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Ukraine Conflict

Jul 1, 2023
They will never be able to say they were wrong. Every ukr is going to die.
If every Ukrainian dies defending Ukraine they would be 1000x better off than if they had survived to live in communist dictatorship that is Putin’s regime.

Given that they are driving the orcs from their soil and collapsing the Russian state, along with the Putin regime, the only people that should admit that they are wrong is the commie stans like yourself.


Jan 9, 2021


Sep 19, 2021
1- Thinking homosexuality is amoral is subjective.

2- Trannies share the same biology as everyone else.

3- I agree that this one is upsetting. When you see how people (supposedly) support the orcs in that dancing thread it makes you want an asteroid to get here quickly

4- Agreed. See post 3 about the subhumans in the dancing thread
All fair points...carry on...


Dec 10, 2020
KJP said from the WH press stand that Ukr needed more air defense just a couple days ago. It's weird how they keep mentioning how low on shit Ukr actually is all the time. I guess we can give the stuff we need for our defense because lets face it... none of these fuckers care about our security. Then when Ukr runs out of those we are all fucked together.

I hate this entire government we have now.
Jul 1, 2023
KJP said from the WH press stand that Ukr needed more air defense just a couple days ago. It's weird how they keep mentioning how low on shit Ukr actually is all the time. I guess we can give the stuff we need for our defense because lets face it... none of these fuckers care about our security. Then when Ukr runs out of those we are all fucked together.

I hate this entire government we have now.
You are literally retarded if you think The US is depleting its own stocks in any statistically significant way in relation to needed systems.

Ukraine needing more air defense just means that Ukraine needs more resources. It doesn’t mean that they are running low on Patriot missiles or anything else along those lines. Ukraine will have enough resources once Ukrainians stop dying, Russia is completely expelled from Crimea and the other occupied territories, and Ukraine is formally brought into NATO.

The 50+ countries supplying the various air defense systems have committed to multiple years worth of munitions for these systems. Supply lines across the globe are being expanded and created to meet the Ukrainian requests and exceed their usage rates. Countries are now boosting their own stockpiles while also scaling production to support Ukraine.

We are witnessing industrial production on a large scale to put The West on a war footing with the communists in Russia & China.
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Dec 10, 2020
You are literally retarded if you think The US is depleting its own stocks in any statistically significant way in relation to needed systems.

Ukraine needing more air defense just means that Ukraine needs more resources. It doesn’t mean that they are running low on Patriot missiles or anything else along those lines. Ukraine will have enough resources once Ukrainians stop dying, Russia is completely expelled from Crimea and the other occupied territories, and Ukraine is formally brought into NATO.

The 50+ countries supplying the various air defense systems have committed to multiple years worth on munitions for these systems. Supply lines across the globe are being expanded and created to meet the Ukrainian requests and exceed their usage rates. Countries are now boosting their own stockpiles while also scaling production to support Ukraine.

We are witnessing industrial production on a large scale to put The West on a war footing with the communists in Russia & China.
Hey retard.... The Rus missile strikes, in retaliation for the bridge strike, were almost 100% effective. Ukr didn't shoot down hardly any of them. They can't run the Patriot and we gave them 15 year old systems. They are demanding the new stuff and those are all in use in some capacity. We'd have to weaken our defense to make this happen. And If you dare call me retarded again I'm going to have to find your ISP and beat the fuck out of you like your dad should have done when he caught you jacking off to Barbie dolls.
Jul 1, 2023
Hey retard.... The Rus missile strikes, in retaliation for the bridge strike, were almost 100% effective. Ukr didn't shoot down hardly any of them. They can't run the Patriot and we gave them 15 year old systems. They are demanding the new stuff and those are all in use in some capacity. We'd have to weaken our defense to make this happen. And If you dare call me retarded again I'm going to have to find your ISP and beat the fuck out of you like your dad should have done when he caught you jacking off to Barbie dolls.
Hey retard, reports show the Ukrainians run the patriots systems exceptionally well. They just weren’t provide coverage for Odessa at that time because of the limited number of system available.

This is why Ukraine needs more defense systems, so that more of the country can have coverage for the various types of munitions they are encountering.

Of course strikes are going to be more effective when they don’t have sufficient resources to shoot them down in a particular area. That is why these countries are gearing up for a multi-year war. Thank goodness Biden is finally doing something about the shortage of munitions across the services that Trump & Obama left! He ordered that all munitions production be ramped up to levels that would allow The US “all the ammunition it could ever need”.


Dec 10, 2020
Hey retard, reports show the Ukrainians run the patriots systems exceptionally well. They just weren’t provide coverage for Odessa at that time because of the limited number of system available.

This is why Ukraine needs more defense systems, so that more of the country can have coverage for the various types of munitions they are encountering.

Of course strikes are going to be more effective when they don’t have sufficient resources to shoot them down in a particular area. That is why these countries are gearing up for a multi-year war. Thank goodness Biden is finally doing something about the shortage of munitions across the services that Trump & Obama left! He ordered that all munitions production be ramped up to levels that would allow The US “all the ammunition it could ever need”.
Thats it fucker. Im going to kick your sister in her jaw so hard that she bites your tiny dick off. I'm going to tell your boss that you masturbate to pictures of children playing. You suck at life and I'd love to prove that you suck at death. If syphilis was a person.... it'd be you. You suck more dicks than Kamala Harris and aren't even good at it... you just do it out of shame for the disappointment you caused your father... if he was even your dad. Your bitch ass mother fucked more people than the irs. Old people in your town talk shit about you because you've always been "that way". If you had a dog that you raised from a puppy... even that dog would hate the fuck out you. That dog would chew your face off because you suck at life worse than the Big East is at football. We could put your picture on a cup at a gas station and make tons of money because you look like you need help that bad.

I'd wish you died in a fire but no reason for your parents to die since you live in their basement as a 50yo virgin. So go move into the woods and drink bleach.
Jul 1, 2023
Thats it fucker. Im going to kick your sister in her jaw so hard that she bites your tiny dick off. I'm going to tell your boss that you masturbate to pictures of children playing. You suck at life and I'd love to prove that you suck at death. If syphilis was a person.... it'd be you. You suck more dicks than Kamala Harris and aren't even good at it... you just do it out of shame for the disappointment you caused your father... if he was even your dad. Your bitch ass mother fucked more people than the irs. Old people in your town talk shit about you because you've always been "that way". If you had a dog that you raised from a puppy... even that dog would hate the fuck out you. That dog would chew your face off because you suck at life worse than the Big East is at football. We could put your picture on a cup at a gas station and make tons of money because you look like you need help that bad.

I'd wish you died in a fire but no reason for your parents to die since you live in their basement as a 50yo virgin. So go move into the woods and drink bleach.
You retarded commie stans are in for a rough couple of years.

“We are in a position to support Ukraine, but it’s more the mid and long term,” Bush said. “By creating this capacity ... if this war goes three or four years, we’ll be in a position to just vastly outproduce the Russians all by ourselves ― and if you combine that with our allies, then we’re just dwarfing their capability. They won’t be able to keep up.”

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