Master Thread UnPinned: Russian invasion has begun

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The game being played out here is also embedded in the national defense strategy of the United States, which dates back to the last years of the Obama Administration. It cites Russia and China as “revisionist” powers, “authoritarians” who refuse to collapse themselves into the “rules based” globalist order. The plan concerning Russia is to economically cripple the country through sanctions, a plan made obvious by Republicans who have insisted throughout Washington’s months-long war game and table-top exercise, upon massive sanctions against Russia even if Russia takes no actions concerning Ukraine. Under this fantasy, Russia will not be able to sustain itself economically, which will allow the U.S. to move on to the more difficult problem of confronting China’s emerging economic prowess.

Unaccounted for, again, in Washington’s fantasies is the fact that Russia has been preparing for this economic warfare for months and has all sorts of economic options at its disposal, including the opening of new markets with China and others.

More fundamentally, what has not been accounted for in all of Washington’s scenarios and mind games is the simple fact that Russia was not about to play along and has, in many, respects outmaneuvered Washington. As the days have gone by, Germany, France, and others have realized that the U.S. and Britain are quite crazed and desperate at present and could easily involve them in an uncontrollable war while creating devastating consequences for their economies. They are resisting Washington’s drive to create a permanent state of emergency and a strategy of tensions throughout the world. NATO head Stoltenberg has described this strategy of tensions and manufactured emergencies as “the new normal.”

We should be recruiting Russia for our century of struggle for China. Even Kissinger knows that is the right strategy.
Joe and Putin are going to have a meeting. US will withdraw some type of forces (probably anti missile batteries) from somewhere near Russia so they don’t invade Ukraine. Joe will claim victory.

Then Russia is going to crank up the troop deployment to make the US look like a bunch of idiots. After that who knows what happens. That could be it or Russia could grab some land.
Joe and Putin are going to have a meeting. US will withdraw some type of forces (probably anti missile batteries) from somewhere near Russia so they don’t invade Ukraine. Joe will claim victory.

Then Russia is going to crank up the troop deployment to make the US look like a bunch of idiots. After that who knows what happens. That could be it or Russia could grab some land.
I was thinking something along these lines this morning. Like the whole thing is orchestrated to make Biden look like a hero for avoiding war
I'd swear I read somewhere today that Camellu had again issued some kind of warning to Russia about how bad it would be if they invaded. That sure worked out well.

EDIT: Here is the link

Jesus she's bad at this. You can see the body language through the mask that she's uncomfortable. Why is she throwing her arms out like she's lecturing a fucking local government staffer...
He's going to claim part of Ukraine as Russia's just like he did with Crimea
Eastern half of Ukraine identifies as Russian. They all speak Russian. We are so stupid we send all of our Embassy personnel to school to speak Ukrainian and when they get there, they have to learn Russian. Even though everyone at the Embassy passes back to the States what they need to do. It is a power play by us trying to get the Ukrainians to be more Ukrainian.

This is going to be a mess.
Eastern half of Ukraine identifies as Russian. They all speak Russian. We are so stupid we send all of our Embassy personnel to school to speak Ukrainian and when they get there, they have to learn Russian. Even though everyone at the Embassy passes back to the States what they need to do. It is a power play by us trying to get the Ukrainians to be more Ukrainian.

This is going to be a mess.
Most of them (in Eastern Ukraine) want to be a part of Russia right?
Most of them (in Eastern Ukraine) want to be a part of Russia right?
Their opinion is mostly they like that Putin is strong (we are the only country in the world where our dipshit population doesn't like a strong person in charge) but they don't want him in their business. When it comes down to it there will be a collective oh well by the populace because Ukrainians in charge are so corrupt. They know what they get with Putin
So Russia is 2nd. Canada was first. Whos 3rd. Australia? I dont think Germany will fold that quickly. Their playing this up. Carmella has no idea whats going on. They are just trotting her out there blind and she has no idea what to say, lol. They are going to check the worlds reaction to whatever is going on in Ukraine. Build more up so people become use to it. IT happens, then you get the plan. Canada was the next to do it. USAs summer riots were 1st actually. Its interesting to watch this be put together.
Jesus she's bad at this. You can see the body language through the mask that she's uncomfortable. Why is she throwing her arms out like she's lecturing a fucking local government staffer...
They tell her zero. Trot her out and let her answer questions. Shes going to be gone very soon. They care so much about Black people they made picked a stupid idiot to rep them as VP. Candace Owens is more qualified to be VP then her.
Putin to recognize two breakaway republics in Ukraine.
I haven't been following this super closely, but it sounds like things are about to get real out there. By Putin doing this, he's basically saying that those republics are independent, and not part of the Ukraine, which in turn allows him to send in the military to help protect these republics from attacks from Ukraine.

Feel free to let me know if I'm wrong about this, but that's my understanding. Sounds like he'll be moving in soon and who knows what the response is going to be. Will Ukraine do anything? NATO, even though Ukraine isn't a member? US? Someone else?
I haven't been following this super closely, but it sounds like things are about to get real out there. By Putin doing this, he's basically saying that those republics are independent, and not part of the Ukraine, which in turn allows him to send in the military to help protect these republics from attacks from Ukraine.

Feel free to let me know if I'm wrong about this, but that's my understanding. Sounds like he'll be moving in soon and who knows what the response is going to be. Will Ukraine do anything? NATO, even though Ukraine isn't a member? US? Someone else?
No, you are correct.

Just as if England recognized the Confederate States of America, then England would immediately be at war with the United States of America.
Russia annexes more of Ukraine and NATO does nothing about it. Not necessarily saying that is a bad thing though
Yeah, that's the hard part to figure. I'm not very informed on the politics of that region, so I'm really curious to see how Ukraine responds. I'm not sure they'll be able to do too much militarily, based on Russia's much superior military. Unless the US or NATO has provided weaponry and forces to assist in fighting them. I really don't know though. If the UN or NATO or the US, etc, get involved, things could go south quickly.

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