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Today’s tyranny reminds us all how important it is

Rube Reaper

Nov 15, 2021
To help women who need an abortion with funding, transportation, and anything else they might need to exercise their basic human rights and to rid the world of the GOP!

The GOP being the party of radical terrorists has never been more clear than in the last 72 hours.

Rube Reaper

Nov 15, 2021
So how are unhatched eggs babies?
They aren’t.

Eggs aren’t protected because they aren’t babies. They are protected because they can become a member of the adult species if we as humans decide that is their future. If the adult species is endangered then it becomes a moral obligation that the eggs should be protected at all costs.

The day humans become an endangered species that analogy might make sense.


Jan 15, 2021
To help women who need an abortion with funding, transportation, and anything else they might need to exercise their basic human rights and to rid the world of the GOP!

The GOP being the party of radical terrorists has never been more clear than in the last 72 hours.
Donald Trump just shoved baby killing up your ass.

I want you to visualize Donnie 9 inch smirking about it.

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