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Ukraine Conflict

Jul 1, 2023
So, what is Vanguard’s payment structure?

By word, line, post etc?

How do you differentiate yourself from your peers? Followers gained, interactions, other?

We get plenty of your kind, but none as clear cut. Help us understand your industry.


Dec 10, 2020
More reports that Ukraine is running out of artillery shells. That is 100% why we are sending cluster munitions... it's all we have a stockpile left of. These aren't the new shells with low fault rates either. These are 70's and 80's stockpiles left over from the cold war.

Reports that Ukr is using Italian mortars from the 1960's because they are sooooo low on all their other mortar rounds.

This is desperation.
Jul 1, 2023

There is absolutely no problem with the governments answers during that injunction hearing.

Foreigners have no protected speech or rights to it and anyone acting as a mouthpiece for a hostile foreign government doesn’t either since they are essentially enemy combatants.

Any speech, data, or information that relates to an American, passes through American technology / resources, or that is seen / handled by an American should be reviewed by the intelligence agencies to monitor for foreign hostilities. You can never be too safe anymore.

All of this would constitute reasonable searches under The Patriot Act.
Jul 1, 2023
More reports that Ukraine is running out of artillery shells. That is 100% why we are sending cluster munitions... it's all we have a stockpile left of. These aren't the new shells with low fault rates either. These are 70's and 80's stockpiles left over from the cold war.

Reports that Ukr is using Italian mortars from the 1960's because they are sooooo low on all their other mortar rounds.

This is desperation.
They are all munitions with under a 2.5% dud rate.

Yes they are sending these to assist with shell quantities because The West won’t be able to have their supply shipments outstrip demand by the Ukrainians until November when more plants come online.

There are no credible reports of Italian mortars from the 60s being used. The cluster munitions are quite copious so now Ukraine will be able to be even more aggressive with their use of artillery if they would so desire.

The latest aid package worth 800M included a couple dozen more howitzers for just this reason. They wouldn’t be sending more guns if they didn’t have rounds to shoot as a matter of common sense even if someone didn’t believe the reports on the supply of shells.


Dec 10, 2020
There is absolutely no problem with the governments answers during that injunction hearing.

Foreigners have no protected speech or rights to it and anyone acting as a mouthpiece for a hostile foreign government doesn’t either since they are essentially enemy combatants.

Any speech, data, or information that relates to an American, passes through American technology / resources, or that is seen / handled by an American should be reviewed by the intelligence agencies to monitor for foreign hostilities. You can never be too safe anymore.

All of this would constitute reasonable searches under The Patriot Act.
Holy fuck dude. You really are crazy or a huge troll. Its the first fucking amendment stupid. i bet you go to prison just for the sex. You probably suck dick just for the salty taste.
Jul 1, 2023
Holy fuck dude. You really are crazy or a huge troll. Its the first fucking amendment stupid. i bet you go to prison just for the sex. You probably suck dick just for the salty taste.
The first amendment has limits just like all your rights. The Supreme Court just affirmed this in their latest gun rights ruling where they acknowledged rights aren’t limitless and that reasonable & historical precedent must be taken into account.

It’s not really a first amendment issue anyways because people rights don’t apply when in the act of committing a crime. Since FARA is on the books these people are all just active participants in crimes.


Dec 10, 2020
The first amendment has limits just like all your rights. The Supreme Court just affirmed this in their latest gun rights ruling where they acknowledged rights aren’t limitless and that reasonable & historical precedent must be taken into account.
You have to be a troll. Nobody is that stupid. That isn't what the SC ruled and Biden is specifically wanting to target citizens speech. The court ruled they could still censor foreign speech and Biden countersued on that... So it wasn't the foreign part they are fighting.

Seems like you would want protection from being censored because what you post is absolute dogshit. LOL.
Jul 1, 2023
You have to be a troll. Nobody is that stupid. That isn't what the SC ruled and Biden is specifically wanting to target citizens speech. The court ruled they could still censor foreign speech and Biden countersued on that... So it wasn't the foreign part they are fighting.

Seems like you would want protection from being censored because what you post is absolute dogshit. LOL.
Yes it is and every Supreme Court precedent says so as well. Yours rights aren’t unlimited. All of them have limits.

The Supreme Court will side with the administration on this case because the national security implications far outweigh any interest a person might have in those types of speech.

Even FAR RIGHT sources agree that rights have limits especially when national security is concerned.

Last edited:


Jan 9, 2021

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