Ukraine Conflict

Jonathan discusses a video from 1993 in which a Ukrainian patriot who is fighting in the Georgian war describes how Russia will invade Ukraine in the future. It’s prophetic stuff and just goes to show you how people of this region view Russia as demons!


I’m sure there are Russian operatives all over Ukraine and undoubtedly for quite some time. Just look at all the reports coming out about human and organ trafficking Ukraine! It’s communist propaganda to say Ukrainians did it because we know it’s was the Russians who were the ones committing the atrocities!

It all stems from the time when Russia de facto ruled the country which is why they want Ukraine back in chains! They were doing it then just like they’ve been caught doing it now!
I’m just an American patriot doing my duty to squash communist propaganda.

Russia isn’t going to nuke anything. To suggest they would is simply parroting communist propaganda.
This Fucking African is more an American Patriot then you you fucking brother fucker
This Fucking African is more an American Patriot then you you fucking brother fucker
This situation has already been resolved. The Pentagon signed a contract with Starlink that gives The Pentagon complete control over the terminals data for Starlink in every area that could potentially affect the war.

This situation has already been resolved. The Pentagon signed a contract with Starlink that gives The Pentagon complete control over the terminals data for Starlink in every area that could potentially affect the war.

Do you live in San Francisco or know anything about X? Youre know Patriot. Fuck ING pedophiles always gotta infiltrate

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