Use GoFundMe to fix this problem!

Again, this is a basic no-brainer to fixing the monetary damage! Why do you think this site even exists? To help you make a quick buck when you're in a financial pinch! Stop acting like you're a failure and seek help to patch the hole you just stumbled upon! USE... GO... FUNDME!!!
Boy do you just get thicker and thicker everyday.

Loads of toss pots try go fund me, most will receive exactly zero donations.

And why the fuck are you advertising this here? Like you genuinely believe no one has heard of this before?
Boy do you just get thicker and thicker everyday.

Loads of toss pots try go fund me, most will receive exactly zero donations.

And why the fuck are you advertising this here? Like you genuinely believe no one has heard of this before?
Because YouTube's AI-based algorithm is GHOSTING out certain-to-random comments! So therefore, I'm forced to take more drastic measures to get my comment in regards to this video across!

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