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Blackrock: "Get ready for a recession unlike any other. What worked in the past will not work now."


Nov 15, 2022

  • The global economy has entered a period of elevated volatility, and previous investing approaches won't work anymore, BlackRock said.
  • A recession is imminent but central banks won't be able to support markets this time by loosening policy, according to the money manager.
  • "Recession is foretold as central banks race to try to tame inflation. It's the opposite of past recessions," BlackRock strategists said.
A worldwide recession is just around the corner as central banks boost borrowing costs aggressively to tame inflation — and this time, it will ignite more market turbulence than ever before, according to BlackRock.

The global economy has already exited a four-decade era of stable growth and inflation to enter a period of heightened instability — and the new regime of increased unpredictability is here to stay, according to the world's biggest asset manager.

That means policymakers will no longer be able to support markets as much as they did during past recessions, a team of BlackRock strategists led by vice chairman Philipp Hildebrand wrote in a report titled 2023 Global Outlook.

"Recession is foretold as central banks race to try to tame inflation. It's the opposite of past recessions," they said. "Central bankers won't ride to the rescue when growth slows in this new regime, contrary to what investors have come to expect. Equity valuations don't yet reflect the damage ahead."

The prospect of limited policy support means investors need more dynamic methods — involving more frequent portfolio changes and taking a more "granular view on sectors, regions and sub-asset classes" — to navigate the volatility ahead, according to BlackRock.

`Regime of greater macro volatility'​

"What worked in the past won't work now," the strategists said. "The old playbook of simply 'buying the dip' doesn't apply in this regime of sharper trade-offs and greater macro volatility. We don't see a return to conditions that will sustain a joint bull market in stocks and bonds of the kind we experienced in the prior decade."

In other news, Gamestop has positive free cash flow, over a billion dollars cash on hand, no debt, and is expected to start generating profit this quarter. I'm expecting good news when we see the Q4 2022 earnings report next year.

Also it's shorted to fuck. There are so many short positions on Gamestop that the bankers were whining that there wasn't enough shares to borrow to open even more short positions.

I am very pleased with my investment.


I hope you guys aren't invested in companies which are holding debt. That would suck.


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Nov 15, 2022
Recession like no other? WTF that mean. We have had a Great Depression.
Remember the biden administration redefined what a "recession" is so that it's not negative GDP over 2 quarters anymore.

But it's pointless. If their new terminology means anything then they need to revise all the history books so previous recessions didn't happen and the great depression was just a recession.

The fact is we are already in a recession and we are about to go into another depression.


Get Steppin’
Feb 19, 2021
Financial "strategist" is the "anonymous source" of the financial world

I'm sure that Blackrock would be providing guidance for the best interest of the general public and not attempting to manipulate the masses to their advantage. Right?


Nov 15, 2022
They need to


Our "leaders" are going to walk right off the cliff that Zimbabwe, Venezuela, and the Weimar Republic walked off. I don't care what excuses are made. Which is more important? The economic framework built around the dollar, or the financial institutions that use that framework?

This is about rich people sacrificing our entire country in a desperate attempt to continue being rich. But they can't. If the printer stops their institution collapses because of their ineptitude and they become poor. If they keep printing they destroy the entire economy and they become poor.

We're all fucked because some rich people are filled with spite. They want to take the rest of us down with them.

If we had a real president, he might have the spine to order the military to storm the Federal Reserve buildings (there are several) and blow up the printers with bombs. Shoot anyone that tries to stop them. That would save the dollar.

But I don't expect biden to do that.


Dec 10, 2020
Recession like no other? WTF that mean. We have had a Great Depression.
I'd argue that we had people with skills and willing to work then. We have a bunch of lazy tik tok wannabes now. When this economy crashes we aren't going to have the MEN to rebuild out of it.


Bunch of freaks like this aren't going to help rebuild this economy.
Feb 9, 2023
Banks in Europe are already in a crisis with bank runs and it will come to the US very soon. Any cash, mortgages, loans, safety deposit boxes, 401 k's, etc you have with the banks will be stolen in bank bail-ins most likely this year.
Feb 9, 2023
Hey man. Did the Labor Dept overstating jobs added by 1 million, have any effect on our economy or are we still all good and growing?
People still trust gov numbers? There may be jobs but virtually all of them are garbage jobs that don't pay a livable wage these days and will only get worse as the Jew owned central bank keeps printing more fiat paper Ponzi scheme currency.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
If you reinvest instead of buying boats and toys you can be lean when it is mean.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021


Jan 8, 2021
They need to


Our "leaders" are going to walk right off the cliff that Zimbabwe, Venezuela, and the Weimar Republic walked off. I don't care what excuses are made. Which is more important? The economic framework built around the dollar, or the financial institutions that use that framework?

This is about rich people sacrificing our entire country in a desperate attempt to continue being rich. But they can't. If the printer stops their institution collapses because of their ineptitude and they become poor. If they keep printing they destroy the entire economy and they become poor.

We're all fucked because some rich people are filled with spite. They want to take the rest of us down with them.

If we had a real president, he might have the spine to order the military to storm the Federal Reserve buildings (there are several) and blow up the printers with bombs. Shoot anyone that tries to stop them. That would save the dollar.

But I don't expect biden to do that.
They will push harder and more arrogantly.
Feb 9, 2023
Wut? Explain this to me like I’m 8
So all the banks are connected as this is a golbal banking system. So when one collapses the rest will eventually collapse like dominoes.

We're going to the digital currency very soon and banks will become irrelevant. This will be called an emergency and during this crisis the banks can now bail in (legal since 2014). That means they steal all the assets from the citizens and bank runs will start happening everywhere. So, if you have any cash, investments, loans, mortgages, safety deposit boxes with the banks it will be taken from you. Also, the FDIC can only cover up to 1% of the population so the 99% will be screwed again.

They will print the money to oblivion causing the hyperinflation which will be the "Crisis" and the sheep will beg for the digital currency to solve the problem.

Only assets that will retain their value is land owned by you, some businesses that are designed to handle a mega collapse, precious metals, bullets and guns, tech that creates electricity, and water filtration systems.

Edit: Throughout history of major civilizations rising and falling the same trend happens but in various ways but the beggining and end are all the same. A civilization starts with sound money. Then the so called rulers cheat out the people/peasants and devalue the currency so they acquire more wealth over time. Eventually the civilization and the currency crumbles and fails and the new city/civilization goes back to sound money (silver and gold). This is a once in a 500 year opportunity to invest in silver as it's the most manipulated and supressed asset in history. It had a 1:1 Gold to silver ratio at one time but now it's nearly a 1:100 ratio. Also, one tenth of a silver oz used to be an average day's wages for a man. Lastly one silver ounce used to be worth one acre in America at one point in time. Now days you're lucky to buy a dozen organic eggs and a loaf of organic bread with a one oz coin. Eventually the real value will rise from the ashes once the reset happens.

I always tell people start your foundation with 100 oz of constitutional silver. Then go for 1,000 oz of eagles and maples, then as much as you want in rare micro mintages for a investment to get much more than the value of the silver alone. Silver shield micromintages I've acquired have done better than any other silver mintage on earth as some of the one's I've purchased have gone up 10x or more. They're on golden state mint.
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Nov 15, 2022

This guy's an idiot. If you give banks $600 checks, then they will quit their jobs and not want to work anymore. You have to give them incentive to work harder; pull themselves up by their bootstraps.


I guess the banks are just going to have to eat less avocado toast for a while.


Nov 15, 2022

MBS isn't safe. Never has been. MBS is the dogshit wrapped in catshit that was a major reason for the 2008 crash.

MBS is a huge liability and any bank that deals with MBS needs to be aware that they are dealing with fire. If any bank thinks MBS is safe they are drunk on their own kool-aid. Only the peasants are supposed to think MBS is normal, or safe.

MBS is a way for banks to juggle bad mortgages. Cost of living is rising in the USA and has been for some time. The real estate market is in a gargantuan bubble. In reality real estate does not go up in value over time and houses don't become worth $20,000 or $50,000 more just because you slapped a coat of paint on the walls and cleaned up the yard.

The way our real estate market works right now is completely disconnected from the real economy. It's smoke and mirrors. It's an illusion being propped up by unrealistic expectations and bank fuckery. MBS is one type of fuckery being used to keep the bubble inflating.

So all those million-dollar mortgages that people aren't paying on anymore because they lost their jobs? Maybe the property in question is a "zombie home" where the owner packed up and left, and now the bank is holding this huge debt?

There has to be billions of dollars worth of this shit in our financial system. The banks don't want to eat this huge pile of debt. What do they do?

Wrap up all those mortgages and sell them on the securities market. Now this gargantuan debt can be traded like stock and maybe they can kick the can on all that debt. They just have to get enough people trading MBS.

Personally - I want to see the bubble pop. I don't think real estate has a real value even 20% of what its currently worth. I can't wait for the day of reckoning when land value crashes across the board.

Also if you don't believe me look up "zombie mortgage" and "ghost mortgage"

Not only are there unpaid mortgages floating around from decades previous (zombie mortgages), with ghost mortgages a person can think they actually own their home but a previous mortgage on the same home from a different person could still be held by the bank - giving the bank legal ownership over a property that you think you've fully paid and fully own.


Jan 9, 2021


Dec 1, 2020
How come a dumb hick in the hills of Alaska saw a recession/depression coming years ago and this crooked bitch didnt? Hogwash, they not only play the game they set the board and distribute the pieces. They are the game and somehow didn't see this coming? Liars and cheats. SKOL!
here's a Blackrock exec explaining how the market has already bottomed out as others in her firm are calling for a massive recession



Jan 9, 2021
How come a dumb hick in the hills of Alaska saw a recession/depression coming years ago and this crooked bitch didnt? Hogwash, they not only play the game they set the board and distribute the pieces. They are the game and somehow didn't see this coming? Liars and cheats. SKOL!
As soon as Biden was put in place we knew. I couldn't have explained it to you but just knew.
Feb 9, 2023
So all the banks are connected as this is a golbal banking system. So when one collapses the rest will eventually collapse like dominoes.

We're going to the digital currency very soon and banks will become irrelevant. This will be called an emergency and during this crisis the banks can now bail in (legal since 2014). That means they steal all the assets from the citizens and bank runs will start happening everywhere. So, if you have any cash, investments, loans, mortgages, safety deposit boxes with the banks it will be taken from you. Also, the FDIC can only cover up to 1% of the population so the 99% will be screwed again.

They will print the money to oblivion causing the hyperinflation which will be the "Crisis" and the sheep will beg for the digital currency to solve the problem.

Only assets that will retain their value is land owned by you, some businesses that are designed to handle a mega collapse, precious metals, bullets and guns, tech that creates electricity, and water filtration systems.

Edit: Throughout history of major civilizations rising and falling the same trend happens but in various ways but the beggining and end are all the same. A civilization starts with sound money. Then the so called rulers cheat out the people/peasants and devalue the currency so they acquire more wealth over time. Eventually the civilization and the currency crumbles and fails and the new city/civilization goes back to sound money (silver and gold). This is a once in a 500 year opportunity to invest in silver as it's the most manipulated and supressed asset in history. It had a 1:1 Gold to silver ratio at one time but now it's nearly a 1:100 ratio. Also, one tenth of a silver oz used to be an average day's wages for a man. Lastly one silver ounce used to be worth one acre in America at one point in time. Now days you're lucky to buy a dozen organic eggs and a loaf of organic bread with a one oz coin. Eventually the real value will rise from the ashes once the reset happens.

I always tell people start your foundation with 100 oz of constitutional silver. Then go for 1,000 oz of eagles and maples, then as much as you want in rare micro mintages for a investment to get much more than the value of the silver alone. Silver shield micromintages I've acquired have done better than any other silver mintage on earth as some of the one's I've purchased have gone up 10x or more. They're on golden state mint.

As predicted the banks are collapsing one by one. Brace yourselves, the bank bail-ins are coming. Then we can finally have what you all have been waiting for the mark of the beast digital currency known as my precious.


Nov 15, 2022
SVB was the 2nd largest bank failure in the history of the USA.

Last night Signature Bank in NY was shut down by the FDIC. This is the third largest bank failure in the history of the USA.

Rumor is First Republic bank is currently on life support.

I expect more banks to fail this week.


I love those 👩🏻‍🦰
Jan 10, 2021
I wish I wasn’t so dumb and could understand this, but fuck it my wife does our financials NOT MY PROBLEM


Nov 15, 2022
Ho w has this caused the bank to fail? Doesnt make sense
Funny he mentions Dodd-Frank. It's suspected a lot of GME short positions are being hidden in swaps. The CFTC stopped reporting swap data so the public can't look at them.

Dodd-Frank mandates swap reporting to the public. What is going on right now is illegal.

I learned that Barney Frank, one of the people who authored the Dodd-Frank act has in recent years been trying to undermine the act. He was working for Signature bank, which collapsed last night.

What do you make of that? I think it was written for all the right reasons but nobody in finance wants to do the right thing. Even its own author turned against it. Doing the right thing is too hard?


Nov 15, 2022

This is probably by design. If they drain the fund by bailing out the rich first, there won't be enough money in it to bail out the little people later on when more banks collapse.
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