***TV ratings update: Master SOTU Address (04-28) Thread***

“My fellow Americans, we have to show that we aren’t just back, but back to stay, we’re gonna do it by meeting with our allies”
oh you mean the NWO???

“we’ll become an arsenal for vaccines for other countries”

“rejoining Paris climate accord”

**Stuttering begins**

calling out China again, “made absolutely clear that we will defend America’s interest across the board”

im sure president Xi is shaking in his slippers
His son was a JAG. That should be noted.

Politicians (AND DAVID FRENCH IS THE WORST OFFENDER!!!) who were JAGs always try to impress you by saying that they served in a war zone.

They are trying to blur the line between a JAG and soldiers who actually faced very real dangers.

Just be honest with the American people. It will be okay.
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“America is an idea, we are created equal.”

“with regard to Russia. **stuttering stanley** they went against us, and I told them we would respond and we have”

“Putin understands we will respond”

**more stuttering**

“ending war in Afghanistan.” Uh, MY president did that!

“we went to afghan to get terrorist that got us on 9/11” “we delivered justice to bin laden”

ummmmm....no, And no. We went to afghan to secure the heroin trade and bin laden is still alive homie!

“white supremacy is terrorism. We’re not gonna ignore that”

spoke with George floyd’s daughter “she said her daddy changed the world”

“after the conviction of his murderer, we are seeing justice “ WOW

“My fellow Americans, we have to come together to end systemic racism”

pretty sure you are the systemic racist, sleepy Joe!

“let’s get it done by the first anniversary of Floyd’s death”


“We have a real chance to route out systemic racism that plagues America”
Who needs to buy a house when Biden will just give you one? He plans to hand out everything else 🤷‍♂️
“Congress, Send the equality act to protect lgbtq Americans”

“50 women are shot and killed by an intimate partner every month. Let’s pass it and save some lives”

“gun violence has become an epidemic in America”

“We beat the NRA in the 90s, in the early 2000s it expired amd we’ve seen bloodshed since”

“banning ghost guns” eyeroll.gif

no fucking criminal is buying an AR kit and building it. I am a gun guy and have a hard time with it! This fucking guy!

“we need to ban assault rifles and high capacity mags”

“there’s no justification for having 100 rds in a weapon”

wtf kind of weapon are you talking about Joe!? A 240B???
He’s the best liar in the world.

Yep, he just means guns that look mean. He doesn't mean actually assault rifles that first showed up in late WWII that could switch between single shot rifle mode for long range and fully automatic for clearing trenches.

Those assault rifles are banned in the US already.
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“Immigration has been essential to America”

“Need to secure protection for dreamers”

“need further protection for immigrants that came from countries that had man made and natural disaster”

“need to protect the sacred right to vote”


“congress should pass HR1 and send it to my desk right away, the country supports it”
“Folks, don’t bet against America”

welllllll that’s it! Thank you for allowing me to be your guide tonight. Now I’m gonna go masturbate with my own tears.
This must be on a 30 second delay. No way he could go this long without completely losing his train of thought.
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His son was a JAG. That should be noted.

Politicians (AND DAVID FRENCH IS THE WORST OFFENDER!!!) who were JAGs always try to impress you by saying that they served in a war zone.

They are trying to blur the line between a JAG and soldiers who actually faced very real dangers.

Just be honest with the American people. It will be okay.
Yeah I cringed at this too....

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