Master Thread UnPinned: Russian invasion has begun

Master Threads

Putin wants that whole body of water for himself. All he'd have to do is patrol that strait at Kerch.
I read an article that Odessa still has a high Jewish population and the rise of neo nazi followers in Ukraine are making some in the Odessa area kinda want to opt out to.
Posted on 4chan:

Its a massacre so far and Ukrainians are fleeing in their tens of thousands speeding down the roads.

First image of the war is pic related. Checkpoint overrun in Crimea border. Ukrainians fled and the cameras got turned off by a Russian soldier.

25 mins later the UNSC meeting began and a sudden speech by Putin at 5:40am local time started declaring a "special military operation". He timed it perfectly.

Rubio is leaked everything and is saying massive attacks are imminent as Russia is currently focusing on hitting all anti tank and anti air positions they know of before starting a sustained mass aerial campaign nationwide as his troops cross from 3 sides. He has just said long range missiles have been fired by Russia and will be aiming for dozens of central command hubs and presighted targets before the landings begin.

Donbass is a bloodbath right now, Crimea advance is rapid going east and west and 1st Tank Guards are surrounding Kharkov.

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