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Trump Biden Debate


Sep 22, 2023
He is a communist wanna-be though, and as such don't care if America dies. He's a party over nation kind of guy.

Neither Trump nor Biden are loyal to the Constitution. The best we could have hoped for was to call Trump out on his double dealing, flip flopping and blaming. If the people stood together and demanded something for their vote, we might have gotten some concessions.

Instead, the Trump supporters allow him to walk back issues that allow him to compromise when he doesn't have to. The people aren't voting for Trump out of agreement with his policies; they are voting for him out of desperation. Trump realizes that so he's more than happy to be the dictator that the sheeple demand.


Mar 12, 2024
I don't like the whole flip flopping argument. That essentially says you don't learn from your mistakes or adapt to new information for whoever is trying to make the argument.

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
Neither Trump nor Biden are loyal to the Constitution.
Trump is far more loyal to it than the bidet is.
I don't like the whole flip flopping argument. That essentially says you don't learn from your mistakes or adapt to new information for whoever is trying to make the argument.
Exactly. Who tf still has the exact same views on all things as they did when they were younger? Especially so when much younger?

Liquid Reigns

Oct 31, 2023
There has not been a President of the United States whose policies or executive orders have never been challenged. Throughout American history, every president has faced challenges to their policies or executive actions, whether through legal battles, political opposition, public dissent, or judicial review.

The nature of the U.S. political system, with its checks and balances, separation of powers, and vibrant civil society, ensures that presidential actions are subject to scrutiny and contestation. This dynamic is a fundamental aspect of American democracy, promoting accountability and preventing the concentration of power.

Liquid Reigns

Oct 31, 2023
Neither Trump nor Biden are loyal to the Constitution. The best we could have hoped for was to call Trump out on his double dealing, flip flopping and blaming. If the people stood together and demanded something for their vote, we might have gotten some concessions.

Instead, the Trump supporters allow him to walk back issues that allow him to compromise when he doesn't have to. The people aren't voting for Trump out of agreement with his policies; they are voting for him out of desperation. Trump realizes that so he's more than happy to be the dictator that the sheeple demand.
Lets go through your inept claims.

Claim: "Neither Trump nor Biden are loyal to the Constitution."

Already addressed above. But wait, there's more. This statement is a sweeping generalization that lacks specifics. Loyalty to the Constitution can be demonstrated in various ways, including adherence to its principles, respect for the rule of law, and support for constitutional amendments and interpretations. Both Trump and Biden have taken actions and made statements that they claim support constitutional principles, though these actions are subject to interpretation and debate. A more nuanced approach would consider specific instances where each candidate's actions either aligned with or diverged from constitutional principles.

Claim: "Trump realizes that so he's more than happy to be the dictator that the sheeple demand."

This is an ad hominem and appeal to motive argument. This statement attacks Trump’s character by labeling him a "dictator" and his supporters as "sheeple," which is implying a blind and irrational following. The Resister fails to quote the actual policies or actions of Trump he thinks makes Trump a Dictator.

Claim: "The people aren't voting for Trump out of agreement with his policies; they are voting for him out of desperation."

This is a false dichotomy argument suggesting that voters can either support Trump’s policies or vote out of desperation, with no other motivations possible. In reality, voters may support a candidate for a variety of reasons, including agreement with some policies, party loyalty, dissatisfaction with the alternative, or a belief in the candidate's leadership qualities. Recognizing this complexity provides a more accurate understanding of voter behavior.

Claim: "If the people stood together and demanded something for their vote, we might have gotten some concessions."

Nothing like assumptions without evidence. This statement assumes that a unified demand from the electorate would necessarily lead to concessions from political leaders. While collective action can influence political decisions, this outcome is not guaranteed. Political dynamics are complex, and leaders may or may not respond to voter demands based on various factors, including their own political strategy, principles, and pressures from other interest groups. There is no perfect candidate.

Claim: "Instead, the Trump supporters allow him to walk back issues that allow him to compromise when he doesn't have to."

This critique of Trump supporters implies that they should hold him more accountable. While holding political leaders accountable is important, it’s also essential to recognize the context in which compromises are made. Political leadership often involves negotiation and compromise to achieve broader goals or to function within a divided government. Evaluating these compromises requires an understanding of the broader political context and the specific issues at stake. It's not always the other party wanting compromise to vote for a particular bill.
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Liquid Reigns

Oct 31, 2023
Neither Trump nor Biden are loyal to the Constitution. The best we could have hoped for was to call Trump out on his double dealing, flip flopping and blaming. If the people stood together and demanded something for their vote, we might have gotten some concessions.

Instead, the Trump supporters allow him to walk back issues that allow him to compromise when he doesn't have to. The people aren't voting for Trump out of agreement with his policies; they are voting for him out of desperation. Trump realizes that so he's more than happy to be the dictator that the sheeple demand.
So what exactly has made Trump a Dictator or what will make him be one the "sheeple" demand? I see CNN and MSNBC and the resister (I wonder why he always espouses the Democratic Parties Kool-Aid) exclaiming this word, yet none of them can actually define what it was, or what Trump will do, to label him an actual Dictator. Do they simply not understand the definition of the actual word? Do they not understand how our system of governance actually works with checks and balances? Or is their only argument, fearmongering and playing on ignorant peoples emotions?
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Jan 9, 2021
So what exactly has made Trump a Dictator or what will make him be one the "sheeple" demand? I see CNN and MSNBC and the resister (I wonder why he always espouses the Democratic Parties Kool-Aid) exclaiming this word, yet none of them can actually define what it was, or what Trump will do, to label him an actual Dictator. Do they simply not understand the definition of the actual word? Do they not understand how our system of governance actually works with checks and balances? Or is their only argument, fearmongering and playing on ignorant peoples emotions?


Sep 22, 2023
The calls for Biden to drop out after his dismal performance signals an end to his campaign. I dare not count him out. The POS won in Georgia AND helped two low life Democrats to get elected in the Senate. A lot of credit for the flipping of the U.S. Senators from Georgia does go to Trump, but that is irrelevant.

Biden is investing heavily in Georgia and the tv commercials aren't very flattering of Trump. If Biden does leave the race early, the commercials attacking Trump will have a lasting impact so that someone Trump isn't prepared for could come out stronger than anyone expects.

Dems have the soccer mom vote, the undocumented foreigner vote, LGBTQP vote (for the most part) not to mention the pro-abortion and anti-gun bloc. Now would be a good time for Trump to step up to the plate.

MAGA supporters refuse to pull their heads out of their ass and hold the man accountable on issues of importance. Trump sold his supporters out on abortion, gun control, the COVID shot and insists on giving the Israelis anything they want from toothpicks to inter-continental ballistic missiles. He claims to be a nationalist. Maybe he meant an Israeli nationalist.

If those with Trump Worship Syndrome don't wake up and accept the reality of the anti-American activities Trump has engaged in, they may find themselves with a strong Democrat replacing Lying Biden and Trump without a well defined agenda that gets him another term. For me, getting rid of Biden simply isn't enough. The Democrats cannot field a single candidate that I would consider under any circumstances.

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
Biden is investing heavily in Georgia and the tv commercials aren't very flattering of Trump. If Biden does leave the race early, the commercials attacking Trump will have a lasting impact so that someone Trump isn't prepared for could come out stronger than anyone expects.
And who exactly would that be? Who do the dems have that's worth a shit?


Sep 22, 2023
And who exactly would that be? Who do the dems have that's worth a shit?
The Democrats don't have a swinging soul that is worth pissing on. But, the tv commercials and the controlled news media have indicted and convicted Trump on a whole host of wrongs - some allegedly criminal and others just "wrongs" that piss snowflakes off. the problem is, Joe, there are one Hell of a lot of snowflakes that don't know shit from shinola and believe what the controlled news and left wing commercials spew.

You know what happens when a candidate ignores the legitimate criticisms and refuses to address them when asked by their constituency? They end up losing. There is an old saying: It's easier to believe a lie told a thousand times than a simple truth never heard before. Biden continues to LIE about January 6 and the media is backing him up. The masses don't know about the facts and that the blame falls on Nancy Pelosi. A mediocre Democrat wouldn't have to overcome the incessant bullshit that is being spewed by that event to be perceived as a better candidate. Joe, not everybody spends their life on social media or seeks out all sides to an issue. For that matter, those that DO live on social media only want to consider information that vindicates and / or validates their own preconceived notions.

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
The Democrats don't have a swinging soul that is worth pissing on. But, the tv commercials and the controlled news media have indicted and convicted Trump on a whole host of wrongs
Yet he's more popular than ever.

some allegedly criminal and others just "wrongs" that piss snowflakes off. the problem is, Joe, there are one Hell of a lot of snowflakes that don't know shit from shinola and believe what the controlled news and left wing commercials spew.
Granted, but more are seeing the truth everyday.

You know what happens when a candidate ignores the legitimate criticisms and refuses to address them when asked by their constituency? They end up losing. There is an old saying: It's easier to believe a lie told a thousand times than a simple truth never heard before. Biden continues to LIE about January 6 and the media is backing him up.
The Jan 6th narrative is falling apart.

The masses don't know about the facts and that the blame falls on Nancy Pelosi.
More and more are seeing that truth everyday, too.

A mediocre Democrat wouldn't have to overcome the incessant bullshit that is being spewed by that event to be perceived as a better candidate. Joe, not everybody spends their life on social media or seeks out all sides to an issue. For that matter, those that DO live on social media only want to consider information that vindicates and / or validates their own preconceived notions.
Again, who would that democrat even be?

Can't be Grusome Newsome, at least not with Kackles on the ticket too. Potus and veep can't be from the same State.

Michael Obozo can't be on it with Kackles either, as there's no way they'll win with two women.

Whitmer? Same as with Michael Obozo. No way gonna win with two women.

If they drop Kackles too, that's gonna piss off a substantial number of their base.

So who they gonna get? I think they are stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Now had they been honest about the bidet, and allowed an actual un-rigged dem Primary, they might have had a viable candidate right now.


Sep 22, 2023
Yet he's more popular than ever.

Granted, but more are seeing the truth everyday.

The Jan 6th narrative is falling apart.

More and more are seeing that truth everyday, too.

Again, who would that democrat even be?

Can't be Grusome Newsome, at least not with Kackles on the ticket too. Potus and veep can't be from the same State.

Michael Obozo can't be on it with Kackles either, as there's no way they'll win with two women.

Whitmer? Same as with Michael Obozo. No way gonna win with two women.

If they drop Kackles too, that's gonna piss off a substantial number of their base.

So who they gonna get? I think they are stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Now had they been honest about the bidet, and allowed an actual un-rigged dem Primary, they might have had a viable candidate right now.

The voting public is fickle. Biden was gaining in the polls until the debate. Today Trump has a single issue. Without his constituency holding him accountable for selling them out, Trump feels invincible. What will you do if the Dems pull someone you don't expect or a ticket that you haven't considered? I've managed campaigns where people actually got elected up to the state level. I've held office once. One thing you should never do is underestimate the other side.

The Democrats have a legitimate criticism of Trump. He doesn't have a plan. During the debate if Trump had a plan, he would have outlined it. Instead, he wanted to argue with Biden and keep using his time to point out their philosophical differences. He could have addressed those with his closing statements.

The sheeple don't seem to be able to accept reality on this. Trump fucked the constitutionalists. Can you understand that? Here's a man that claims to be a nationalist yet the Israelis benefitted more from Trump than his constituents. And, when it comes to understanding the Bill of Rights, Trump proved to be the dumbest son of a bitch that ever held public office. His own supporters spent MULTI-MILLIONS of dollars having his unconstitutional policies overturned. Everybody has their litmus test. When a politician votes against unalienable Rights, they lose my support. That doesn't mean I'm for his opposition; I'm merely telling his supporters to get him on the right page IF he wants the support of all the gun owners.
Aside from that, if you look at what's happening in the UK, the Conservatives are losing their ass when just a few years ago they were sweeping the elections. The right in America is making the same mistakes. There will be an election after Trump unless we have a major internal civil war. As it stands, the right in this country has NO PLAN for the future. Nor do they, just like you, care to discuss one. It's easier to flame those who are challenging the right than to have a civil discourse. It's easier for the right to side with outright Leninists and Marxists than to admit that their savior, Donald Trump, is NOT God. How many times have YOU made that mistake? There is life after Trump. I can only suggest that you find out what his plan is. You might squeak by and win this election without addressing the hard issues. What do you do afterward? Watch to see how they take it in the UK.

Liquid Reigns

Oct 31, 2023
The voting public is fickle. Biden was gaining in the polls until the debate. Today Trump has a single issue. Without his constituency holding him accountable for selling them out, Trump feels invincible. What will you do if the Dems pull someone you don't expect or a ticket that you haven't considered? I've managed campaigns where people actually got elected up to the state level. I've held office once. One thing you should never do is underestimate the other side.

The Democrats have a legitimate criticism of Trump. He doesn't have a plan. During the debate if Trump had a plan, he would have outlined it. Instead, he wanted to argue with Biden and keep using his time to point out their philosophical differences. He could have addressed those with his closing statements.

The sheeple don't seem to be able to accept reality on this. Trump fucked the constitutionalists. Can you understand that? Here's a man that claims to be a nationalist yet the Israelis benefitted more from Trump than his constituents. And, when it comes to understanding the Bill of Rights, Trump proved to be the dumbest son of a bitch that ever held public office. His own supporters spent MULTI-MILLIONS of dollars having his unconstitutional policies overturned. Everybody has their litmus test. When a politician votes against unalienable Rights, they lose my support. That doesn't mean I'm for his opposition; I'm merely telling his supporters to get him on the right page IF he wants the support of all the gun owners.
Aside from that, if you look at what's happening in the UK, the Conservatives are losing their ass when just a few years ago they were sweeping the elections. The right in America is making the same mistakes. There will be an election after Trump unless we have a major internal civil war. As it stands, the right in this country has NO PLAN for the future. Nor do they, just like you, care to discuss one. It's easier to flame those who are challenging the right than to have a civil discourse. It's easier for the right to side with outright Leninists and Marxists than to admit that their savior, Donald Trump, is NOT God. How many times have YOU made that mistake? There is life after Trump. I can only suggest that you find out what his plan is. You might squeak by and win this election without addressing the hard issues. What do you do afterward? Watch to see how they take it in the UK.
Biden wasn't gaining in the poles before the debate. Trump was, Biden had a slim lead in some poles, but Trump was the one who was gaining. After the debate, Trump was leading in most poles with one or two having them tied.

The Dems have very little they can do right now to replace Biden, their best case scenario would be Biden drops out and that Kamala becomes the nominee automatically. Remember, Biden had the DNC cancel any debates for the Democrat challengers, they all dropped out. Kamala then would have to hurry and pick a VP, but no other candidates have a chance due to rules in place.

You never managed any campaign for anybody, you were a chair person, 1 of 2, for your county on someone else's campaign. You got the job through your buddy in his local county position that you weren't elected to, and your duties were limited.

Trump does have a plan, you simply don't like it. The one that can't accept reality appears to be you. Constitutionalists? What you claim to be? Most Constitutionalists scoff at your inanity. I bet you don't understand the Bill of Rights yourself, I'll prove it. You think the 2A is an "unalienable right", it's not. It is a pre-existing right that pre-dates the US Constitution and dates back to the 1100's in England where the peasant's were required to posses a weapon according to their status, and in 1686 the English Bill of Rights allowed for more English to own and posses firearms. The only one that looks to be the "dumbest son-of-a-bitch" looks to be you.

Who are you to tell anybody to get anybody "on the right page"? Trump has the support of the overwhelming majority of "gun owners".

The Conservatives in England are members of the Torie Party, the other party is the Labour Party. The Conservatives are nothing more than a faction within the Torie Party. Here's a link that will explain it to you.

You want to discuss a future plan, one that is your plan based on your incorrect understandings of our founding documents. SMFH

Name one person that claims Trump is God. I'll wait.....
Who on the right has sided with Marxists and Leninists? Do you even know who those guys were? Do you even understand their ideals? That's right, you think taxes are Marxist in nature and that had you been on the team for Cheek, you would have won that case. LMFAO

Again, the UK Conservatives are not what you think they are, might I suggest you do basic research on the matter. I'm also willing to bet you have never been off the US Continent. The only other country you may have ever gone to was Mexico. You have no clue about world politics.
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SCAR Cawk Connoisseur
Apr 13, 2021
The voting public is fickle. Biden was gaining in the polls until the debate. Today Trump has a single issue. Without his constituency holding him accountable for selling them out, Trump feels invincible. What will you do if the Dems pull someone you don't expect or a ticket that you haven't considered? I've managed campaigns where people actually got elected up to the state level. I've held office once. One thing you should never do is underestimate the other side.

The Democrats have a legitimate criticism of Trump. He doesn't have a plan. During the debate if Trump had a plan, he would have outlined it. Instead, he wanted to argue with Biden and keep using his time to point out their philosophical differences. He could have addressed those with his closing statements.

The sheeple don't seem to be able to accept reality on this. Trump fucked the constitutionalists. Can you understand that? Here's a man that claims to be a nationalist yet the Israelis benefitted more from Trump than his constituents. And, when it comes to understanding the Bill of Rights, Trump proved to be the dumbest son of a bitch that ever held public office. His own supporters spent MULTI-MILLIONS of dollars having his unconstitutional policies overturned. Everybody has their litmus test. When a politician votes against unalienable Rights, they lose my support. That doesn't mean I'm for his opposition; I'm merely telling his supporters to get him on the right page IF he wants the support of all the gun owners.
Aside from that, if you look at what's happening in the UK, the Conservatives are losing their ass when just a few years ago they were sweeping the elections. The right in America is making the same mistakes. There will be an election after Trump unless we have a major internal civil war. As it stands, the right in this country has NO PLAN for the future. Nor do they, just like you, care to discuss one. It's easier to flame those who are challenging the right than to have a civil discourse. It's easier for the right to side with outright Leninists and Marxists than to admit that their savior, Donald Trump, is NOT God. How many times have YOU made that mistake? There is life after Trump. I can only suggest that you find out what his plan is. You might squeak by and win this election without addressing the hard issues. What do you do afterward? Watch to see how they take it in the UK.
Imagine being this retarded


Sep 22, 2023
Imagine being this retarded

Shaun, you are the guy that posts from an insane asylum. You protest and project too much. Save it. If you have no facts behind you, you're pissing in the wind and only proving you have Trump Worship Syndrome.


SCAR Cawk Connoisseur
Apr 13, 2021
Shaun, you are the guy that posts from an insane asylum. You protest and project too much. Save it. If you have no facts behind you, you're pissing in the wind and only proving you have Trump Worship Syndrome.
Ok Fed Boi faggot


Sep 22, 2023
Ok Fed Boi faggot

You're a worthless cocksucker and we both know it. The day you want to talk shit to my face is the day we find out who the REAL Fed boi faggot is... and rest assured, there isn't a swinging dick here that don't realize it is YOU.


Sep 22, 2023
Its about make america great again not trump,,,Maga is a movement not a single man.
MAGA will go on trump will pass.

Explain to me how you make America great by putting more money per capita in the Israelis than the American people. For that matter, why do you reward a people that have done more to destroy the American Republic than all the other forces attacking us combined?

How do we make America great when the best we can do is to support a man that turned on the people that put him in office?

Watch the videos, check out Trump in HIS OWN WORDS. Then get back to me.

How can we make America great again when the right has joined forces with the left to accept multiculturalism and try to prove to the world who the greatest negrophilist is? What ever happened to cultural integrity?

How can we make America great again when it was Tea Party Republicans that introduced the so - called "Patriot Act" and the National ID / REAL ID Act into Congress? Both bills were direct attacks on the Constitution AND were a net benefit to the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.

How do you make America great by allowing your elected representatives to not only endorse gun control, but to actively LOBBY for it?

How do you make America great by increasing the size, power and scope of government while taking away the personal Liberties of the people?

It's honest questions and legitimate criticisms. The gun lobby spent MILLIONS of dollars to fight the anti-gun policies that Trump put into place AND Trump set a precedent to show that the political right wouldn't do much to protect their interests at the polls. Luckily, a minority of pro-gun organizations have turned back the flood tide of unconstitutional policies that Trump showed the left that the right would almost stand still for. What, exactly, does the right stand for today? And would you agree that MAGA does not hold to the same principles as the founders and framers of the Constitution? Just asking.


SCAR Cawk Connoisseur
Apr 13, 2021
You're a worthless cocksucker and we both know it. The day you want to talk shit to my face is the day we find out who the REAL Fed boi faggot is... and rest assured, there isn't a swinging dick here that don't realize it is YOU.
Name the time and place


Sep 22, 2023
Name the time and place
There are plenty of empty warehouses which mean lots of empty parking lots with little to no traffic in the Duluth / Norcross area of Georgia. Insofar as time, I can accomodate you most any time. If you like I will go this coming week and scope one out.


SCAR Cawk Connoisseur
Apr 13, 2021
There are plenty of empty warehouses which mean lots of empty parking lots with little to no traffic in the Duluth / Norcross area of Georgia. Insofar as time, I can accomodate you most any time. If you like I will go this coming week and scope one out.
Nah tough guy. You can bring your ass to me.


Sep 22, 2023
Nah tough guy. You can bring your ass to me.
You're a fucking chickenshit coward. You told me to name the time and place. I did and just like the other twinkle toed communist cocksucker that played me for years, you are acting the same way. You Internet Keyboard Commandos post a lot of shit, but you can't back it up. If you're not a fairy, there ain't a cow in Texas.


SCAR Cawk Connoisseur
Apr 13, 2021
You're a fucking chickenshit coward. You told me to name the time and place. I did and just like the other twinkle toed communist cocksucker that played me for years, you are acting the same way. You Internet Keyboard Commandos post a lot of shit, but you can't back it up. If you're not a fairy, there ain't a cow in Texas.
Temper temper. We know you’re going to pop the sems in your panties


Sep 22, 2023
Temper temper. We know you’re going to pop the sems in your panties
I'm only going to say this once:

The right wing wasn't satisfied until they endorsed the so - called "Patriot Act." As someone from the REAL right (at that time), I became the target of that bill. I survived death threats and attempts to flip me by the FBI so not only am I NOT a fed, but no one with an ounce of decency would even joke with me about that shit. Until you've actually had your ass on the line and had to fight those sons of bitches, it's all entertainment to you.

I accept your concession of defeat realizing that you will have to keep flaming in the vain hopes of trying to make yourself look good. You told me to name a time and a place. You found out I'm the real deal, so you should have the common sense to figure out there is time for decent people to cut their losses and not fuck with those who have actually been IN the fight. I'm sensing that even after you backed down, you won't have the integrity it takes to walk away and leave it alone.

Liquid Reigns

Oct 31, 2023
I'm only going to say this once:

The right wing wasn't satisfied until they endorsed the so - called "Patriot Act." As someone from the REAL right (at that time), I became the target of that bill. I survived death threats and attempts to flip me by the FBI so not only am I NOT a fed, but no one with an ounce of decency would even joke with me about that shit. Until you've actually had your ass on the line and had to fight those sons of bitches, it's all entertainment to you.

I accept your concession of defeat realizing that you will have to keep flaming in the vain hopes of trying to make yourself look good. You told me to name a time and a place. You found out I'm the real deal, so you should have the common sense to figure out there is time for decent people to cut their losses and not fuck with those who have actually been IN the fight. I'm sensing that even after you backed down, you won't have the integrity it takes to walk away and leave it alone.
Linked here:

Seems that GBI had a concern, its just that one agent got over zealous by calling your boss and you got fired from a new job working at a gun store.

Doesn't seem like your "ass" was on any line at any time. imjusayn


SCAR Cawk Connoisseur
Apr 13, 2021
I'm only going to say this once:

The right wing wasn't satisfied until they endorsed the so - called "Patriot Act." As someone from the REAL right (at that time), I became the target of that bill. I survived death threats and attempts to flip me by the FBI so not only am I NOT a fed, but no one with an ounce of decency would even joke with me about that shit. Until you've actually had your ass on the line and had to fight those sons of bitches, it's all entertainment to you.

I accept your concession of defeat realizing that you will have to keep flaming in the vain hopes of trying to make yourself look good. You told me to name a time and a place. You found out I'm the real deal, so you should have the common sense to figure out there is time for decent people to cut their losses and not fuck with those who have actually been IN the fight. I'm sensing that even after you backed down, you won't have the integrity it takes to walk away and leave it alone.
Have you ever killed a man?

You’ve never been in the fight. You’re some feckless pussy that espouses ridiculous diatribes on a message board.

Let me make myself perfectly clear.

I would harvest your fucking soul and eat it in front of you.

I am not driving to Jawja for some lowlife piece of shit. Ever near DC hit me up. Otherwise, shit the fuck up or I will skull fuck you and your pathetic excuse of a hick family.


Sep 22, 2023
Have you ever killed a man?

You’ve never been in the fight. You’re some feckless pussy that espouses ridiculous diatribes on a message board.

Let me make myself perfectly clear.

I would harvest your fucking soul and eat it in front of you.

I am not driving to Jawja for some lowlife piece of shit. Ever near DC hit me up. Otherwise, shit the fuck up or I will skull fuck you and your pathetic excuse of a hick family.
Shaun, I've been in more fights than you've been to bed with women. You called me out; I took the challenge. You tapped out. The rest of your bullshit only serves to impress keyboard commandos that are too chickenshit to stand up after they've called a man out.


Sep 22, 2023
This thread was supposed to be about the Trump - Biden debate. The moment I criticized Trump, the thread becomes about me. A few hours ago, in addition to the now discredited Shaun52, I was alerted to my ever-present stalker. Normally I wouldn't respond, but I am not going to take the son of a bitch (whoever she is) off ignore. I no longer read the threads at resisters regarding that fucking idiot. But, what I can do in response is to give you some information about her since she likes to dox me at every opportunity:

It is apparent that the dumb ass doesn't know who I am as I've had to have my name changed six times since I was 14 and three of those times was due to the mother fucker known as Liquid Reigns stalking me. She can't tell you anything save of a couple of guesses from old newspapers. If she knew who I was, she could tell you which newspaper whose editor once said I was "the most quoted man in Georgia" at the time.

I was asked a question by another poster here that I didn't answer. Let me give you an answer. I have $3500 in a bank account that is for the sole purpose of learning the name of my stalker. Provide me that information, then ask me the question again.

Liquid Reigns

Oct 31, 2023
This thread was supposed to be about the Trump - Biden debate. The moment I criticized Trump, the thread becomes about me. A few hours ago, in addition to the now discredited Shaun52, I was alerted to my ever-present stalker. Normally I wouldn't respond, but I am not going to take the son of a bitch (whoever she is) off ignore. I no longer read the threads at resisters regarding that fucking idiot. But, what I can do in response is to give you some information about her since she likes to dox me at every opportunity:

It is apparent that the dumb ass doesn't know who I am as I've had to have my name changed six times since I was 14 and three of those times was due to the mother fucker known as Liquid Reigns stalking me. She can't tell you anything save of a couple of guesses from old newspapers. If she knew who I was, she could tell you which newspaper whose editor once said I was "the most quoted man in Georgia" at the time.

I was asked a question by another poster here that I didn't answer. Let me give you an answer. I have $3500 in a bank account that is for the sole purpose of learning the name of my stalker. Provide me that information, then ask me the question again.
Send me the money via Carrier Pigeon so I can eat it to keep my identity secret, and ill post the name. Cash only.

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Apr 20, 2024
MAGA life!! If your not voting for TRUMP,,Then who??
One party wants communism and the other party wants as much freedom as they can get. What do you want?? I choose freedom.


SCAR Cawk Connoisseur
Apr 13, 2021
Shaun, I've been in more fights than you've been to bed with women. You called me out; I took the challenge. You tapped out. The rest of your bullshit only serves to impress keyboard commandos that are too chickenshit to stand up after they've called a man out.

You have called everyone out. So who exactly is the keyboard warrior?

I’ve been in more fights than you? Ummm how exactly do you know that? That’s like a retarded Lib claiming to be more intelligent than someone in an argument because they have a Bachelor's of Art degree.

I poke fun at you because you’re a retard and no one here likes you. You’re just like the rest of the lurkers around here trying to get your point across thinking you are holier than everyone else and nobody sees the light except you.

I pity people like you. You’re nothing. Even if I was to drive all the way to Georgia you’d never show up. So just stop. Go back to your retarded claims Nostradamus and enjoy talking to yourself ITT.

Otherwise, fuck off and do us all a favor and suck start a pistol.
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