Master Thread UnPinned: Russian invasion has begun

Master Threads
The US Dollar as reserve currency would be gone reasonably quickly. It means the collapse of the US Dollar and 3rd world status for the US Greenback. End of Empire Becomes Obvious instead of in rear view mirror and getting closer.
$5 gas in the next 2 weeks and possibly $7 by summer. If China decides to economic on us and both russia and china go cyber on us.... we are going back to the 1970's for a long while.
The problem with this is the last time an empire as dominate as our fell, the next thousand years were pretty fucking bad. We are right there, if we fall it is the Dark Ages all over again. Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it. Looks like we are on that track.
I'd say worse. The level of tech and military power would let a china be pretty fucking brutal across the planet with almost no way to oppose them other than to just nuke the hell out of the planet and start over.
By the way, she is not talking about sacrifice from her or her friends. She is talking about sacrifice from 18 year old men from Arkansas, Iowa, Montana, etc.
Yep. Was arguing on the homeboard and pointed out I had a cousin in Ranger battalion and my nephew is Airborne NG. I'd rather not start ww3. The fuckhead threw out putin puppet bullshit. The left has completely lost its mind. It scares me what they would do internally if they have gone this pro war this fast.
Seams like a lot of overreacting going on ITT right now.

Maybe Ukraine completely collapses and Russia gets a small geopolitical win by gaining control of all of Ukraine.

The most important think this conflict is proving is exactly what we expected: drones and missiles dominate the battlefield and Russia isn’t that impressive. Also this gets Germany back playing four the gud guys as opposed to being in Russia’s corner.
Yep. Was arguing on the homeboard and pointed out I had a cousin in Ranger battalion and my nephew is Airborne NG. I'd rather not start ww3. The fuckhead threw out putin puppet bullshit. The left has completely lost its mind. It scares me what they would do internally if they have gone this pro war this fast.

Tell them that Ukraine is taking foreign volunteers.

They can join up and be in the shit before it is over.
Hmmm why is this baby flying loops near Canadian Border
Since nobody took the bait.........
Cobra Ball aircraft are the long range warning systems that not only have decent radar, but can detect the signals from the incoming ICBMs and other rockets from WAAAYY far away (Height with VHF and UHF is king for distance goals and they can do HF/VHF/UHF, so whatever signals the rockets need to hear from the enemy (command and control signals) or transmit back to the enemy (telemetry and warning signals) will be detected by this plane.

The fact that one (or more) is in the sky flying around means that someone is worried about something bad coming in from somewhere far away.
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Gentlemen (and tgsio if she is present), how significant is the capture of Chernobyl by the Russian forces? Since I've seen the mini-series and played Call of Duty (tongue in cheek, but true), I understand a little about this but are they trying to use it as a source for dirty bombs? That shit is scary to think about.
Russians have plenty of Nike’s and nuke technology. It’s important infrastructure. If anything that want to secure it to keep from having somebody else use it as source of weapons.
What's with them 3 black dots? They want Canada too?
OK on that FEMA map you have to use the index in the corner. the black dots are targets if it is a massive strike against the USA of 2000 missiles incoming, those are likely targets based on US MIL best guess's. Some are military, or industrial or economic etc.
This is the absolutely best DIY Nuclear fallout info and diy plans etc to survive. Whether build a shelter or stock a shelter or build air filters etc. Cresson Kearney at one time was one of the top US Civil Defense Experts in the USA.
Think to remember with fallout is time plus mass plus half life etc.
Will make a small confession here. I actually build a fallout shelter back in the day.
Fallout is very survivable if you have shelter and to not take a direct hit.


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