What do you all think about Charlie Kirk?

Not sure about memes since I dumped the Twitter..
He reminds me of the religious nut jobs from the 80s that will breakout in prayer an tongues randomly.
Gets in the way of his commentary.
He’s the source of some horrendous memes.

The left truly cannot meme. Even the subreddit “rightcantmeme” is a derivative of “left Cant meme” and everyone knows it. I just feel bad for @quickfeet kmowing how long he probably had to search for memes that were even passable
It was actually really easy. We are moving into a slightly different meme era in my opinion. The corporations and universities have made massive investments in understanding memetics and have invested billions. Google pushes all the preferred corporate memes to the top now.
As long as the right (and center) is the counter culture, and the Left aligns with authoritarianism, then they'll never be effective as memeing on a wholesale level. They'll find success in attacking individuals or the more egregious ideas and instances of behavior from the center/right, but that's about it.

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