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Well spying on our phones is now scary as hell


Dec 1, 2020
Haven’t watched the podcast yet but I’ve always suspected this.

People log into my computer and work on it all the time. There is no reason the NSA or other agency couldn’t just log in and look at what you are doing without a trace.

This is how I suspect they confiscate Bitcoin. I think they log on your computer without you knowing and watch you input your passwords.


Mar 13, 2022
Remains un-phased. Security issues like this are among the most sensationalized fear mongering campaigns of our day as it relates to average citizens over identifying with plastic identities. The more people are lead into thinking they need to hide, the more plastic and fearful they become.

Most people are simply not big enough fish to fry ... yet being terrified just plays into the game. Not buying into it because its a non issue for me and my family. Of course everyone wants to pretend they are a someone important with something to hide. Self importance in the age of me me me makes this kind of thing a gold mine for programmers out to sell security which only just opens up your phone all the more for people who are willing to beleive anything. Especially those living in a state of fear.

Not to say your phone is not vulnerable ... it is how the tech works. Pros and Cons to everything. Only an issue for those with something to hide.

BOO! Have a nice day citizen. : D
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Dec 10, 2020
Remains un-phased. Security issues like this are among the most sensationalized fear mongering campaigns of our day as it relates to average citizens over identifying with plastic identities. The more people are lead into thinking they need to hide, the more plastic and fearful they become.

Most people are simply not big enough fish to fry ... yet being terrified just plays into the game. Not buying into it because its a non issue for me and my family. Of course everyone wants to pretend they are a someone important with something to hide. Self importance in the age of me me me makes this kind of thing a gold mine for programmers out to sell security which only just opens up your phone all the more for people who are willing to beleive anything. Especially those living in a state of fear.

Not to say your phone is not vulnerable ... it is how the tech works. Pros and Cons to everything. Only an issue for those with something to hide.

BOO! Have a nice day citizen. : D
I'd rather know then be willfully ignorant. You can't fix things if you don't know what the extent of the problem is.


Mar 13, 2022
I'd rather know then be willfully ignorant. You can't fix things if you don't know what the extent of the problem is.
Have you heard of the concept: Problem - Reaction - Solution?
Create the problem (news outlets including social media), control the reaction (public response), implement the solution (more programming that hooks you in all the more )

Education in perception management is far from ignorant. Ignorance more so delusion is the case for those so easily triggered to manufactured problems who then respond according to the program which is based upon pre-conditioning being why the mass react like headless chooks lapping up popularized solutions.


In the sense of that great need to be always informed ... lets just call it an over reaction.

Joe is just as much a tool as all the over outlets. POPular - star cultured media​


Dec 1, 2020
Remains un-phased. Security issues like this are among the most sensationalized fear mongering campaigns of our day as it relates to average citizens over identifying with plastic identities. The more people are lead into thinking they need to hide, the more plastic and fearful they become.

Most people are simply not big enough fish to fry ... yet being terrified just plays into the game. Not buying into it because its a non issue for me and my family. Of course everyone wants to pretend they are a someone important with something to hide. Self importance in the age of me me me makes this kind of thing a gold mine for programmers out to sell security which only just opens up your phone all the more for people who are willing to beleive anything. Especially those living in a state of fear.

Not to say your phone is not vulnerable ... it is how the tech works. Pros and Cons to everything. Only an issue for those with something to hide.

BOO! Have a nice day citizen. : D
Nailed it


Dec 10, 2020
Have you heard of the concept: Problem - Reaction - Solution?
Create the problem (news outlets including social media), control the reaction (public response), implement the solution (more programming that hooks you in all the more )

Education in perception management is far from ignorant. Ignorance more so delusion is the case for those so easily triggered to manufactured problems who then respond according to the program which is based upon pre-conditioning being why the mass react like headless chooks lapping up popularized solutions.


In the sense of that great need to be always informed ... lets just call it an over reaction.

Joe is just as much a tool as all the over outlets. POPular - star cultured media​
you act like I have to over react or panic. Im just pointing out the problem. Hell... im posting this response on my computer. You seem more crazy in you "head in the sand" approach than any of us that are worried about this. We aren't talking about something small. We do have a right to privacy in the USA.... Dont we?


Mar 13, 2022
you act like I have to over react or panic. Im just pointing out the problem. Hell... im posting this response on my computer. You seem more crazy in you "head in the sand" approach than any of us that are worried about this. We aren't talking about something small. We do have a right to privacy in the USA.... Dont we?
I don't beleive people have rights in the way we are told or the way we a lead to think of them. Once someone gives you something then repeatedly takes it away, you stop believing in such things. Rights are like bullets that are used more to weigh people down unless they are using them them to disarm others with whatever claims. Just another fallacy term use more as a weapon for both defense and attack. Distrust reigns and thus such words are no more than debilitating than what people are lead to think. We are all divided and at each others throats using silly little images, quotes, rules, legislations or whatever as a means to continually validate ourselves over these so called rights? I see it all as bullshit so instead of keeping my head in the sand ... when I write ... I do so with what I see. No sand in my eyes ... you can be sure of that.

That said, your points are as valid as mine - No one in stopping you from expressing as you wish. My take is just mine and the way in which I wish to express it is as freely open as anyone else. Whilst it is admirable not to offend others, such is gong to happen ... its just a fact of life. Thus far I have not been personalizing it other than expressing in how I personally see. Most of the shit bat crazy people in this world have offered me way more truth than anything that's come of the printing press ... which included the delusion of money and rights.

I never made it personal about your response. You reaction is entirely up to you, just as my thoughts are mine. At least when I am not playing this BS game that others lap up from the press. I have no problem taking on your statements that I have my head stuck in the sand and that I am crazy. I understand why your are saying such things but not for the reasons your are intending. In this I have already responded in the paragraph above re were I have had the best insights offered up. That which you take offense to and defend and take so personally, is part of the conditioning I was revealing.

One has to actually have their head out of their ass in order to see such things. Of course when I say one, I am talking about me.

I said what I said and I see what I see. I also answer my own questions when posing my own views. Don't take it so personally - alas I take Richard Dawkins mindset when it comes to such outcries ... Offence in not enough to silence the truth.
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Jan 8, 2021
In the United States… the right to privacy against the government are clearly defined (see the 4th and 5th amendments) You have the rights to your information and the government does not without clear need! Doesn’t matter if you are small fish or big fish!

Now, entering into a contract with private entities might be different if it’s in the terms of the contract. That still doesn’t mean the government should have access to all information to use as they see fit.

If you are willing to give up some rights here and there, you eventually will have no rights. There can be no contestation to that inevitably.

Deleted member 2886

Figured this sorta basic level subversive bullshit was already common knowledge, coz ffs, it is old news.
What was being slyly portrayed as future possibilities, are most certainly already well in use.

Funny, in a reterded way, that when fuckwit "spooks" like Joe Rogan and his specialist "spook" "guests" are instructed to talk about this kinda shit, everyone's all ears, worshipping these deceptive shill pricks, hanging onto every word as if fuckin gospel.

They are a-c-t-o-r-s.

It's all scripted performance.

If any of what they discussed is surprising to anyone, I suggest going into ANY smartphone app, have a read through ANY "Privacy Policy" and the "T's&C's",...pay attention to the specific choices of ambiguous wording used.

If the outright dodgey-ness ain't abundantly obvious,...

...Try reading that shit, while imagining how such open-ended definitions could potentially be interpreted from corrupt "Legalese", sociopathic, and "doublespeak" perspectives.

@hmt5000 ,totally understand your pov and I can also see the misunderstanding with the pov of @Ponder.

Both are valid povs, worthy of acknowledgement and contemplation, imho.

However, due to the broader understanding and greater scope of insight which encompasses both povs, I must agree, with @Ponder , because as I currently understand things, he's absolutely spot on the money, with regard to-"Perception Management".

We, as in all of humanity, are, and have been, intentionally misled with for a very long time.

#"Perception Management"
•This concept is critically important for each individual to think/read/learn about.

It's really a choice between lazily/comfortably continuing on being a domesticated NPC/slavecuck, or choosing to start taking back what has been stolen from you, they won't simply hand it to ya, rather the opposite.
The only option is hard fuckin yakka, fighting to become your own master of self, as a Sovereign being.

Here's a trippy PDF,...for any who are interested in discovering fresh perspectives,...FYI-do use one's own discernment, it is no one else's responsibility.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
In the United States… the right to privacy against the government are clearly defined (see the 4th and 5th amendments) You have the rights to your information and the government does not without clear need! Doesn’t matter if you are small fish or big fish!

Now, entering into a contract with private entities might be different if it’s in the terms of the contract. That still doesn’t mean the government should have access to all information to use as they see fit.

If you are willing to give up some rights here and there, you eventually will have no rights. There can be no contestation to that inevitably.
That last line is noncents. Peoples rights change over thyme based on various factors. It’s why the rights listed inn The Bill of Rights can bee amended.

Don’t give me any of that bullshit about yore rights cum from God either because knowbody can no what rights cum from God beyond life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness witch is already open two interpretation what that means.

An easy example of this is that it used two bee sumwon’s right two own a slave and now it’s knot.
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Mar 13, 2022
@CuriousFiend - I'm just glad to see you back. 100% this → "The only option is hard fuckin yakka, fighting to become your own master of self, as a Sovereign being." Whilst I try not to resist (philosophical model towards non-suffering) ... the quoted statement still rings true enough from my own perspective/s.

Concedes to misunderstandings of POV/s. The road traveled to each personal point/s of view does for sure present aspects of distortions, misinterpretations and different versions of the same text.

I'll take time to read what you have linked in full. Thank you.


Jan 8, 2021
That last line is noncents. Peoples rights change over thyme based on various factors. It’s why the rights listed inn The Bill of Rights can bee amended.

Don’t give me any of that bullshit about yore rights cum from God either because knowbody can no what rights cum from God beyond life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness witch is already open two interpretation what that means.

An easy example of this is that it used two bee sumwon’s right two own a slave and now it’s knot.

So amend the 4th and 5th, you knit whit…

Until then, it’s you’re right. It’s my right. It’s every citizens right.

We need a re-education in this country… People need to be reminded what the constitution actually is… it is not a set of rules of what the citizens have been given to them by a government, it is a set of rules given to the government by the citizens. That concept has left DC a long time ago and in my opinion needs to be brought to their attention…

And slavery wasn’t a “right” in the constitution or bill of rights. they mostly just left it as a states right issue…

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
So amend the 4th and 5th, you knit whit…

Until then, it’s you’re right. It’s my right. It’s every citizens right.

We need a re-education in this country… People need to be reminded what the constitution actually is… it is not a set of rules of what the citizens have been given to them by a government, it is a set of rules given to the government by the citizens. That concept has left DC a long time ago and in my opinion needs to be brought to their attention…

And slavery wasn’t a “right” in the constitution or bill of rights. they mostly just left it as a states right issue…
The seizure of property, slaves inn this case, without just warrant is covered inn one of them there rights yore saying people should no…

And know The Bill of Rights isn’t rules four the government. It’s the rights given two us bye government that government is supposed two try two uphold two the maximum extend possible.

That’s why, for example, government can and should take away yore right two vote ore possess firearms if yew are convicted of certain crimes. Government’s job is two protects those rights four as many people as possible and knot two bee held prisoner, along with the rest of society, bye radicals who threaten the security of society ore government.
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Jan 8, 2021
The seizure of property, slaves inn this case, without just warrant is covered inn one of them there rights yore saying people should no…

And know The Bill of Rights isn’t rules four the government. It’s the rights given two is bye government that government is supposed two try two uphold two the maximum extend possible.

That’s why, for example, government can and should take away yore right two vote ore possess firearms if yew are convicted of certain crimes. Government’s job is two protects those rights four as many people as possible and knot two bee held prisoner, along with the rest of society, bye radicals who threaten the security of society ore government.

Deleted member 2886

@America 1st -are you related to old Klaus Schwab?,...or maybe NZs covert-authoritarian PM Jewcinda Schwabdern?,...or even Stalin perhaps???IMG_20220407_001215.png
Lol, na for real though cuz yo arguments seem as honest as Mr America B1rns.magicut_1649247219074.png
Oh hey, someone hacked your shit.
Now I understand the misspelt words.
But ya should know that typing with ones pepenis probably ain't very sanitary dude.magicut_1649247340116.png

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
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