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Trump Biden Debate


Sep 22, 2023
He is a communist wanna-be though, and as such don't care if America dies. He's a party over nation kind of guy.

Neither Trump nor Biden are loyal to the Constitution. The best we could have hoped for was to call Trump out on his double dealing, flip flopping and blaming. If the people stood together and demanded something for their vote, we might have gotten some concessions.

Instead, the Trump supporters allow him to walk back issues that allow him to compromise when he doesn't have to. The people aren't voting for Trump out of agreement with his policies; they are voting for him out of desperation. Trump realizes that so he's more than happy to be the dictator that the sheeple demand.


Mar 12, 2024
I don't like the whole flip flopping argument. That essentially says you don't learn from your mistakes or adapt to new information for whoever is trying to make the argument.

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
Neither Trump nor Biden are loyal to the Constitution.
Trump is far more loyal to it than the bidet is.
I don't like the whole flip flopping argument. That essentially says you don't learn from your mistakes or adapt to new information for whoever is trying to make the argument.
Exactly. Who tf still has the exact same views on all things as they did when they were younger? Especially so when much younger?

Liquid Reigns

Oct 31, 2023
There has not been a President of the United States whose policies or executive orders have never been challenged. Throughout American history, every president has faced challenges to their policies or executive actions, whether through legal battles, political opposition, public dissent, or judicial review.

The nature of the U.S. political system, with its checks and balances, separation of powers, and vibrant civil society, ensures that presidential actions are subject to scrutiny and contestation. This dynamic is a fundamental aspect of American democracy, promoting accountability and preventing the concentration of power.

Liquid Reigns

Oct 31, 2023
Neither Trump nor Biden are loyal to the Constitution. The best we could have hoped for was to call Trump out on his double dealing, flip flopping and blaming. If the people stood together and demanded something for their vote, we might have gotten some concessions.

Instead, the Trump supporters allow him to walk back issues that allow him to compromise when he doesn't have to. The people aren't voting for Trump out of agreement with his policies; they are voting for him out of desperation. Trump realizes that so he's more than happy to be the dictator that the sheeple demand.
Lets go through your inept claims.

Claim: "Neither Trump nor Biden are loyal to the Constitution."

Already addressed above. But wait, there's more. This statement is a sweeping generalization that lacks specifics. Loyalty to the Constitution can be demonstrated in various ways, including adherence to its principles, respect for the rule of law, and support for constitutional amendments and interpretations. Both Trump and Biden have taken actions and made statements that they claim support constitutional principles, though these actions are subject to interpretation and debate. A more nuanced approach would consider specific instances where each candidate's actions either aligned with or diverged from constitutional principles.

Claim: "Trump realizes that so he's more than happy to be the dictator that the sheeple demand."

This is an ad hominem and appeal to motive argument. This statement attacks Trump’s character by labeling him a "dictator" and his supporters as "sheeple," which is implying a blind and irrational following. The Resister fails to quote the actual policies or actions of Trump he thinks makes Trump a Dictator.

Claim: "The people aren't voting for Trump out of agreement with his policies; they are voting for him out of desperation."

This is a false dichotomy argument suggesting that voters can either support Trump’s policies or vote out of desperation, with no other motivations possible. In reality, voters may support a candidate for a variety of reasons, including agreement with some policies, party loyalty, dissatisfaction with the alternative, or a belief in the candidate's leadership qualities. Recognizing this complexity provides a more accurate understanding of voter behavior.

Claim: "If the people stood together and demanded something for their vote, we might have gotten some concessions."

Nothing like assumptions without evidence. This statement assumes that a unified demand from the electorate would necessarily lead to concessions from political leaders. While collective action can influence political decisions, this outcome is not guaranteed. Political dynamics are complex, and leaders may or may not respond to voter demands based on various factors, including their own political strategy, principles, and pressures from other interest groups. There is no perfect candidate.

Claim: "Instead, the Trump supporters allow him to walk back issues that allow him to compromise when he doesn't have to."

This critique of Trump supporters implies that they should hold him more accountable. While holding political leaders accountable is important, it’s also essential to recognize the context in which compromises are made. Political leadership often involves negotiation and compromise to achieve broader goals or to function within a divided government. Evaluating these compromises requires an understanding of the broader political context and the specific issues at stake. It's not always the other party wanting compromise to vote for a particular bill.
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Liquid Reigns

Oct 31, 2023
Neither Trump nor Biden are loyal to the Constitution. The best we could have hoped for was to call Trump out on his double dealing, flip flopping and blaming. If the people stood together and demanded something for their vote, we might have gotten some concessions.

Instead, the Trump supporters allow him to walk back issues that allow him to compromise when he doesn't have to. The people aren't voting for Trump out of agreement with his policies; they are voting for him out of desperation. Trump realizes that so he's more than happy to be the dictator that the sheeple demand.
So what exactly has made Trump a Dictator or what will make him be one the "sheeple" demand? I see CNN and MSNBC and the resister (I wonder why he always espouses the Democratic Parties Kool-Aid) exclaiming this word, yet none of them can actually define what it was, or what Trump will do, to label him an actual Dictator. Do they simply not understand the definition of the actual word? Do they not understand how our system of governance actually works with checks and balances? Or is their only argument, fearmongering and playing on ignorant peoples emotions?
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Jan 9, 2021
So what exactly has made Trump a Dictator or what will make him be one the "sheeple" demand? I see CNN and MSNBC and the resister (I wonder why he always espouses the Democratic Parties Kool-Aid) exclaiming this word, yet none of them can actually define what it was, or what Trump will do, to label him an actual Dictator. Do they simply not understand the definition of the actual word? Do they not understand how our system of governance actually works with checks and balances? Or is their only argument, fearmongering and playing on ignorant peoples emotions?


Sep 22, 2023
The calls for Biden to drop out after his dismal performance signals an end to his campaign. I dare not count him out. The POS won in Georgia AND helped two low life Democrats to get elected in the Senate. A lot of credit for the flipping of the U.S. Senators from Georgia does go to Trump, but that is irrelevant.

Biden is investing heavily in Georgia and the tv commercials aren't very flattering of Trump. If Biden does leave the race early, the commercials attacking Trump will have a lasting impact so that someone Trump isn't prepared for could come out stronger than anyone expects.

Dems have the soccer mom vote, the undocumented foreigner vote, LGBTQP vote (for the most part) not to mention the pro-abortion and anti-gun bloc. Now would be a good time for Trump to step up to the plate.

MAGA supporters refuse to pull their heads out of their ass and hold the man accountable on issues of importance. Trump sold his supporters out on abortion, gun control, the COVID shot and insists on giving the Israelis anything they want from toothpicks to inter-continental ballistic missiles. He claims to be a nationalist. Maybe he meant an Israeli nationalist.

If those with Trump Worship Syndrome don't wake up and accept the reality of the anti-American activities Trump has engaged in, they may find themselves with a strong Democrat replacing Lying Biden and Trump without a well defined agenda that gets him another term. For me, getting rid of Biden simply isn't enough. The Democrats cannot field a single candidate that I would consider under any circumstances.

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
Biden is investing heavily in Georgia and the tv commercials aren't very flattering of Trump. If Biden does leave the race early, the commercials attacking Trump will have a lasting impact so that someone Trump isn't prepared for could come out stronger than anyone expects.
And who exactly would that be? Who do the dems have that's worth a shit?

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