate/invest it?

I'd probably go with Harry Browne's Permanent Portfolio. Would be super easy to rebalance every quarter or year and wouldn't ever have really bad years.


Real estate. I'll buy properties next to wealthy liberals and turn them into sanctuary homes for illegals and homeless.
This is AWESOME! I am stealing this idea!

(To think I was just going to say buy my island and get out of this shit show....but the comedy that would ensue would be Trump presidency esq.)

You Sir....are a Trolls....Troll! 👍
Sit on it until the next recession and spread it out over 10 of the bluest blue chip stocks on the market when they dip. In ten years I would be king of the world.
20 percent hard assets like gold, guns, diamonds, art, classic cars. 80 percent in BRK-A.
All goes into various irrevocable trusts and you and your next 10 generations can live a life of luxury just on the dividends.
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