The Queen of England has just died

I dont get the fascination? We fought against a monarchy and now we are upset that they are dying. Honestly the best thing she has ever done was co star in Naked Gun.

It's true.


Any cliffs on why some in here are saying she's no good?
Something remarkable occurs when actually putting in the effort to do one's own research.

*Ignorance dissipates as one wilfully seeks to become informed.

Surely at least you'd be somewhat aware of Epstein & things he was doing, right?

Do ya reckon he was/is "good"?

Coz it's the same ghastly shit the "Queen" and other "royals" are into,...just like Clinton.

There are two dedicated threads, i'm aware of, on TFSF which are full of pertinent information related to this aggressively covered up horror.
Any cliffs on why some in here are saying she's no good?
⚠️Of course, the Google thought police ain't gonna show ya this, and the mainstream "fact checkers" claim all sorts of utterly retarded shit to deny this.
*Don't take my word,...or that of the slimey mainstream spastics.
Research for yourself.
Make your own conclusions.

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