So all the banks are connected as this is a golbal banking system. So when one collapses the rest will eventually collapse like dominoes.
We're going to the digital currency very soon and banks will become irrelevant. This will be called an emergency and during this crisis the banks can now bail in (legal since 2014). That means they steal all the assets from the citizens and bank runs will start happening everywhere. So, if you have any cash, investments, loans, mortgages, safety deposit boxes with the banks it will be taken from you. Also, the FDIC can only cover up to 1% of the population so the 99% will be screwed again.
They will print the money to oblivion causing the hyperinflation which will be the "Crisis" and the sheep will beg for the digital currency to solve the problem.
Only assets that will retain their value is land owned by you, some businesses that are designed to handle a mega collapse, precious metals, bullets and guns, tech that creates electricity, and water filtration systems.
Edit: Throughout history of major civilizations rising and falling the same trend happens but in various ways but the beggining and end are all the same. A civilization starts with sound money. Then the so called rulers cheat out the people/peasants and devalue the currency so they acquire more wealth over time. Eventually the civilization and the currency crumbles and fails and the new city/civilization goes back to sound money (silver and gold). This is a once in a 500 year opportunity to invest in silver as it's the most manipulated and supressed asset in history. It had a 1:1 Gold to silver ratio at one time but now it's nearly a 1:100 ratio. Also, one tenth of a silver oz used to be an average day's wages for a man. Lastly one silver ounce used to be worth one acre in America at one point in time. Now days you're lucky to buy a dozen organic eggs and a loaf of organic bread with a one oz coin. Eventually the real value will rise from the ashes once the reset happens.
I always tell people start your foundation with 100 oz of constitutional silver. Then go for 1,000 oz of eagles and maples, then as much as you want in rare micro mintages for an investment to get much more than the value of the silver alone. Silver shield micromintages I've acquired have done better than any other silver mintage on earth as some of the one's I've purchased have gone up 10x or more. They're on golden state mint.