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You have all been judged.


May 7, 2024
Never in your inferiority presume that I have ever said or done a single thing wrong. Do not assume in your pathetic confirmation bias & misunderstanding of my superior, gifted intellects that I am responsible for your weakness to comprehend. Do not shift your blame & sin onto me.

Dominants & submissives, alphas & betas, passives & aggressives, each of you who ascribe to preconceived labels & stereotypes in anything are all weak, pathetic, lacklustre, dissatisfying wastes of oxygen & space on this planet. Not one of you has any value or worth.

My third eye is awake. My chakra, my inner chi. And it is forever embroiled in an ocean of unbridled torment, rage & chaos. I see each & everyone of you as you genuinely are. None of your pretenses have any effect over me, I gaze right through all of your masks. I see & judge all right down to the depths of your cores, in the name of my Lord Satan.

Click for the rest you pathetic human scum:



May 20, 2024
Never in your inferiority presume that I have ever said or done a single thing wrong. Do not assume in your pathetic confirmation bias & misunderstanding of my superior, gifted intellects that I am responsible for your weakness to comprehend. Do not shift your blame & sin onto me.

Dominants & submissives, alphas & betas, passives & aggressives, each of you who ascribe to preconceived labels & stereotypes in anything are all weak, pathetic, lacklustre, dissatisfying wastes of oxygen & space on this planet. Not one of you has any value or worth.

My third eye is awake. My chakra, my inner chi. And it is forever embroiled in an ocean of unbridled torment, rage & chaos. I see each & everyone of you as you genuinely are. None of your pretenses have any effect over me, I gaze right through all of your masks. I see & judge all right down to the depths of your cores, in the name of my Lord Satan.

Click for the rest you pathetic human scum:

😂Yo @fschmidt you'll love this


May 7, 2024
Why Satan? Satan didn't kill anyone. My god, Yehovah, killed more people than any other god. So choose the god who kills the most moronic scum, Yehovah.

Satan punishes the wicked, he doesn't need to kill them. Eternal suffering for the stupids is far more satisfying than mere death.

More specifically:

I now fully embrace Satanism – like the Serpent of Eden sheds its skin, I cast aside my old self and continue to grow, renewed, better and improved with each passing day. I feast on the forbidden fruit of knowledge, always seeking to improve my mind, enlightenment and understanding of everything. As Lilith, I dismiss the status quo and the authority of anyone else, and take my own path in life wherever it may lead me. As Cain, I remain outcast – misunderstood by most for only seeking the validation and satisfaction in life I thus far have never received. I thoroughly shatter anyone’s expectations or presumptions of me, being not only nothing like whatever they assume I should be, but also being like no other who walks this planet.


Also, the original sin of Adam and Eve, and Satan disguised a serpent was that Satan made Adam and Eve gain knowledge and self awareness from the tree of knowledge - therefore if this mythology is accepted as a judgement of God - to God mere acquisition of knowledge and self improvement are sins.

Logic leaping to the end, everything religious is about controlling people into submission and remaining locked in stupidity to keep people more controllable - no different to what the left wing do.

Satanism is freeing, liberating, escaping others and societies control, and developing your sense of self and mind independently.
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May 7, 2024
Also, divinity / believing in God = RETARDED!!!

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